general objective



We explain what a general objective is, its function, characteristics and various examples. Also differences with specific objectives.

A general objective is what an investigation, organization or company aims at.

What is a general objective?

The objective general of a draft, a research or one organization, is the main and global goal of the same, that is, its ultimate task. It gives meaning to the whole, which can only be achieved once the particular objectives or specific.

Usually, the general objectives of a project are what give it its purpose: whether it is a business, of a non-profit organization, of a monographic research or of another nature, we will always be talking about your goal central. In the case of investigations, it usually coincides with what is stated in the title.

The general objective must always be clearly differentiated from the particular ones. In many cases it will have similarities with the mission and vision of a company or organization.

General objective characteristics

The general objectives are usually succinct, concrete and summarizable in a single prayer, although it can be as extensive as desired. When drafting a general objective, one should start from a global perspective of the project, trying to answer the question of the what? or what thing? it is aspired to achieve with the project.

Once determined, it should always be written starting with an infinitive verb (ending in “-ar”, “-er” or “-ir”), and in such a way that it encompasses all the specific objectives.

General objective examples

Here are some general examples of projects of a different nature:

  • General objective of an experimental investigation:

"To experimentally verify the effectiveness of the X3TY experimental medical serum produced by Pfizer laboratories in the effective treatment of human baldness associated with typified hormonal factors."

  • General objective of a monograph in humanities:

“Trace the philosophical influence of art Renaissance in the late production of the French poet Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), based on his best-known work, The flowers of Evil ”.

  • General objective of a NGO:

“Fight hunger and poverty in Latin America by promoting education primary and secondary in groups of high social vulnerability, through the application of methods substitute educational programs that allow reducing the school dropout, premature labor and teenage pregnancy ”.

General objective and specific objectives

The distinction between the general objective and the specific objectives, in whatever project, is the same as that between the whole and its component parts.

If the general objective is one that encompasses the fundamental goal of the project, the specific objectives reflect the smaller goals that make it possible to achieve that general purpose, that is, the steps that must be taken first in order to advance the proposed stretch.

In an investigation, the specific objectives usually define the chapters of the same, or the steps to be taken within an experimental methodology. They are usually much simpler, concrete and in the short or medium term. Its wording, however, respects the infinitive guidelines that also apply to the general objective.

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