


We explain what a plane is, the origin of the term and its general meaning. Also, what is a plane in geometry, geography and in the cinema.

A plane has only two dimensions: height and width.

What is a plane?

The word Flat can have many meanings, depending on the area of ​​knowledge in which it is used, but in general it refers to everything that is smooth, plain, without reliefs (elevations or depressions) of any kind. In this it is related to plain, since the origin of this word goes back to Latin planus, precisely translatable as "smooth", "plain" or "flat".

However, it is very common to speak of planes in different aspects of human knowledge, sometimes with a clearer sense and sometimes with a more technical, or specific one. The truth is that everything that we understand by plane will have certain similar characteristics, such as its two-dimensionality (that is, having only two dimensions: height and width) and because it is a visual representation of a space (like architectural plans).

This last use of the word is very widespread in the design, the visual arts, the architecture, urban planning, engineering and even navigation, and it is common to consider synonymous from "sketch”,“ Map ”,“ atlas ”, and so on. In any case, the important thing is to understand the difference between the adjective "Flat" (something that is smooth, without relief), and the noun "Plane" that we have just explained.

Plane in geometry

In the Cartesian plane the two dimensions are represented by the X and Y axes.

This branch of the math It comprises as a plane an ideal geometric object (that is, it exists only as an abstraction), endowed with two infinite dimensions (width and height) and containing an infinite number of points and lines. It is a fundamental space for geometric representations, widely used in architecture, design and engineering.

Geometric planes are usually named, when there is more than one, with a Greek letter, and are usually represented visually with irregular edges, meaning that it is a virtually infinite surface. In addition, the intersection of two planes allows the construction of three-dimensionality.

The plane most commonly used in mathematics is called Cartesian plane or Cartesian coordinate system, in which its two dimensions are represented by the X axis (width) and the Y axis (height), and serve to represent math functions, find geometric points or visually capture all kinds of two-dimensional geometric objects.

Plane in geography

The plans respond to the interpretation of the draftsman of the represented surface.

For its part, geography and, more specifically, the mapping, understands the plane as a visual representation in two dimensions of a portion of the earth's surface.

These types of representations are usually made at a scale much greater than that of the architectural plans, although they bear a great similarity, and even greater than that of the maps traditional. They are usually made according to the artist's interpretation of the represented land surface.

Thus, for example, there are planes of cities entire plans, plans of urban or road works, or of regions untapped by human initiative. It is possible to differentiate them from a map in that no projection work is carried out on the planes, since the curvature of the represented region, given its smaller extension, can be considered minimal or negligible.

Shot at the cinema

The foreground offers the viewer a physical and emotional closeness.

It is also common to use the term plane in the cinema, although in this case with a different meaning: the space in which the human figure is filmed is called the cinematographic plane, that is, the ideal space on which it "rests ”Filming the movie. These types of spaces are classified according to their relationship with what is being filmed, as follows:

  • Italian plane. Known as “very close-up”, it is the greatest degree of proximity possible with what was filmed, which in the case of the human body would be limited to the base of the chin to the end of the head.
  • Foreground. It is a shot very close to the filmed object, which in the case of the human figure, would encompass the head, shoulders and a portion of the chest. It is a shot that suggests intimacy, physical and emotional closeness to what was filmed.
  • Medium shot. Taking a degree of distance from what was filmed, this shot focuses on the human figure from the waist up, as is often done on television talk shows.
  • American plane or 3/4. Variation of the medium shot that arose in the United States regarding the filming of Westerns (Wild West movies), in which a little more of the body had to be shown to be able to see the weapon hanging from the belt of the cowboys during their pistol duels.
  • Whole plane. Also called the figure plane or full vision plane, it goes one step further than the previous one, capturing the entire human figure: from the feet to the head. This shot places the viewer in the role of witness to the events.
  • General plane. In this case, the shot is located quite a distance from the represented object, so it is usually used to show several people entirely, and even part of the scenery that surrounds them.
  • Great overview. Ideal for showing scenes or crowds, it is located at a great distance from what is filmed, so people are not visible, except as details of a more complex set of images. images. Hence, this plane attaches the highest subjective importance to context that to character.
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