It announces itself by a painful burning sensation when urinating and quickly develops into a serious impairment of the general condition: the Cystitis. Treatment with home remedies is particularly promising in the early stages: those who react in good time often get by without taking antibiotics.
What helps against cystitis?
A bladder infection occurs when the lining of the bladder is colonized with pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. Because of their shorter urethra, women are affected much more often than men.
The disease is favored by hypothermia, mechanical irritation, too little drinking and an excess of caffeine or alcohol. As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is therefore important to consistently increase the fluid intake and avoid all kinds of irritants. Warm herbal teas with diuretic and disinfecting ingredients are particularly recommended.
A pinch of baking soda should be added to the drinks three times a day to create an alkaline environment. As a support, it is worthwhile to rely on an alkaline diet with lots of rice and vegetables and to reduce the consumption of meat and sausage. If it is possible to reduce the acidity of the urine in this way, most pathogens have little chance of survival.
In addition, the bladder and kidney regions as well as the feet must be kept warm: Sitz baths, hot water bottles and wool socks ensure good blood circulation in the bladder mucosa, which means that the body's immune defense works at full speed. In any case, treatment should be continued for a few days after the acute symptoms have subsided in order to ensure complete healing.
Since bladder infections can quickly become chronic, those affected should make sure to avoid hypothermia and ensure adequate hydration even after the symptoms have subsided.
Quick help
Treatment for cystitis should begin when symptoms appear. If the inflammation has already risen to the renal pelvis, if there is blood in the urine or if a fever occurs, it is usually too late for a cure with home remedies:
In these cases a doctor should be consulted. If you want to avoid taking antibiotics, you have to act quickly from the first time you burn. A few hours may be decisive here. Above all, kidney-bladder tea mixtures, the composition of which is precisely tailored to the symptoms, promise quick help. Appropriate preparations are available in pharmacies, drugstores or supermarkets and should not be missing in any household.
For quick success, the amount is most important: it should be at least three liters per day to ensure sufficient flushing of the urinary tract. In addition to this most important immediate measure, reducing everyday stress also helps the immune system fight the disease: A few hours of bed rest and a hot water bottle support the healing properties of the herbs and slow down the further spread of the pathogens.
Alternative remedies
The choice of alternative cystitis remedies is wide. Particularly noteworthy are herbs with an antispasmodic, disinfectant and diuretic effect. These include field horsetail, birch leaves, nettle, goldenrod and many others, which are also found in varying compositions in common kidney bladder teas. Bearberry leaves have a special position in the treatment of cystitis: their disinfecting effect makes them a natural antibiotic, which is why they are also available in the form of coated tablets.
Colloidal silver, which is taken in the form of silver water and is one of the best alternative remedies of all, has a similar antibacterial effect. In contrast to antibiotics, it does not lead to the development of resistance, so it is particularly suitable for the repeated treatment of chronic bladder infections. Pumpkin seeds also have a general strengthening effect on the bladder and are not only recommended as a nutritious snack for bladder patients.
Drinking cranberry juice, which is available in pharmacies, also has a positive effect. Taken daily as a preventive measure, it helps in the cold season to prevent the development of bladder infections. Homeopathy also knows remedies for bladder problems: Cantharis, Arnica montana or Nux vomica in particular bring long-term relief to the often persistent condition.