Of the psychologist deals with human behavior and experience. He examines the development in the course of the patient's life and usually does additional research in the field of psychology and psychotherapy.
What is a psychologist?
Psychologists deal primarily with the behavior and experience of people. Psychology is to be understood as a science, whereby it cannot be clearly assigned to any branch. Rather, a psychologist uses knowledge from natural science, social science and the humanities.
Psychologists are important in many areas, including treating people with mental disorders. Psychologists also work in research, emergency medicine, marketing, economics, education and law. Since behavior influences our entire everyday life, psychologists can be found almost everywhere.
The professional title psychologist requires a university degree in psychology. In some areas of activity, additional or further training is necessary, such as working as a psychological psychotherapist. In addition, some professional associations require regular training.
There Psychologists are active in many areas and deal with a whole range of problems, only a small overview can be given here.
In the clinical and medical field, psychologists treat people with mental health problems and disorders. The complaints can be wide-ranging. Typical clinical pictures that a psychologist treats are anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, psychoses, personality disorders, delusional disorders, substance-induced addictions and developmental disorders.
Almost any kind of mental and behavioral problems can be treated by a psychologist. However, a psychologist usually needs additional therapeutic training for therapy. A distinction is also made between working with adults and working with children and adolescents.
In addition to therapeutic intervention, they also work as assessors, experts and consultants. For example, in the context of the penal system or for the courts, they prepare expert reports and diagnostics to assess risks such as violence, suicide and the risk of flight.
Another important field is the economy. Among other things, psychologists work here in market research and optimize work processes, analyze customer behavior and point out important business strategies. They also offer advice on problems in the team and training if the company has difficulties in personnel management.
Diagnosis & examination methods
Diagnostics is one of the most important tools in psychology Psychologists. In contrast to most medical specialties, a psychologist does not have any instruments or equipment for examination (in clinical and psychotherapeutic psychology). Only in a few cases are smaller aids such as scales used in the treatment of eating disorders.
The personal conversation is always in the foreground in psychological counseling and treatment. The treating psychologist takes an anamnesis with the patient. In some cases, it is necessary to cooperate with other specialist doctors who are also involved in the treatment. With the help of various questionnaires and tests, symptoms can be assessed in more detail and finally a diagnosis can be made or an assessment can be given, for example in the context of expert reports.
A typical psychological test that is often used in psychiatric clinics and plays a major role in research and evaluation is the intelligence test. Among other things, it can provide information about possible therapeutic measures. A whole series of such scientifically developed tests and diagnostic procedures are available to the psychologist.
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The relationship between doctor and patient is always special and requires trust and a feeling of security. However, this relationship plays a far more important role in psychological treatment. If it is not shaped by trust, benevolence and appreciation, there is little chance for the patient to initiate a healing process.
Therefore, you should choose the right one Psychologists in each case should be made well-considered and carefully. In many cases, so-called trial sessions are possible. If there are any discrepancies, this should either be addressed and problems clarified or the psychologist changed.
In addition, a psychologist should be chosen according to the clinical picture. Most psychologists specialize in certain clinical pictures. The family doctor, the health insurance company or the relevant professional associations can help with the choice.