If the origin of the pituitary tumor is on the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, it is called a Pituitary adenoma. The reason why such a tumor develops is unclear. However, the course of the disease is not life threatening.
What is a pituitary adenoma?
The doctor uses the term pituitary to refer to a hormonal gland that is just the size of a cherry. This hormone is connected to the brain by a relatively thin stem. The pituitary gland is the classic interface that connects the brain with the hormonal system and is therefore an essential factor in hormone regulation in the human body.
The pituitary does not contain any brain tissue, which is why the tumor does not fall under the brain tumor category. However, the treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon. The pituitary gland is divided into an anterior and posterior lobe, with the tumor mostly starting from the anterior lobe and thus a pituitary adenoma.
The tumor is relatively common; In almost every tenth autopsy, medical professionals discover the formation of a pituitary tumor that the patient did not notice during his lifetime. As a rule, people between the ages of 35 and 45 fall ill.
So far, doctors have not been able to find a cause why a pituitary adenoma develops. The fact is, however, that the tumor originates in the anterior lobes of the pituitary gland.
The cell does not develop normally, preventing the cell from growing, dividing, aging and dying. It is not known why a disorder occurs and then the tumor forms.
In some cases, however, a hereditary cause is sometimes a reason why the pituitary adenoma forms. Here the MEN-1 syndrome is often blamed, which has been proven to cause patients to develop a pituitary adenoma.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Since a pituitary adenoma usually grows slowly, the first symptoms can in some cases only be noticed after years. When and what signs of the disease appear depends primarily on the exact location of the tumor. First, there may be restrictions in the field of vision such as half-sided image.
Often there are other vision problems such as double vision or blurred vision. Most people have headaches around the forehead and eyes. In addition, the outer halves of the face often fall out. These complaints can change and occur in different intensities. The release of sex hormones can be disturbed.
Many patients notice a significant loss of libido even in the early stages of a pituitary adenoma. Men often have erectile dysfunction and women can experience menstrual disorders. You often notice a leak in milk without an existing pregnancy. In male patients, the breast grows and takes on a more feminine shape.
An increasing hormone deficiency can manifest itself in general exhaustion, freezing, low blood pressure or circulatory disorders. These complaints can lead to circulatory failure when stressed. If the pituitary adenoma is larger and untreated, general symptoms of a brain tumor such as water head, vomiting, nausea, or muscle paralysis occur. It can also lead to blindness in one or both eyes.
Diagnosis & course
The doctor determines - with the help of imaging procedures - whether it is a pituitary adenoma. Here he does an MRI - a magnetic resonance tomography - of the patient's head. For this purpose, the patient is given a specific contrast agent so that the doctor can clearly see on the images whether a tumor is present or not.
If the doctor is unsure, he can have a CT - computed tomography - done. Furthermore, various blood tests help so that the doctor can make sure that it is a pituitary adenoma. The hormone level is primarily of essential importance here. If the prolactin level is over 200 nanograms, the chance that it is a pituitary adenoma is relatively high.
A measurement of the growth hormone can sometimes be a confirmation that the patient is suffering from a corresponding tumor. Further diagnostic measures are also in the area of checking visual acuity. Many pituitary adenomas cause visual impairment, so it is advisable to monitor the patient's eyesight.
The disease itself does not lead to a life-threatening course. The pituitary adenoma grows relatively slowly, so that some people may have it, who do not experience any symptoms and ultimately only found at the autopsy that the patient had a pituitary adenoma. However, once the diagnosis has been made, treatment should definitely be initiated. If left untreated, a course cannot be precisely predicted.
Usually a pituitary adenoma is not a life-threatening symptom. Treatment is still required, however, and there are no complications. The pituitary adenoma causes a tumor that leads to the failure of various facial functions. The affected person can no longer control various areas and suffers from severe paralysis.
Visual disturbances can also occur, so that the patient suffers from blurred vision and double vision. Severe headaches also occur due to increased pressure in the brain. The patient feels sick and exhausted and the resilience drops extremely. Furthermore, it can lead to complete blindness or in the worst case to cardiac arrest. It is not uncommon for women to experience sexual disorders.
