The human body is constantly shedding old, dead skin cells. If hundreds or even thousands of these particles hang together, they become visible to the naked eye as scales. Often a disease or simply predisposition is responsible for the excessive number Dandruff form.
What helps against dandruff?
If a fungal disease on the scalp is responsible for the dandruff, this can be recognized by comparatively large, slightly damp and sometimes sticky dandruff. In this case, washing your hair more often with a special anti-fungal shampoo from the pharmacy helps.
This is supposed to deprive the yeast of its livelihood. The antifungal substances ketoconazole and bifonazole are found in most dandruff shampoos. In order to be able to develop its full effect, the shampoo should act for at least 5 minutes. So that the hair does not become greasy too quickly, it is brushed thoroughly before washing and, if possible, air-dried after washing.
If the dandruff is smaller, drier and trickling, a dry scalp is often responsible, which may come from the wrong care products or the skin type that is born with it. If the dandruff is caused by overuse by washing your hair too often, the hair should be washed less often and, if so, then with a product that is tailored to dry skin and hair.
In contrast to the infestation with sticky dandruff, the exposure time of the shampoo should be kept as short as possible in the case of dry dandruff, in order not to unnecessarily burden the scalp. Water that is too hot or a hair dryer that is too hot should also be avoided. Special dandruff shampoos should always be used, especially if you wash your hair frequently. Those who have tinted hair are usually less likely to use it, because dandruff shampoos often have a decolorizing effect. We recommend washing your hair with egg yolk and rinsing with birch water as an alternative.
Quick help
The date is imminent and the scales are falling - now quick help is needed. In any case, the hair should be thoroughly brushed out shortly before washing, as this removes a large number of dead skin cells. An oil mask on your hair would take too long and make your hair greasy. It is therefore better to use a yogurt mask instead. The natural yoghurt is simply massaged into the scalp and only needs a few minutes to take effect.
The longer the hair is rinsed, the more residue is washed out. The temperature during hair care should only be lukewarm, never hot. This applies to both the water and the subsequent hair dryer.
Cosmetic products such as hairspray or similar should be avoided as much as possible, because even an undetected allergy to the ingredients of these products can promote dandruff. The shampoo normally used can also contain allergenic substances. Switching to a different product or brand can quickly bring clarity. The least risky are gentle baby shampoos.
Alternative remedies
A mixture of egg yolk and lemon juice is applied and the hair is washed as usual. The lemon juice also lets the hair shine nicely. Birch water, tea tree oil or burdock seed oil have proven to be particularly effective rinses for dandruff.
Nettle tea or chamomile tea are recommended for homemade rinses. Stinging nettles cooked in fruit vinegar and strained make an effective hair tonic against dandruff. Olive oil soothes the scalp and ensures that the itching subsides. Let it sit for a while before washing it off.
The regularity of grooming habits will sooner or later reduce the dandruff problem. Proper nutrition can also play a role, as dandruff can also be a result of zinc deficiency. Zinc-containing foods such as whole grain products, fish and oatmeal on the menu counteract this in the long term.
An observation of the daily environmental conditions can also provide information about the origin of the scales. For example, anyone who finds that they are mainly affected in winter can check whether the air is too dry, the air conditioning system or hats that are worn too tightly are related to the disease. Careful observation of one's own habits and the environment is important, because only those who know the reasons for dandruff can effectively counteract it.