Potency problems, Erectile dysfunction, Erectile dysfunction and Sexual disorders do not only occur in men. They are mostly psychological, but in old age they can also be caused by internal illnesses. In particular, erectile dysfunction in men and libido disorders in women are typical representatives of potency problems.
What are potency problems?
Potency problems are a common symptom in Germany. Men over the age of 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) particularly often. But younger men can also be affected by potency problems.
Sexual disorders in women have so far been less researched. Nevertheless, the number of libido disorders in women has also increased increasingly in recent years. The female sex mainly suffers from orgasm disorders, vaginal dryness, arousal disorders and pain during sexual intercourse.
The most common causes of Potency problems are organic diseases and obesity. But also pressure to perform, fear of failure, unresolved conflicts, depression, stress and social problems can lead to erectile dysfunction or sexual disorders.
Furthermore, hormonal disorders can have a major influence on potency or arousal. We even know from drugs that they can cause potency problems through side effects. In younger men and women in particular, the potency problems are mostly due to mental disorders, while in older men or women internal diseases are often the cause.
Typical internal diseases associated with potency problems are arterial circulatory disorders, hormonal changes, increased blood sugar levels (diabetes mellitus), inflammation of the prostate, epididymis and testicles, paraplegia, chronic liver disease (liver cirrhosis) and chronic kidney failure. Furthermore, excessive alcohol and nicotine consumption have serious effects on potency in men and women.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for potency and erection problemsDiseases with this symptom
- Diabetes mellitus
- arteriosclerosis
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hypogenitalism
- Circulatory disorders
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- multiple sclerosis
- stroke
- Erectile dysfunction
- Obesity
- Polyneuropathy
- Prostatitis
There can be some complications and problems associated with potency problems. These also depend on the diagnosis made and therefore cannot necessarily be listed in general. Generally possible complications with potency problems can, for example, be the inability to have sex or psychological problems.
In general, it can be said that the psychological problems often associated with potency problems are to be understood in connection with the other complications. If the man is no longer able to have sexual intercourse, this will enormously promote a mental illness as a result of the potency problems. If he is able to have sexual intercourse despite the potency problems, this does not rule out a mental illness as a complication.
In many cases, an erectile dysfunction of whatever kind leads to a depressive episode. For this reason it is necessary to seek medical treatment immediately. Such complications may be prevented if treatment is started early. The persistence of symptoms despite treatment can be seen as a further complication in potency problems.
When should you go to the doctor?
As a rule, the potency problems do not represent a particularly dangerous medical condition for the patient, which must be treated by a doctor. Life expectancy is not reduced by potency problems and health is not restricted as a result. In most cases, however, there are psychological problems and depression when couples have a desire to have children and this is not fulfilled. In these cases a doctor should be consulted. The first visit can also take place with a general practitioner. Anyone who chooses an alternative method of having children will be referred to an appropriate doctor or clinic. If the potency problems lead to psychological complaints, a psychologist should be consulted.
In many cases, a test is carried out first to determine whether potency problems are the cause of the lack of pregnancy. Medical treatment is therefore only necessary for potency problems if the person concerned feels restricted by the symptom in his or her life.
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Treatment & Therapy
Treatment of potency problems should definitely be done. In any case, face your sexual disorder and consult a doctor. In addition to the general disadvantages of erectile dysfunction, internal diseases can also be the cause and should therefore be examined by a doctor immediately.
During treatment, it is important that you are not afraid to talk to the doctor and describe your worries and fears with regard to potency problems in detail. This does not have to be embarrassing for you, it only serves your sustainable health.
Depending on the cause, the doctor will then initiate individual treatment. If organic diseases are the cause, these should be treated first. If psychological reasons play a role, they must be examined and treated by a specialist or psychotherapist using various therapies.
There are also tablets (e.g. Sildenafil, Viagra®), syringes and mechanical aids that can be used for potency problems. However, these should only be used in consultation with the treating doctor, as improper use can lead to side effects or injuries. However, if medically possible, treating the cause is more important.
In addition, the partner should always be involved in the treatment, on the one hand to reduce potency problems and fears through openness and on the other to be able to experience a deeper commonality of healthy sexuality through the treatment.
Outlook & forecast
Typically, potency problems can occur in both women and men and lead to some complications in both sexes. If the potency problems are very severe, partners cannot have children. This can be stressful for both people and lead to psychological problems. If it is not possible to fulfill the desire to have children, a counseling center or a psychologist should be visited to deal with the trauma. Not infrequently, unfounded but felt feelings of shame also arise here.
Potency problems can be treated differently. Treatment is usually medication or a change in diet. Whether it leads to success depends heavily on the genetic, physical and psychological characteristics of the person concerned.
Especially in men, problems with potency can lead to severe depression and feelings of guilt, which lead to a poor sex life and a reduced quality of life. In many cases, just changing the diet to a healthier diet leads to success; often only the psyche is affected, so that the potency problems are of a psychological nature and can be treated by a psychologist. As a rule, complications do not arise because no surgical intervention is carried out here.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for potency and erection problemsprevention
Potency problems that occur in old age due to internal diseases cannot be prevented. However, psychological causes can be prevented very well. Above all, pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet.
Exercise a lot in nature and in the fresh air and do sport regularly. It has been proven that well-trained people feel more interested in sex. Avoid the heavy consumption of alcohol and nicotine. Watch your weight. Obesity can also lead to potency problems.
Live an open, honest and trusting sexuality with your partner. Do not put pressure on yourself or your partner. Talk to him or her about your sexual desires and preferences. Find sexual similarities. Then potency problems should usually not occur.
You can do that yourself
If the potency problems arise due to an inherited or existing disease, no treatment or self-help is possible. In general, a healthy diet and lifestyle always have a positive effect on potency problems. The patient should avoid fatty and sweet foods and replace them with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Taking up a sporting activity also promotes the treatment of potency problems.
Potency problems can also be remedied relatively well with herbal remedies. A tea made from nettles can counteract the problem.This can either be purchased in the drugstore or freshly prepared straight away. Ginseng also increases potency. This can also be purchased in the pharmacy or drugstore. In order to counteract the potency problems, the person concerned should definitely give up smoking. Here, however, it can take a few months after giving up before an improvement occurs. The consumption of alcohol and other drugs should also be avoided.
Potency problems are aggravated by stress, so it is always important to avoid stress. Stress therapy or yoga can be helpful for this. Sexual intercourse should not be planned and should rather take place spontaneously. This definitely increases lust and increases potency at the same time. If the potency problems cannot be eliminated by the measures and home remedies mentioned, there are drugs in the pharmacy that ensure a permanent erection after ingestion. Before using it for the first time, however, you should consult a doctor.