A Otitis media or. Otitis media is a painful disease of the middle ear. It can be acute as well as chronic. The triggers are mostly bacteria and viruses. Middle ear infection is common in young children. Typical signs are earache, hearing loss, fever and fatigue. A middle ear infection is to be differentiated from an inner ear infection.
What is otitis media?
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A Otitis media is also called in medicine Otitis media designated. It can occur both acutely and chronically. A typical sign of an otitis media is earache that occurs mostly on both sides. In addition, throbbing in the ear, headache, fever and dizziness are also considered acute symptoms.
An otitis media is usually triggered by bacteria and viruses are only known to be the cause in rare cases. In Germany, babies and children mostly suffer from this disease.
The middle ear itself is a cavity in the ear that is filled with air. It is separated from the eardrum and thus also from the external auditory canal. In the middle ear there are also the well-known ossicles, anvil, hammer and stirrup. You can find out more about hearing here: Hearing.
The causes of a Otitis media can be justified in various ways. Bacteria are almost always responsible. Viruses are also less common. The viruses are often flu viruses that can cause otitis media as part of a cold. The bacteria already mentioned include the well-known streptococci, pneumococci and Haemophilus influenzae. In small children and babies, the disease is often caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
As already mentioned, an acute otitis media often develops in the course of a simple cold. The pathogens then penetrate through the nasopharynx into the middle ear. Sometimes germs can also trigger the disease in an eardrum injury. Another cause can also be a dragged-on infectious disease, such as scarlet fever, which then carries the pathogen to the ear via the blood.
A connection with sore throats should also be mentioned as the last cause. This can impair the ventilation of the middle ear and the pharynx. This leads to the build-up of fluid, which can lead to an otitis media due to pathogens.
Chronic otitis media is rather rare, but it can occur as part of a congenital disorder in the throat, such as cleft palate. Polyps caused by chronic otitis media also apply.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The main symptom of otitis media is severe ear pain. An acute otitis media leads to a general feeling of illness with fever, nausea and weakness. The earache can be unilateral or bilateral. Touching or pressing the ear also causes pain in most cases. The pain can be throbbing and worsen with movement.
The eardrum may bulge and be very red. The areas in and around the ear can also be red and tender. The pressure conditions in the middle ear change due to the inflammation and limit the transmission of sound. An otitis media also causes headaches in some people.
On the other hand, an otitis media that has become chronic shows up with additional symptoms, all of which have an impact on hearing. Chronic otitis media can lead to tinnitus. Often there is a watery or purulent discharge from the ear. Inflammatory tissue can begin to grow and constrict the middle ear in space.
Chronic otitis media is associated with hearing difficulties at the latest. Hearing loss consists of a feeling of dull speaking environment and persistent hissing noise in the ear. Again, both or only one ear can be affected.
Course of disease
The course of an acute Otitis media is marked as follows. If left untreated, the disease usually heals on its own within 14 days. If this is not the case, and the disease continues, there is a suspicion of a mastoid process, which can develop into mastoiditis in the further course. This then leads to the formation of pus in the middle ear or the bone process.
If this is not treated by a doctor, meningitis can develop. Typical signs are also severe dizziness and vomiting. It is not uncommon for tears in the eardrum (perforation) to occur in otitis media. The accumulated pus then runs out of the ear and the earache subsides.
An otitis media should be examined and treated by the doctor in order to prevent complications in good time. In addition, measures can be initiated to alleviate symptoms such as earache and headache. In addition, medical treatment should also be used as a prevention against chronic otitis media.
Because an acute otitis media usually heals after about two weeks, complications are rarely recorded. In some cases, however, there is a risk of serious sequelae. Mastoiditis is one of the most common complications of otitis media.
It mainly shows up in babies and toddlers. Mastoiditis is a purulent inflammation of the bony mastoid process. The inflammation is noticeable through a reddened and painful swelling of the skin behind the auricle, which also protrudes. In the case of mastoiditis, medical treatment is essential, because otherwise there is a risk of further complications such as meningitis (meningitis) or a brain abscess, which in the worst case can be life-threatening.
