Not all people are given thick and strong hair and a healthy scalp. Unsightly impairments of the scalp and hair, to which the annoying and recurring Dandruff (dandruff) belong, make some people almost despair.
What are dandruff (dandruff)?
At Dandruff it concerns visible irregularities of the scalp. These phenomena show up in individually differing forms and are not always optically the same.
In the context of DandruffDandruff, which can affect other parts of the body, is restricted to the hairy head. In dermatology, dandruff, like other types of dandruff, which can affect human skin, is a symptom that requires treatment.
Dandruff or dandruff appear with specific side effects and are characterized as dead skin cells. There are dry and greasy dandruff.
Like all body cells, the skin cells of the head also regularly die and dissolve in the form of Dandruff from the scalp. The causes of dandruff, either permanently and to a large extent or only occasionally, come into question.
One of the most common causes of dandruff formation is a fungus called Pityrosporum ovale. This fungus occurs primarily on oily scalps due to an overproduction of the sebum glands and leads to dandruff.
In addition, dandruff can also be triggered by various other skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis or so-called contact allergies.
The skin fungus Pityosporum ovale is considered to be the cause of the small fungal lichen, which is Dandruff shows. This type of fungus is a yeast and finds optimal living and reproduction conditions, especially on an oily scalp.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Dandruff is noticeable when hands are touched on the hair or scalp. Even when combing or brushing, the small white flakes of skin that detach from the scalp are noticeable. Dandruff is dead skin cells. Usually it is a cosmetic problem that can be solved with appropriate care products.
However, dandruff can also indicate illness. A distinction is made between dry and greasy flakes. If the scalp is too dry due to dry heating air or incorrect care, small white flakes of skin peel off. Dry dandruff can also be an indication of psoriasis. If too much sebum is produced, greasy flakes develop.
These flakes of skin are larger, yellowish, and sticky. Before the actual flaking occurs, itching usually occurs. If the scalp is inflamed from frequent scratching, dandruff is also promoted. If the scalp is dry and reddened, there is a feeling of tension.
Untreated flaking leads to severe redness and swelling of the scalp. Scabs and incrustations can form. The crusted areas burn and weep. Hair loss can also be a result of dandruff. Dandruff can appear not only on the scalp but also on the eyebrows. The symptoms are similar.
Diagnosis & course
The fungus is always on the normal scalp. Only then does the Dandruffwhen the sebum glands secrete more fat. The fungus absorbs these fats and metabolizes them.Substances are created that present themselves in an unpleasant itching and burning sensation on the scalp with dandruff.
Scratching can inflame the scalp and cause infections. This in turn leads to renewed replication of inflamed scalp cells, which leads to an increased occurrence of dandruff. In some cases, with classic dandruff, special hair care products can be considered as causative factors.
Complications are hardly to be expected with common dandruff on the head. It should only be determined by the dermatologist or beautician whether the scalp is too dry or the result of unsuitable hair care measures. Dandruff is usually a cosmetic rather than a medically relevant problem.
Dandruff can also occur in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis or as a result of mercury poisoning from dental materials. As an expected complication of psoriasis or contact eczema, dandruff belongs in the hands of a dermatologist. He can determine the cause of the worsened symptoms and then initiate targeted treatment. Amalgam-related consequential damage may have to be treated by an environmental doctor using detoxification measures.
Dandruff can also indicate seborrheic eczema that needs treatment. Self-treatment with conventional anti-dandruff shampoos can lead to complications such as inflammation of the scalp. The aggressive anti-dandruff shampoos can dry out the irritated scalp even more. This can lead to inflammatory processes and skin irritation caused by bacteria. In the case of seborrheic dermatitis, special, antifungal and anti-inflammatory hair care products are useful.
A pronounced tendency to dandruff can also lead to psychological problems. Those affected develop inferiority complexes. You become depressed if there is no improvement. Affected people feel uncomfortable in the company of others because their illness is so obvious and other people feel unsavory.
When should you go to the doctor?
Suggest conventional means such. If, for example, you do not offer an anti-dandruff shampoo, it is worth visiting a doctor. Because behind a few scales there can be something serious. The hair can start to fall out and there may be more scarring. If nothing is done for a long time, however, the hair will stay away permanently. Increased itching, oozing spots or pustules on the scalp are clear warning signals for which the doctor should be consulted.
