Pain respectively Sharp pain are a perception of the senses that can be felt like cold, heat or touch. Pain can take many forms. However, this should be about a general definition of the term and exemplify burning pain and stabbing pain.
Causes of sharp pain
If you take pain in a broad sense, it is always an indication that something is wrong with the body. Chronic pain is a special form of pain that does not occur twice, but occurs at regular intervals or even always.
The causes of pain are not always physical. In some cases, pain can also occur in the context of mental illnesses such as depression. No physical factors are decisive here.
If, on the other hand, acute pain occurs, such as burning pain or stabbing pain, there is usually a disorder of the body. Examples of diseases with burning pain include shingles and hemorrhoid diseases. Herniated discs are an example of sharp pain.
Acute pain
Acute pain is a sign of dangerous changes on or in the body. An example of this would be pain from burns or injuries. Here the pain can usually be precisely diagnosed and treated by the doctor.
Chronic pain
Chronic pain is already viewed as a disease in its own right. The causes can often not be determined immediately. This is often justified by the nerve impulses that continue to act as pain impulses despite the lack of pain stimulus. One speaks of a memory of the affected nerve cells. The most important causes are often psychological problems or illnesses of the patient.
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➔ Medicines for painDiseases with this symptom
- disc prolapse
- Lumbago
- Fibromyalgia
- Torn hamstring
- Phlebitis
- cervical cancer
- arthritis
- Meniscal tear
- Cruciate ligament tear
- Torn ligament
- Bladder stones
- Pudendal neuralgia
- Kidney stones
- Inguinal hernia
- Pelvic inflammation
- Tendinitis
- Groin strain
- Trigeminal neuralgia
Sharp pain has numerous causes that can lead to various complications. A herniated disc can initially lead to acute sensory disorders and motor failures. This leads to a strong impairment of the quality of life, those affected hardly want to move and usually isolate themselves from society.
In the worst cases, this can lead to depression, which can be accompanied by thoughts of suicide. In some cases, vessels can become indented so that the nerve is no longer supplied with blood, resulting in death of the nerve and the failure to persist. Bladder emptying and defecating weakness may also occur, which can lead to incontinence.
Kidney stones can also lead to sharp pain. These lead to a build-up of urine up to the kidneys. As a result, this can ignite. Kidney inflammation can develop into kidney failure (kidney failure). The inflammation can also spread to the whole body via the blood and thus lead to blood poisoning or sepsis. If left untreated, this condition usually leads to death.
Tendovaginitis (tendovaginitis), which also leads to sharp pain, can in the worst case become chronic and thus lead to a severe impairment of the quality of life and can also end in occupational disability.
When should you go to the doctor?
As a rule, pain is always an indication that something is wrong with your own body.If the pain only occurs for a short time, a visit to the doctor is not necessary in most cases. However, severe, stabbing and, above all, permanent pain should always be treated and examined by a doctor. This is especially true if the patient has previously suffered an accident or could have otherwise injured himself. Treatment by a doctor can prevent complications and consequential damage. An immediate examination is especially necessary in the event of bleeding or if the person concerned loses consciousness due to the pain. Tension pain also needs to be examined if it doesn't go away on its own.
Usually, the doctor's choice depends on the cause of the pain. If this is not known, the general practitioner can be seen first. In acute emergencies or in the event of severe injuries and accidents, the hospital should be visited. Alternatively, the emergency doctor can be called. If the pain can be localized, the respective specialist can be visited directly.
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Treatment & Therapy
Acute pain can usually be recognized and felt immediately and can therefore be treated in a targeted manner. The elimination of this pain relates to its causes.
However, if the pain persists for about three months, it is called chronic pain. Therapy is always based on the pain itself. Progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training and hypnotherapy have proven effective.
Well-known pain relievers such as acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac and ibuprofen can also be used in pain therapy. These drugs can usually be obtained without a prescription in all pharmacies.
Outlook & forecast
Sharp pain should always be treated as it is a medically dangerous condition. Without treatment, stabbing pain can lead to severe complications and other complaints.
What the further course of the disease looks like depends heavily on the region in which the stabbing pain occurs. If, for example, the heart region is affected, sharp pain can lead to a heart attack, which can also be fatal.
If the problem is leg or arm pain, it can occur after overuse or after an accident and is less dangerous in this case. It is up to the patient to decide whether the affected area needs immediate treatment or not.
During treatment, the stabbing pain can be contained relatively well so that there are no further complaints. The sharp pain should be treated even if it only occurs for a short time. In this way, consequential damage and further complications can be avoided. Treatment usually takes place either surgically or with the help of medication and usually leads to a positive course of the disease.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for painprevention
Acute pain cannot be prevented directly. They can only be minimized by avoiding accidents and living a generally healthy life through sufficient exercise and good nutrition. Chronic pain cannot be treated in advance either. Here, too, the causes, such as mental illness, are identified and treated in good time in order to rule out long-term consequences.
You can do that yourself
Positive feelings release the body's own pain relievers, the endorphins. It is therefore advisable to take all measures that have an equally positive effect on body and psyche, such as distraction and relaxation exercises. Yoga, Qi Gong, TM (Transcendental Meditation) and autogenic training are ideal here. It is important to divert attention away from the pain: If the body and mind relax, the pain becomes less severe.
The same effectiveness applies to laughter. Its healing effect has been scientifically proven. Laughter reduces the emission of stress hormones, slows the heartbeat and relaxes the muscles. It promotes blood circulation and stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory, pain relieving hormones. Other means of self-help are PME (progressive muscle relaxation) and breathing exercises. Deep abdominal breathing is particularly recommended here. Gentle forms of movement, such as walking, can also be easily integrated into everyday life. They stimulate breathing and relieve tension.
In the case of acute stabbing pain, it is important to avoid any strain. Resting and cooling affected areas often alleviates the greatest discomfort. Many sufferers benefit from bed rest and darkness. Pain is an indication that functions in the body are disturbed. If they persist for a long time, a doctor should urgently clarify the causes.