From one Noise deafness Young people are also increasingly affected. The noise-induced hearing loss caused by long-term exposure to noise is usually not curable.
What is noise-related hearing loss?
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The Noise deafness is also known as sensorineural hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss usually develops due to long-term exposure to high levels of sound. Noise-induced hearing loss as a chronic noise trauma must be differentiated from acute noise trauma, which can occur after a few minutes as a result of sudden loud noise levels.
In Germany, noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational diseases. People who work in traditional noise areas are particularly at risk of developing noise-related hearing loss; this includes, for example, activities in the metal industry, woodworking or activities on printing machines. Long-term exposure to noise from very loud music can also lead to noise-induced hearing loss.
It is often characteristic of noise-induced hearing loss that the hearing impairment is concentrated on certain frequencies while other frequencies are less affected. Noise-induced hearing loss is particularly important when a person is exposed to background noise (such as background music).
One is caused Noise deafness by impairing the oxygen supply to the hair cells in the ear due to long-term noise. Due to the lack of oxygen supply, the metabolism of the corresponding hair cells is disturbed in the case of noise-induced hearing loss.
As a result, an affected person experiences long-term hearing impairment. According to experts, the limit value above which long-term noise exposure can lead to noise-induced hearing loss is 85 dB on average. An exposure to noise at this level corresponds roughly to the exposure to noise emitted by a circular saw.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Acute noise-related hearing loss usually occurs immediately after exposure to strong noise.Depending on the cause, the symptoms can last for a few minutes to hours (e.g. after attending a loud rock concert) or days, weeks and months (after a blast). In general, acute noise-related hearing loss manifests itself as a slight to moderate decrease in hearing ability.
In addition, noticeable noises in the ears such as whistling and tinnitus occur. The symptoms usually go away on their own after a recovery period. Chronic noise-induced hearing loss develops slowly. At first, those affected only perceive the high tones worse, before the hearing loss also occurs in other frequency ranges.
Patients then have difficulty hearing background noise or distinguishing the voices of different people. This is often accompanied by background noises such as tinnitus. In the chronic form, permanent hearing problems are likely. However, if chronic noise-induced hearing loss is treated, the progression of the symptoms can be prevented.
In the best case scenario, targeted protection of the hearing can improve hearing ability. In children and adolescents, chronic noise-related hearing loss always has permanent consequences. Even in the acute form, permanent damage in the area of the ear canals is to be expected.
Diagnosis & course
Can be diagnosed a Noise deafness with the help of hearing tests; If there is noise-related hearing loss, this is usually indicated by the fact that those frequencies that have been most exposed to long-term noise exposure are particularly affected by hearing impairment. In addition, it speaks in favor of noise-induced hearing loss if a person affected has difficulty understanding language, especially when it is combined with background noise.
As a rule, noise-related hearing loss takes a creeping course and builds up over the years. Since noise-induced hearing loss mainly focuses on certain frequencies, those affected often do not initially perceive it as a hearing loss. In the course of noise-related hearing loss, noises in the ears can also be added to the hearing impairment. If a person already has noise-related hearing loss, it is usually no longer possible to cure it.
Due to noise-related hearing loss, those affected suffer from hearing loss. This can either be innate or acquired through certain events or very loud noises. As a rule, noise-induced hearing loss can no longer be cured and is therefore an irreversible symptom. Those affected are therefore severely restricted in their everyday lives and can no longer easily communicate with other people.
The assessment of dangers is also significantly limited by the noise-induced hearing loss, so that those affected underestimate or incorrectly assess certain dangers. In addition, it is not uncommon for the patient to have difficulty speaking. In addition to the hearing loss, the patients themselves sometimes suffer from noises in the ears, which can lead to severe psychological complaints or depression.
It is not possible to make a general prediction as to whether the noises in the ear are curable or will remain permanent. Furthermore, the noises in the ear can lead to disturbances in concentration or irritation of the patient. The quality of life is considerably restricted and reduced by the noise-induced hearing loss.
It is not possible to treat noise-related hearing loss. With the help of hearing aids, the impaired hearing can be partially remedied. However, the course of the disease is not completely positive. The patient's life expectancy is not influenced by the noise-induced hearing loss.
When should you go to the doctor?
People who are exposed to loud ambient noise for professional or private reasons should take part in a hearing check-up at regular intervals. If the accustomed hearing decreases, a doctor is required. If the person concerned has been exposed to a single loud noise in the form of a bang or something similar, it is advisable to consult a doctor. If you feel numb or if you can no longer differentiate between tones as usual, you need to consult a doctor. If there are noises in the ears, headaches or a feeling of pressure inside the head, a doctor should be consulted. A doctor should be consulted in case of disturbances of the night's sleep, problems falling asleep or general sleep disorders.
