


We explain what a lumbersexual is and what this fashion consists of. In addition, the origin of this term and its relationship with nature.

A lumbersexual highlights the traditional concept of masculinity.

What is a lumbersexual?

The termlumbersexual It has become fashionable from certain aesthetic trends in men's fashion, characterized by a certain air of unconcern about appearance, with long beards, scruffy shirts, usually plaid, jeans, rustic boots, in short, items that refer to a somewhat rough, country masculinity, summed up in the ideal resemblance to an American lumberjack (hence the term lumbersexual: derived fromlumberjack, "Lumberjack" in English).

In general, lumbersexuals are considered a response to the metrosexual aesthetics, very in vogue during previous years, and according to which the man had to pay enough effort and attention to his appearance to look neat, waxed, combined and in some cases makeup, characteristics that are traditionally associated with the female spectrum of social roles and fashion.

Thus, the lumbersexuals would come to be a staging of a certain traditional idea of ​​the masculine: virility linked to force, with physical effort, with the natural appearance and carefree for fashion. The latter constitutes a paradoxLumbersexuals being precisely a male aesthetic fashion for which not a few accessories, clothes and accessories are offered in the market, and to which no little attention is paid.

There is really no sexual or erotic determination of lumbersexuals, although their appearance suggests protective, paternal, aggressive, self-confident roles. They are supposed to love the nature, although it is an eminently urban fashion. The men who adhere to this fashion can also belong to any sexual orientation. It is not really about a sexual gender, but about a fashionable aesthetic.

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