Everyone has their own sleep rhythm, which is not least related to the individual stress situation and environment. Pronounced morning grouches have a hard time, especially in autumn and winter, because in the morning it gets light late, but it is longer dark in the evening and this affects their own biorhythm. There are several ways and means of dealing with this problem. In this article, the most effective methods are presented and explained.
Full of energy into the day
Chronic late risers often face the problem of collecting the necessary energy in the morning and getting out of bed early. A large part of this is hereditary, even if an adaptation to one's own environment takes place in the course of life.
So what counts are tricks and methods to optimize the morning wake-up ritual and prevent fatigue. The so-called light alarm clock is one of the most important developments in recent years. This imitates the natural sunrise and thus speeds up the wake-up process and getting up. The principle consists of light as an element of a biological alarm clock.
Sleep is disturbed in bright rooms, which is why many morning grouches hesitate to automatically turn on the light when the alarm clock rings, to open the windows or doors and to start the day consistently. Unlike conventional alarm clocks, light alarm clocks offer a gentle, non-abrupt way of getting up. The hormone melatonin, which is formed during sleep, ensures that the body falls into a brief state of shock, because the ringing of the alarm clock does not take into account any deep sleep that may be taking place.
Light alarm clocks start their work before the set time. They continuously emit new and brighter light into the bedroom. This simulates the natural sunrise. The end of the sleep phase is signaled to the body over a different period of time. The energy bound in sleep is retained and the stress of the abrupt end avoided. Moods in the morning are a thing of the past, the carefree start into the new day is a success. Constant tiredness during the day is over.
The light alarm clock should offer these functions
The differences between the individual models are enormous, the prices also vary depending on the selected range of functions. As the Lichtwecker test onvergleich.org shows, expensive models do not necessarily offer a better range of functions. There are serious differences in quality, especially when it comes to setting personal preferences and preferences. The following characteristics should therefore be considered more closely:
- How can I set the duration of the sunrise? Depending on the daily rhythm, longer times are required.
- Which color levels are simulated and how is the brightness measured? A good guideline is anything in the range of 300 lux. The more color types there are, the higher the value must be.
- Can natural sounds be set or can your own audio files also be imported? Most models offer some natural sounds and radio functions, others also offer beeps or play your own MP3 files.
Tricks to wake up & get up easier
The difference between waking up and getting up is that you need to recharge your batteries for both steps. Because the light alarm clock may secure the energy bound during sleep and enable you to wake up, but getting up can be accelerated with other “tricks”.
- Those who get up early have more time for morning routines and an extensive breakfast. This lowers the stress level and raises the mood, as even the unforeseen does not disturb the rough process. A healthy breakfast provides the body with the carbohydrates it needs for the morning. Alternatively, half a liter of water helps to get the circulation going.
- Movement can take many forms. It doesn't have to be a regular walk around the block; instead, light breathing exercises or stretching exercises while still in bed may be sufficient.
- A cold shower puts stress on the body, which, however, quickly subsides and is extremely effective. It is important that the full program is not run immediately. First, feet and legs are brought into contact with cold water, and then you work your way upwards. As a result, the heartbeat is regulated better and the defenses for the day develop.
- A freshly ventilated, slightly cooled bedroom clears your mind. Opened for a few minutes, you can do the morning stretching and stretching exercise, as these examples explain.
- Last but not least, new rituals also help to be in harmony with your own biorhythm. For some it's the morning cigarette, for others it's coffee or jogging around the block. In any case, something that creates a gap between the sleeping period and an intermediate time to start the day. Important activities that might need to be done before going to bed can be postponed until the morning after.
Several studies indicate that taking too much of data before bed (books, newspapers, films) changes the way you sleep and changes brain activity. The excitement or tension are thus absorbed into sleep, falling asleep itself can be greatly delayed. A gap of at least 30 minutes, filled with routine things, helps.