Generally this will Whiplash referred to as an injury to the cervical spine. This injury can result from overstretching the head or from sudden strong flexion. Only muscles and connective tissue are affected.
What is whiplash?
In most cases, a Whiplash caused by an accident. Sports injuries or rear-end collisions are examples of a typical accident in which the cervical spine is abruptly strongly flexed and hyperextended. From a medical point of view, whiplash is harmless in many cases.
However, in the case of whiplash, the short-term heavy load can lead to temporary swellings or even inflammation of the tissue, which are often very painful for the person concerned. In many cases, the symptoms subside after a few days, depending on the severity of the whiplash.
However, the psychological component can also influence the course. This depends on how the person concerned deals with the injury and the possibly terrifying situation. Depending on this, the symptoms can vary in severity. The extent to which psychological and physical factors play a role is still controversial.
The most common cause of one Whiplash is a car accident. In a rear-end collision, the head is thrown forwards or backwards and the cervical spine is forcibly bent and hyperextended.
This trauma is immediately followed by a second trauma that runs in the opposite direction.
But other causes can also come into question. There is an increased risk in sports such as diving, karate, boxing, wrestling or judo. Not to be forgotten are the so-called pleasure accidents, for example when riding bumper cars or roller coasters.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The symptoms after whiplash depend on how strong the force was. The first symptoms are a headache and restricted mobility of the cervical spine and head. This can occur immediately after the triggering event, but also after a few hours.
It is typical that the symptoms increase in intensity, which is known as crescendo symptoms. In individual cases it can happen that the pain and restrictions only show up days after the accident. The unfamiliar head posture creates muscle tension, which can lead to a stiff neck.
Sometimes the pain also radiates to the shoulders, back or jaw. The mouth area feels cramped and difficulty swallowing is possible. Additional symptoms such as nausea and dizziness can also occur. Some patients complain of ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and impaired vision.
Sweating, concentration disorders, depressive moods and sleep disorders also occur after a whiplash. The symptoms peak after one to three days and usually improve again afterwards. In rare cases, complications can occur if, for example, nerves or spinal cord have been injured. This can lead to unconsciousness, sensory disturbances, paralysis or memory loss. Excessive force can damage the brain or fractures the spine.
Diagnosis & course of disease
Depending on the extent, a Whiplash cause various symptoms, such as neck pain or headache or muscle tension in the neck area.
Restrictions in the movement of the head are one of the first signs. They can occur immediately after the accident or after a day or two. The pain often increases in intensity. Often no medical reasons can be found for this. Subtle injuries in the tissue with inflammation are just as conceivable as muscle tension in the cervical spine.
Further complaints can occur in the form of depressive moods, dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances, tremors, ringing in the ears or difficulty swallowing. However, these are seldom recorded.
When should you go to the doctor?
If there was whiplash, a doctor should be consulted in any case. No matter how this trauma came about. It is important that internal injuries are ruled out as quickly as possible. If the person concerned complains of severe headaches and dizziness, no time should be lost. In the case of whiplash, it is inevitable to consult a specialist. Without medical clarification, painful and dangerous long-term consequences can occur.
Even mild headaches or other symptoms should always be clarified with a short check-up by the specialist. Many sufferers play down whiplash injuries and in some cases even risk their lives.
Treatment & Therapy
In essence, the diagnosis is based on one Whiplash on the accident history as well as the symptoms described and a physical examination. With the x-ray of the cervical spine, the doctor can also rule out any bony involvement of the cervical vertebrae.
In some cases, doctors use computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose severe soft tissue or bone injuries. However, this is not part of the routine with whiplash. If the symptoms appear delayed or if there is acute unconsciousness, nausea, vomiting and amnesia, a doctor should be consulted immediately. A skull or brain injury can be detected or ruled out using the aforementioned methods.
The course of whiplash varies from person to person. A slight whiplash can subside in a few days without treatment. Therapy for whiplash depends on the extent of the injury. If it is a strain without serious findings, the therapy is symptomatic, this means alleviating the symptoms.
If the person concerned wears a neck brace for a long time or is taking too much care, this can delay healing. For this reason, doctors recommend resuming everyday activities after a short period of rest in the event of a slight whiplash injury. The healing process can be supported with physiotherapeutic neck exercises.
If the symptoms are more pronounced and last longer, physiotherapeutic treatment can also help in addition to physiotherapy. In addition, if there is permanent tension, the application of heat and, in some cases, acupuncture can relieve pain.
Wearing a cervical collar is only an option if more serious soft tissue strains have resulted from the whiplash. In the case of fractures of the cervical spine, the area is immobilized for a long time and may also have to be operated on.
Follow-up care for whiplash trauma depends on the type of injury and the associated consequential damage. It is not possible to make general statements about aftercare in this case, as the effects of whiplash can be very different. From spontaneous healing after the accident to chronic pain, everything is possible.
Insofar as the symptoms have subsided as a result of the whiplash, a check of the mobility of the neck and head is appropriate as follow-up care. In this way any tension or tissue damage can be discovered. If the functionality is completely restored, no further measures are necessary.
This is different in long-lasting and chronic cases. Here, exercise therapy is suitable as aftercare. Regular massages and relaxation techniques can be used against persistent pain. In severe cases, pain medication may be given at regular intervals.
It has been shown that the patient's attitude towards whiplash contributes significantly to chronification. Wherever fears are fueled and the injury is glorified into a medical catastrophe, the healing process paralyzes. Conversely, chronic (and therefore follow-up care) cases are almost unknown in some areas. These are those countries in which neither extensive treatments nor financial compensation in the event of whiplash are known.
You can do that yourself
After a whiplash, those affected can relieve their pain and tension themselves. Cooling at the respective points is ideal for this. Moist towels or quark wraps are equally suitable. Other patients, on the other hand, find warmth to relieve pain. Thick clothes or wraps relax the muscles. Everyone has to find out for themselves which temperature ultimately helps.
In addition, it is advisable to take it easy, but not to exaggerate. A back ergonomic posture is indicated in leisure and at work. For this, chairs and tables have to be adapted to the body size. In no case should one assume a relieving posture that causes postural problems in the long term. The neck and neck area in particular are often affected. For example, a short pressure point treatment can be integrated into everyday life, during which the muscles initially feel uncomfortable and then relieve. The tense muscles can recover, for example, by a patient lying flat on the floor and placing a tennis ball under the neck.
In addition, building muscle in the gym will also reduce the effects of whiplash. However, a doctor should first endorse this self-help measure.