importance of values



We explain what values ​​are and why they are important to society. Also, what types of values ​​exist and how they are manifested.

When values ​​are shared by others, they create a sense of belonging.

How important are values?

We call values to the beginning ethical Y moral with whom we choose to guide our conduct in the different areas of life: personal, professional, emotional, and so on. They are the fundamental notions that serve as a guideline for the formulation of our goals, objectives and purposes, and also for the decision making.

Values ​​can be of different types: personal, collective, professional, organizational, ecological, and a long etcetera. Each one defines the perspective that is handled on vital, important, transcendental issues, in each of these fields of life.

Thus, the values ​​of each one (a person or one organization) are reflected in the kinds of actions you carry out in life, and when shared by others, they create a sense of affinity and membership which can be perfectly translated into the synergy and the sum of wills. The latter is something of great importance for the Business and organizations.

In summary, values ​​are important to society for the following:

  • They allow to guide human behavior on transcendental issues, such as what is good, bad, fair and unfair.
  • They promote the sense of community, to the extent that people with similar values ​​tend to group together, share tasks and act together.
  • At the same time, they allow opposition: people with different values ​​tend to confront each other and occupy opposite places.
  • They provide the job a transcendent sense, which links it to something beyond production itself and obtaining a salary.
  • They promote the empathy and the humanization of social relationships, to the extent that we can contemplate the values ​​of others.
  • They allow the mobilization of large sectors of society in the event of critical situations, such as helping the underprivileged in catastrophes and natural disasters.
  • They keep an organization on track, preventing it from losing its original mission to profit or success.
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