The occurrence of otogenic inflammatory facial paralysis (facial paralysis) is also conceivable. The facial nerve, whose bone canal is in the immediate vicinity of the middle ear, is affected, which in turn can lead to unilateral paralysis. Another consequence of acute otitis media is toxic labyrinthitis.
It is caused by bacterial toxins that migrate from the middle ear towards the inner ear. As the disease progresses, tinnitus (noises in the ears) and inner ear hearing loss can occur. Dizziness and disorders of balance are also possible.
Sinus vein thrombosis is also conceivable. It is a sequela of mastoiditis. This complication causes blood clots to form within the large collecting veins of the brain. In this case, immediate medical treatment is necessary.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for earache and inflammationWhen should you go to the doctor?
An otitis media can occur in many different degrees of severity, so that in some cases a visit to the doctor is not necessary. Children under the age of 12 are affected many times more often than adults. If a child has symptoms of severe otitis media, they should see a doctor as soon as possible.
In many cases, such inflammation does not occur without side effects. A runny nose, fever and other common cold symptoms are also very common symptoms associated with otitis media. Such an inflammation can be counteracted very well with appropriate medication. However, if you do not take anti-inflammatory drugs at this point, you run a great risk.
If left untreated, pus may develop. This is always a sign of a marked worsening of the existing inflammation. A visit to the doctor must not be delayed any longer, as in the worst case scenario blood poisoning can result.
An inflammation in the ear does not always have to be treated medically and with medication. However, if there is no significant improvement after two to three days, drug treatment is urgently advisable. It is imperative that the inflammation be contained and alleviated, otherwise an abscess can form.
Treatment & Therapy
Treating a Otitis media should be done by a doctor. In the best case, the family doctor will refer the patient to an ear, nose and throat doctor. The doctor will usually perform the treatment with the help of antibiotics. In addition, there are nasal drops that allow the pus to drain away better and ventilate the middle ear.
Ear plugs are rarely used because, for anatomical reasons, they cannot develop their effect up to the middle ear. Those affected can relieve some of the symptoms on their own with red light and medication for earache prescribed by the doctor.
If the eardrum is already affected and complications arise, surgery may have to be considered. However, the damaged eardrum often heals on its own. Chronic otitis media are treated surgically if the bones are dilated. The same goes for mastoiditis.
Outlook & forecast
The prognosis for an otitis media is considered to be very good. In around four fifths of all those affected, the inflammation heals without any consequences within a few days and there is no risk of permanent damage or other problems. The speed of healing is not influenced by symptomatic drugs. However, prescribed antibiotics are relevant and must continue to be taken even after a symptomatic phase of otitis media, depending on the prescription. Otherwise there is a risk of relapse.
In a few cases, a chronic otitis media develops, which is correspondingly long-lasting and painful. Therapy is also more difficult. Rapid treatment for acute otitis media is therefore a priority.
If the infection moves on, for example to the mastoid process of the skull, complications can arise. In the worst case it comes to meningitis, whereby a good prognosis here depends on a quick prognosis and prompt treatment. Otherwise the course can become very dangerous.
In children it is possible that repeated otitis media always seem to heal without consequences. However, it can happen that the inner ear in particular is affected from the middle ear, which leads to damage to the structures necessary for hearing. Hearing loss is possible.
You can do that yourself
In the case of acute otitis media, pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol and decongestant nasal sprays have proven effective. These help to open the ear trumpet so that the middle ear is ventilated again. It should be noted that nasal sprays should not be taken for more than seven days due to the habituation effect and the drying out of the mucous membranes.
Onion bags are recommended as home remedies. To do this, an onion is cut into small pieces and placed on a clean cotton or sheet. The cloth is rolled up and placed on the aching ear and fixed with a tape.Many sufferers find it beneficial if the onion sachet is warmed up in the microwave beforehand. The onion has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects due to its antioxidant sulfur compounds. The onion sachet should remain on the diseased ear for half an hour to an hour.
In the case of otitis media, warmth helps to cure the disease faster. It makes sense to use a red light lamp or a hot water bottle. Heat helps liquefy secretions and let the inflammation subside.
Sick people should drink as much as possible, rest and protect the sore ear from drafts. Air travel is not recommended due to the increased pressure; Ear drops are also not recommended, as they cannot reach the middle ear through the eardrum.