A Lice fall or. Pediculosis occurs quite often in Germany. Especially children in kindergarten have increased Lice on the head and in the hair.
What is a lice infestation (pediculosis)?
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But there are other ways to be attacked by lice. That's how they plague people Pubic louse or the Pubic lousewho mentioned earlier Head louse and the Body louse or. Clothes louse.
In which Lice infestation it is not a direct disease, but rather itching, redness or even small wounds caused by insects.
As a rule, this is not a health hazard, but depending on previous illnesses or peculiarities, it can still entail some risks. Despite ever better protective measures, the lice infestation can still be observed.
During the Lice infestation the human body is afflicted by head lice or pubic lice. In another form, clothes lice attach themselves to clothing and from there pass over to human skin.
The lice infestation is therefore harmless, but also unpleasant. Only when the lice infestation extends to existing wounds, pus patches or bleeding in the organism can it lead to serious damage to health. This becomes all the worse because the insects themselves are considered to be disease carriers and existing ailments can be exacerbated by the lice infestation.
Nevertheless, these are basically symptoms on the skin that usually occur in childhood. Lice infestation can often be avoided by taking good precautions.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The lice infestation usually only manifests itself a few days after the lice infest humans with symptoms. Itching occurs, which is particularly severe at night. The itching is caused by the sucking and excreting activities of the lice.
In addition, redness, wheals and rashes can often be seen. These can appear on the head and sometimes pull up to the neck or behind the ears. They mainly occur where the skin is well supplied with blood and is thin. This also includes the temples. Overall, the wheals and redness are more common in affected children than in adults.
Scratching sometimes leads to eczema. This skin damage can be long-lasting. Occasionally there will be bleeding from scratching. There is usually increased dandruff formation on the scalp as a result of the defense reactions against the lice.
The lice themselves mostly show themselves by laying eggs between the hair. These are often recognizable as nits with the naked eye. The head lice themselves are also easy to spot.
Contrary to popular concern, head lice cannot transmit disease and therefore cannot cause other symptoms. Only the clothes louse can lead to the symptoms of spotted fever.
Diagnosis & course
Usually the Lice infestation registered where people spend a long time in nature, on the ground or in trees and underbrush. Because the insects are mainly found in the sand and on plants. Especially children who play and scramble on the ground and climb into the foliage of the tree are therefore affected in large numbers by the lice infestation.
But the lice infestation can also cause problems for adults. Precisely because the small animals can be transmitted through humans or domestic animals. Even a dog can ensure that the carpet has a lice infestation, which gradually affects the residents.
The lice infestation usually manifests itself as an unpleasant itch on the scalp. Other regions of the body can also be affected by the lice infestation. Here, too, redness, sometimes small swellings and a strong urge to scratch would be noted. The symptoms can usually be registered a few hours after the lice infestation and therefore enable relatively quick action.
If the insects do not enter the organism through open wounds, the lice infestation is not associated with any health risks. If, however, pathogens are actually transported into the human body by these animals, the lice infestation can even be fatal. In the meantime, however, such a course is registered in extremely small numbers in the case of lice infestation.
A lice infestation can cause various complications, especially if it goes undetected. A lice infestation immediately causes sleep disorders and feelings of shame, which are often associated with social stigmatization. The psychological stress caused by a chronic lice infestation can lead to fears and depressive thoughts, especially in children and adolescents.
In addition, lice can transmit various pathogens and cause so-called rickettsioses. These include, for example, typhus, five-day fever and lice relapsing fever. Chronic lice infestation can also cause skin damage, allergies and acute eczema such as lice eczema. It can lead to bacterial superinfections and, as a result, to swelling of the lymph nodes or impregnation with painful itching and the formation of abscesses.
Head lice can lead to matting of the hair (sour curl plait) and, in the long term, to the development of vaginal skin. Chronic infestation can lead to hair loss and inflammation of the scalp, which are usually associated with further complications. With medical treatment for lice, side effects and allergies can occur. The prescribed drugs often lead to skin irritation, headaches or breathing difficulties. Rarely, drowsiness and inflammation of the airways can also occur.
When should you go to the doctor?
If there are signs of a lice infestation, a doctor must be consulted. Parents who notice itching, scratches on the scalp, or other evidence of lice in their child should speak to a health professional directly. If the child's school or kindergarten issues a “lice warning”, the child should also be examined immediately. If there are signs of an infestation, it is best to consult a pediatrician.
