Under a Head and neck tumor one understands a malignant, i.e. a malignant disease of the mouth, nose or throat area. The typical symptoms are difficulty swallowing, hoarseness or a foreign body sensation, which occurs especially with a tumor in the oral cavity.
What is a head and neck tumor?
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A distinction is made here between many different tumors that can develop in the head or neck area. It depends on the tissue in which the head and neck tumor occurs first.
Carcinoma originally develops on the mucous membrane, which is the most common form of head and neck cancer. There are also the lymphomas from the lymphatic tissue and the sarcomas, which form in the connective tissue. The tumors can affect the entire mouth, throat, larynx, nose and sinuses.
According to statistics, around 11,000 people in Germany develop head and neck tumors every year, men are more often affected than women. A head and neck tumor usually does not appear until after the age of 60, but it is more and more common for younger people to be affected.
For one Head and neck tumor there can be various causes, but the excessive and long-term consumption of tobacco and alcohol is mostly related. Anyone who does not practice sufficient oral hygiene can also increase the risk.
Laryngeal cancer, for example, is much less common in non-smokers than in smokers. Chewing tobacco, on the other hand, increases the risk of a head and neck tumor in the oral mucosa. A tumor on the lip or tongue often affects pipe smokers. There is also a connection with hereditary factors in this form of cancer, as in all other forms of cancer.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Depending on which tissue structure is affected by the cancer, a head and neck tumor can cause different symptoms. Head and neck tumors around the mouth often lead to swelling, discoloration and ulcers on the oral mucosa. A characteristic sign of oral cancer is an increasing sensation of a foreign body, often associated with burning and itching. With increasing size, the growth can also reduce the mobility of the tongue and cause difficulty swallowing.
With salivary gland tumors, the mucous membrane swells and severe pain occurs. Throat cancer also causes difficulty swallowing. Possible accompanying symptoms of a tumor in the throat are hoarseness and problems with eating. In addition to hoarseness and a sore throat, a tumor in the larynx can lead to an uncomfortable scratchy throat.
Many sufferers also feel a strong foreign body sensation and have to cough constantly. Furthermore, breathing difficulties occur. If a head and neck tumor has already affected the lymph nodes, further symptoms can occur. In addition to the metastases themselves, which show up as coarse, less painful swellings, a general malaise occurs.
The symptoms and complaints that a head and neck tumor can cause vary greatly. The various forms have in common that they make it difficult to eat and, because of their location, are prone to inflammation and ulcers. The tumor itself increases in size over time and forms metastases in different parts of the body.
Diagnosis & course
The first step in diagnosis consists of a thorough questioning of the symptoms and a physical examination. For many people there is a Head and neck tumor already so visible, others require an endoscopy with tissue removal.
The exact size of the tumor must then be determined, which is important for the subsequent treatment. In addition, it must be clarified whether the head and neck tumor has already spread metastases (daughter tumors). An imaging procedure is also necessary, for example with the help of computer or magnetic resonance tomography.
The further course in patients with a head and neck cancer depends primarily on when the diagnosis is made. The smaller the head and neck tumor, the more likely it is to heal completely.
Head and neck cancer is a very serious disease. The quality of life of the patient is significantly reduced by this tumor and there are severe restrictions in everyday life. As a rule, patients have difficulty swallowing and hoarseness. A foreign body sensation also occurs in the throat.
As a result of these complaints, patients often consciously consume less food and fluids, which usually leads to dehydration and deficiency symptoms or even underweight. A sore throat will continue to occur and there may be severe swelling in the head area. Those affected continue to feel exhausted and sick. The tumor can also spread to other areas of the body and destroy other healthy tissue.
Head and neck cancer is usually treated with the help of surgery or radiation therapy. However, this does not always lead to a positive course of the disease. In many cases, life expectancy is reduced and the patient dies. Furthermore, psychological treatment is often necessary. There are no further complications. The earlier the tumor is detected, the greater the likelihood that the person will be completely cured.
When should you go to the doctor?
If pain and swelling around the mouth, or other signs of serious illness, are noticed, a doctor is recommended. A head and neck tumor usually manifests itself through clear symptoms. Discoloration or ulcers develop in the oral cavity, which must be clarified. Possible swallowing difficulties, prolonged hoarseness and a scratchy throat are also warning signs. People who notice any of these symptoms should speak to their family doctor.