In most cases, in addition to physical complaints, depression or other psychological complaints also occur, which have a strong influence on the life of the patient and significantly reduce the quality of life. The removal of the tumor is usually only necessary if symptoms arise. There are no particular complications and the patient's life expectancy is not restricted.
When should you go to the doctor?
People who suddenly suffer from recurring visual disturbances, headaches or circulatory problems should consult a doctor. If the symptoms are caused by a pituitary adenoma, treatment must be initiated quickly. Early treatment can slow the growth of the adenoma and rule out complications. Women who have unusually severe menstrual cramps should speak to their gynecologist immediately.
Non-specific symptoms such as low blood pressure or freezing should also be clarified promptly. If a genetic defect such as MEN-1 syndrome was found in a previous examination, a pituitary adenoma can be assumed if the symptoms mentioned occur. Affected patients should consult a doctor on the same day. At the latest when complications such as severe visual disturbances or migraine attacks set in, a doctor's visit is indicated. In addition to the family doctor, a neurologist or internist can be called in. In the event of severe complaints, an emergency doctor should ideally be called, as there may be a serious complication which, if left untreated, can cause serious damage to health.
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Treatment & Therapy
Therapy is not always necessary after diagnosis. If the tumor is relatively small, it is sufficient for the doctor to check it regularly and check its growth. If the patient does not suffer from any symptoms, therapy is also not necessary.
However, if symptoms do occur, the doctor recommends surgery and removal of the tumor. Especially in the case of visual disturbances, it is advisable that the tumor be surgically removed. As a rule, it is removed through the nose. This is due to the very favorable positioning of the tumor. However, once the tumor has reached a large size, the roof of the skull must be opened. Complete removal is not always possible.
If there are still residues after the operation, these must be observed further (with the help of MRI examinations or a check of the hormone level). If the tumor changes in size, another operation can be performed. There is also the option of prescribing radiation therapy to combat it. However, this only occurs in the rarest of cases.
Since no causes are known as to why the pituitary adenoma forms, it is also not possible to say how the tumor can be prevented. However, medical professionals advise that people should avoid unnecessary radiation as well as chemicals. A varied and healthy diet, as well as avoiding alcohol and nicotine and exercising regularly (thus strengthening the immune system) are also good indications for preventing any tumor formation.
In the case of a pituitary adenoma, the person concerned should first and foremost see a doctor very quickly so that there are no further complications or further worsening of the symptoms. In the worst case, death of the person affected can occur if the pituitary adenoma is not treated. This disease cannot heal independently.
The focus is therefore on the early detection of the disease, although the follow-up measures are usually very limited. In most cases, the treatment is carried out with radiation therapy. Most patients are dependent on the help and support of their own family and friends in everyday life.
Furthermore, intensive and loving conversations are necessary to prevent or treat psychological upsets or depression in particular. If the pituitary adenoma is removed by surgery, the person affected should definitely rest after the operation and take care of their body. You should refrain from exertion or from stressful and physical activities. It cannot be universally predicted whether the pituitary adenoma will lead to a reduced life expectancy for the person affected.
You can do that yourself
The pituitary adenoma is one of the benign tumors and can be treated well in very many cases. For the patient, a positive outlook on life and the fundamental desire to conquer the disease are of great psychological help. As with many serious illnesses, the help of a therapist can also be used here to cope better.
The pituitary adenoma cannot be treated by the patient himself and requires constant medical supervision and control. It is very important that the patient builds a trusting relationship with his treating doctor and agrees to the therapy plan. Only then will the patient consistently carry out the part of the therapy that is incumbent on him and, for example, take his medication regularly and in the agreed dose. The patient can actively participate in his recovery by supporting and performing the necessary measures.
The patient can usually make everyday life easier by outsourcing things that are increasingly difficult for him or that are very stressful for him to other people. For example, domestic help can be used for a limited time. A healthy lifestyle generally promotes well-being. Regular light exercise in the fresh air promotes the immune system and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.