The Masturbation or masturbation is the act of bringing yourself to sexual climax. Contrary to the opinion of past centuries, masturbation is part of normal, healthy human sexuality.
What is the masturbation?
Humans are one of the few mammals that feel pleasure during sexual intercourse. Therefore, masturbation is part of his healthy sexual development and maturation and plays a role throughout his life.
Through masturbation, girls and boys get to know their bodies and the functions of their sexual organs for the first time and initially find out on their own what feels good. This enables them to later live a healthy and self-determined sexuality with a partner.
Masturbation is considered a single way to have a sex life, but it sometimes plays a role in relationships as well. Even married people sometimes practice masturbation, which can be healthy in relationships - for example, if the partner does not feel like sex.
The excessive frequency of masturbation can, however, also become a health problem, for example as an accompanying circumstance of a sex addiction or due to other psychological problems.
Function & task
Recent research has led to the realization that masturbation begins much earlier than was long believed. Even children have their first experiences with masturbation - usually from about elementary school age.
The time of the first experiences with masturbation can come sooner or later and is part of the healthy mental development of children. They discover their sexuality and sexual organs for the first time on the path of masturbation and take the first step on the path to sexual maturity.
In later life, masturbation is a way to gain sexual satisfaction even when no partner is around. Since humans can experience sexual pleasure, they also have a need for it - and several ways to satisfy this need.
Since sexual intercourse between two people can be associated with negative or inhibiting feelings (such as fear of loss of control), masturbation is a surefire way to gain sexual satisfaction when the need arises.
Masturbation is also believed to have various beneficial effects on overall health. For example, men need frequent ejaculation as a prevention against prostate cancer. In addition, masturbation helps with falling asleep and even with slight problems falling asleep and staying asleep, as endorphins and oxytocin are released, which is good for muscle relaxation. The cardiovascular system and the pelvic floor muscles also benefit from masturbation, and calories are also burned.
Masturbation also has positive effects on mental health, as it results in no or less sexual frustration if no partner is present for sexual intercourse. In fact, masturbation has similar health benefits to having sexual intercourse with a partner.
Illnesses & ailments
Masturbation is healthy, but only if it is practiced to a healthy degree and without causing harm. An excessive frequency of masturbation can be problematic because, depending on the type of exercise, injuries can result.
Sex addiction can also include excessive masturbation when no partner is present. The problem can either coexist with a real sex addiction or it can appear as a problem on its own. In this case, masturbation is performed at every opportunity, sometimes several times a day. The decisive factor here is that this goes hand in hand with psychological stress for the person concerned, mostly resulting from the fact that frequent self-satisfaction makes it difficult to explain or restricts the person concerned in his normal everyday life.
As with sexual intercourse, masturbation can cause injuries. In men, excessive movement can tear the foreskin, penis fractures are less common. Depending on which aids and sextoys are used for masturbation, further injuries can occur, although not all of them need to be treated.
The most common situation in women is that objects inserted during masturbation can no longer be removed from the vagina. This can happen when they absorb liquid, but also when they get caught. The deeper they are inserted during masturbation, the higher the risk of them getting caught on the cervix. In these cases, medical help is needed to remove them.
When masturbating, it is important to pay attention to hygiene, because complications can also arise in this regard. Although mucous membranes can usually handle dirt well and excrete it again, germs can also penetrate during masturbation. Depending on the state of the immune system, these can also lead to infections.
If a second person plays a role in masturbation, sexually transmitted diseases such as fungal infections can also be transmitted in this way. With anal penetration, bacteria can get into the vagina or penis, which can also lead to infections. To prevent this, there are finger cots that can be changed and ensure that no germs remain directly on the fingers and hands.