Children under three years of age should always be taken to a doctor if lice are suspected. If there are a lot of lice on the scalp or if there is inflammation, the doctor should be called in immediately. A slight infestation can often be diagnosed and treated yourself - a visit to the doctor is then not absolutely necessary. However, if the independent treatment of the lice infestation is unsuccessful, the child should be taken to the pediatrician. A few days after starting treatment, the sick person must be re-examined to make sure that the lice infestation has completely receded.
Treatment & Therapy
In the previous generations, people knew against the Lice infestation mostly not helping other than rigorously shaving off the hair of the person affected. This should take away the insects' warm home.
It is currently known, however, that lice infestation can also extend to the skin, so simply shortening the hair does not always make sense. Thanks to improved methods, it is currently also possible to reduce lice infestation using hair shampoos, ointments, lotions or sprays. On the one hand this kills the animals, but on the other hand it alleviates the suffering.
It is also known that household remedies such as a vinegar-water solution can drive the insects off the body and clothing, as they cannot tolerate the strong acid. Only if symptoms persist for several days should the lice infestation be presented to a doctor.
It is quicker to proceed if fever, body aches, stomach and intestinal diseases as well as periods of weakness are directly associated with the lice infestation. Since this does not usually happen, however, therapy over a few days with the drugs mentioned is useful to combat the lice infestation.
Outlook & forecast
Lice infestations can be treated well these days. Therefore, the prognosis for this disease is favorable. Self-help measures are often sufficient to achieve freedom from symptoms. In addition to physical hygiene and washing the textiles used, special shampoos can be used to help cope with the lice infestation.
To get rid of the lice as quickly as possible, action should be taken as soon as the infestation becomes known. It is important to ensure that the lice cannot spread or multiply any further. All people with whom the person has been in physical contact should also be checked for lice infestations. Often, the members of the household living together must therefore take the same measures to remove the lice infestation so that no re-infestation occurs.
It is particularly important to wash the clothing you are wearing, sleeping utensils, pillows or soft toys so that the lice cannot multiply further. Physical contact with other people should be reduced to a minimum during the treatment. Likewise, the establishment of physical closeness to other people who have been attacked by lice is to be avoided. The changes in the complexion that have occurred usually disappear without further complications after the lice infestation has ended.
Against the Lice infestation can be prevented by avoiding direct contact between skin and sand and plants. But since petting pets can also lead to lice infestation, dogs and cats should also be cleaned accordingly. The same goes for clothing. In addition, hairdressing salons that look unclean should be avoided in order not to transmit the lice infestation.
The extent to which follow-up care is necessary depends heavily on when the infestation was discovered. Depending on the scope, there are appropriate measures that demand a high degree of discipline from those affected. The bed linen needs to be changed, it is also advisable to wash the duvets and nightwear in hot temperatures to ensure that the lice are killed.
If pets are present, they are not allowed to enter the sleeping area under any circumstances. In addition, there are a number of drugs that only work for a short time. To avoid complaints, those affected should take them acutely. As a rule, the lice infestation does not require extensive aftercare, provided the original source is avoided and hair combs or brushes are not replaced.
You can do that yourself
In the event of a lice infestation, there are a few measures that those affected can take themselves. However, they are to be understood as a supplement to a therapy that forces the mechanical and chemical control of the lice.
For pubic lice and head lice, adults can comb out with a lice comb more often than the doctor recommends. In return, it is conceivable to forego chemical agents. However, it must be combed very thoroughly at least twice a week and that over four weeks. Then, if no more lice are found for two weeks, this measure is considered successful. In the case of pubic lice, shaving the affected areas also makes control much easier. As children often do not take the lice control procedure lightly, it is advisable for parents to distract them during the lengthy procedure. Stories, CDs, etc. offer opportunities here. The child should also be informed about the lice infestation and how to combat it.
Various oils (e.g. coconut oil and lavender oil) are said to have a combative effect. However, this has not been proven, which is why caution is advisable here. Vinegar water, on the other hand, does not work, but at most damages the scalp that has already been attacked. The best way to control clothing lice is to boil, freeze or pack the affected clothing and towels for several weeks. Medicines and chemical agents can be dispensed with.
↳ More information: 5 ways to properly treat head lice