In the event of a whistling sound in the ear, a disturbance of balance or pain inside the ear canals, it is advisable to initiate a closer medical examination. If the person concerned notices that he has changed the position of the volume control significantly in the daily use of communication devices, warning signals from the surroundings can no longer be heard or it is difficult to locate the received sound waves in the correct direction, a doctor must examine the signs and Initiate treatment. There is an increased risk of accidents and injuries, which can be life threatening. If you have behavioral problems or mood swings, it is also advisable to consult a doctor.
Treatment & Therapy
A Noise deafness usually cannot be treated causally. This is different in the case of an impending acute noise trauma after a sudden, very loud noise impact; In contrast to noise-induced hearing loss, it is possible here to stimulate the blood flow to the hair cells in the ear through infusions in order to promote the metabolism of these cells. A supply of oxygen and / or the administration of drugs containing cortisone can also be used after an acute noise trauma.
If noise-related hearing loss is diagnosed, doctors usually recommend avoiding further high levels of noise exposure so as not to further impair hearing. In order to be able to positively influence hearing impairments in the case of noise-induced hearing loss, one possibility is the individual adjustment of a hearing aid. Such hearing aids, which can also be used for noise-induced hearing loss, usually have a microphone, a loudspeaker and an amplifier.
The first task of the microphone in a hearing aid is to pick up ambient noise and convert it into electrical signals. With the aid of the amplifier, various frequencies are then raised in the case of noise-induced hearing loss and passed into the ear as sound waves via the loudspeaker.
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The prognosis for noise-related hearing loss is poor in most cases. The impairment of hearing due to the impact of noise leads to damage to the hair cells in human hearing. Despite all the advanced medical developments and possibilities, these cannot be repaired. The damage is permanent and, according to the current status, irreparable. Therefore, under optimal conditions, it can be assumed that the hearing loss will remain constant over several years.
However, it must be taken into account that the functional activity of the hearing deteriorates over the course of life. Therefore, there is usually a further decrease in hearing in the natural aging process. The prognosis is significantly worse if the triggering stimuli persist unchanged. Even if there is already a hearing loss, further noise can lead to the loss of the remaining hair cells.
In the human ear there are approx. 3000 inner hair cells in each ear canal. These are largely responsible for hearing. If they are damaged as a result of external noise, the use of medication or illness, they can no longer carry out their work. The more hair cells are damaged, the worse the hearing ability. Therefore, when making a prognosis, it should be checked what the living conditions of the person concerned are. In addition, information about the effects of other disruptive factors must be provided.
Especially for people who are regularly exposed to high levels of noise, it can be important to take early action to avoid a Noise deafness to prevent. These measures include regular check-ups with a specialist and, above all, wearing appropriate hearing protection during exposure to noise. In the leisure area, for example, noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented by avoiding excessive volume of music through headphones or when going to the disco.
Since the prospect of full recovery from noise-induced hearing loss is rare, follow-up care focuses on becoming confident in dealing with the condition. Those affected are severely restricted in everyday life, sometimes they can no longer communicate as usual with their surroundings. This often leads to social isolation. Since those affected no longer actively participate in life, they often withdraw into themselves. This can lead to depressive moods. To do this, you should seek the help of a professional psychologist in order to better understand your own situation and be able to deal with it better.
Those affected underestimate certain dangers of hearing impairment. It cannot be predicted whether the noises in the ear will be permanent or curable. The noises in the ear can lead to persistent irritation and impaired concentration in those affected. The quality of life is considerably reduced by the noise-induced hearing loss. Those affected are constantly dependent on help from those around them. That is why it is important to make other people aware of the disease so that they can better respond to those affected. Special hearing aids can sometimes remedy the hearing loss. The disease will not progress positively. Life expectancy is not influenced by the disease.
You can do that yourself
People with a hearing loss can take a critical look at their own lifestyle and may make changes.
Strong noise influences should always be avoided. These include listening to loud music, watching TV that is too loud or speaking too loudly when making calls. When going to concerts or discos, it is advisable to have adequate hearing protection and not to position yourself next to a loudspeaker. Work with high noise levels should be avoided or should only be carried out with protective measures. Places where there is a lot of noise should be left. They include construction sites or airport flight paths.
In addition to low noise exposure, a healthy lifestyle is necessary. Alcohol and drugs are to be avoided in principle. The use of medication whose side effects damage the ear canals should only be undertaken after consulting a doctor. Stress, hectic rush and psychological strain must also be minimized. Getting enough sleep and clearing up emotional problems are important to maintaining good health. Mental as well as physical overload should be avoided. A healthy and balanced diet as well as adequate exercise improve general well-being. This supports successful coping with emotional challenges. Conditions that trigger dissatisfaction over a long period of time must be changed and optimized.