In the doctor's office it can be clarified what the cause of the dandruff is. Whether an allergic reaction or z. For example, the doctor examines a fungal infection with the help of a tissue sample.
It often doesn't help to try a variety of products to get rid of dandruff. If, for example, oily hair is the cause and a moisturizing product is used, this could only worsen the symptoms. A visit to the doctor would therefore be entirely appropriate. Only the doctor can prescribe appropriate medication.
At the beginning or for normal clarification of the symptoms, a visit to the family doctor is sufficient; however, a dermatologist may also be necessary, who can treat the dandruff more specifically.
Treatment & Therapy
Around Dandruff To reduce on the head, very different treatment options come into question. In the context of self-therapy in particular, the women or men affected can use effective drugs from the pharmacy, which curb the development of dandruff. These drugs are known as antifungal agents or antifungal agents and primarily work against a skin fungus that causes dandruff to form.
These active ingredients are used in the form of medicinal shampoos and are used when washing the hair. Products containing salicylic acid, selenium disulphide and substances containing tar are also suitable for dandruff.
After the antifungal agents have been absorbed into the scalp, the scalp can be rinsed well. The result is a significant reduction in fungal growth on the scalp, which leads to a reduction in dandruff. This treatment is usually carried out for four weeks and can be replaced by conventional shampoos until the dandruff has returned.
If dandruff is caused by other causes, a different treatment is used. In addition to the use of cortisone, the omission of allergenic hair care products as allergenic substances, as well as the treatment of other causal skin diseases are possible.
A prevention against the development of Dandruff is basically feasible. This can already begin with gentle and gentle hair care. Substances that permanently irritate the scalp, such as hair dyes and perms, should also be paused from time to time to avoid the formation of dandruff.
In addition, as part of the preventive measures against dandruff, it makes sense to use pH-neutral shampoos and to rinse out residues well after washing.
Hair care products with a high content of alcohol stimulate the sebum glands to secrete more fat. These should therefore be avoided with dandruff. After washing your hair, it is advisable not to blow-dry it too hot and not to use washing substances that are too strongly degreasing.
Dandruff is usually not a serious condition that requires a doctor's visit. The typical symptoms can usually be remedied easily with the help of an anti-dandruff shampoo. Since there is then no symptoms, no scheduled aftercare is necessary.
When it comes back up, patients can again access a commercially available shampoo. Adequate hair hygiene is sufficient as a preventive measure. Those affected should groom their scalp hair once a day. Washing too often, like too little care, can trigger dandruff in a healthy person.
Some patients often have dandruff. If they have been around for months and commercially available shampoos do not work, a doctor's visit is necessary. In this case, other diseases can cause the dandruff. The doctor tries to eliminate the causes. Scheduled follow-up examinations are agreed until the complaints have subsided.
In addition to a conversation, a blood test, an allergy test and the acquisition of a pathogen culture play an important role. Overall, dandruff can mainly be prevented with preventive measures. However, these are mainly the responsibility of the patient. The use of commercially available shampoos in particular gives good results. In contrast, scheduled follow-up examinations are usually only necessary for skin diseases.
You can do that yourself
Dandruff is usually harmless. Nevertheless, they are perceived by those affected as a burden. However, there are some home remedies and measures that can be used to treat the white residue without medical help.
Typical dandruff triggers should be avoided. These include strong sunlight, hot blow-drying and a one-sided diet. If the hair is dyed or straightened regularly, this can also lead to dandruff. A yogurt or quark pack can also be effective. Carefully massaged in, the cure helps with severe dandruff and provides the scalp with the necessary moisture. If the dandruff does not subside or even gets stronger, a visit to the dermatologist is recommended. Occasionally the symptoms have serious causes. The doctor can also prescribe suitable medication and suggest further measures to reduce the dandruff.
Dandruff should go away quickly with good skin care and a healthy lifestyle. In some people, however, they are genetic. If there is a genetic predisposition, adequate care with suitable anti-dandruff products helps. The targeted use of home remedies supports hair care.