This can diagnose or rule out a head and neck tumor and initiate further treatment. People who maintain poor oral hygiene or who already suffer from oral ulcers are particularly prone to developing a tumor. Therefore, patients with pre-existing conditions affecting the mouth, throat or lungs should see a doctor immediately if the symptoms are mentioned. If there is a head and neck tumor, a specialist must be consulted. Other contact points are the ENT doctor, the dentist or an internist. Children should be presented to a pediatrician or general practitioner if they have symptoms.
Treatment & Therapy
Therapy in patients with a Head and neck tumor depends particularly on the type of tumor and how far it has already grown. The general state of health is also not unimportant. The treatment is not only intended to fight cancer, but also to maintain the quality of life as much as possible.
If the head and neck tumor is still small, treatment (if possible) should only consist of an operation. The position and stage of the tumor are important here. If the tumor has already spread, the cervical lymph nodes are often also removed. Various laser therapies for removing the tumor are now also available. After an operation, chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy can be performed. With these treatment methods, too, the various tumor factors are again decisive.
Chemotherapy alone is only suggested for distant metastases or a neoplasm of a head and neck tumor. Another or complementary form of therapy is immunotherapy, in which antibodies against head and neck tumors are used. The antibodies block the binding sites for the growth factor on the malignant cells, which has a stimulating effect on the growth of the cell. In addition, the antibodies ensure that radiation or chemotherapy works better and thus shows greater success.
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There are no scientifically collected numbers of how many people develop head and neck cancer. Experts estimate that 50 out of 100,000 residents suffer from such a disease. At the time of diagnosis, most people are in the second half of life. Men get sick significantly more often than women.
The chances of recovery depend heavily on the progress and extent of the disease. Age also plays a role, as does the question of how well a patient responds to treatment. If a tumor is detected at an early stage, the comparatively best prospects for a cure arise. Small tumors without metastases are more likely to be recoverable.
The most common type of head and neck cancer is cancer of the larynx. It is noticeable that it occurs almost without exception in smokers. Regular nicotine consumption can therefore be seen as a risk factor. Therefore, if you continue to use a cigarette after a successful treatment, the likelihood of a new illness increases significantly. Some patients have to expect permanent restrictions after therapy. This can lead to speech impediments. The breathing function is sometimes impaired. Both of these factors mean that those affected can no longer work. Food intake also causes difficulties in some cases.
Head and neck cancer can best be prevented if at least the risk factors smoking and frequent alcohol consumption are avoided. Regular oral hygiene is also important, not just for preventing head and neck cancer. That quitting smoking is an effective method of prevention is made clear by the fact that cancer of the larynx is very rare in non-smokers. However, if you still consume alcohol more often or are a smoker, you should have regular check-ups carried out by your ear, nose and throat doctor.
In most cases, the direct follow-up measures for a head and neck tumor are very limited. The disease must first and foremost be recognized very early so that it does not worsen further. Without treatment, this tumor usually leads to a significantly reduced life expectancy and thus to a premature death of the person concerned.
Therefore, with a head and neck tumor, the patient should contact a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear. As a rule, those affected with this disease are dependent on the help and support of their own family and friends and acquaintances. In doing so, intensive and loving discussions with one's own family are often necessary in order to prevent psychological upsets or depression.
After the tumors have been removed, regular examinations and controls by a doctor are still necessary in order to identify and treat new tumors at an early stage. After chemotherapy, the person affected should definitely rest and take care of their body. You should refrain from exertion or from stressful and physical activities in order not to unnecessarily burden the body.
You can do that yourself
The possibilities for self-help are relatively limited in the case of a head and neck tumor. They also depend heavily on the severity and exact location of the tumor.
The swelling around the neck and head can be relieved with the help of cold treatments. In some cases, the difficulty swallowing can be reduced with the help of medication. If these complaints prevent the affected person from taking food and liquids independently, the help and care provided by their parents or relatives is very helpful. Good oral hygiene can also have a positive effect on these complaints. Frequent tooth brushing and using a mouthwash can prevent the disease in some cases. Furthermore, the person affected should refrain from consuming alcohol and cigarettes in order not to worsen the symptoms.
Since cancer usually also leads to psychological problems, discussions with closest friends and acquaintances are often very helpful in avoiding depression. Communication with other affected persons can also have a positive effect on the course of the disease and is highly recommended.