A Vocal cord inflammation is an inflammatory disease of the vocal cords or the vocal folds. This usually occurs as a result of excessive stress or an infection and manifests itself in hoarseness, frequent clearing of the throat and significant effort when speaking. In addition to radical sparing of the voice, the inflammation can also be treated with medication.
What is vocal cord inflammation?
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Under one Vocal cord inflammation Doctors understand a noticeable and audible inflammation of the vocal cords. The vocal cords are located in the larynx and are part of the vocal folds. They consist of muscles and a layer of mucous membrane and we can open or close them by breathing in and out, speaking, singing or screaming. As a result, they are constantly on the move and are highly challenged.
Vocal cord inflammation is particularly common in professional groups that naturally speak or sing a lot. But cold viruses can also contribute to unpleasant inflammation. It manifests itself by a permanent "lump in the throat" and hoarseness. If the voice is spared and, if necessary, supported with appropriate medication, the vocal cords can regenerate and can soon be used again as usual. However, if it remains under heavy strain, nodules can form on the vocal cords, which can lead to chronic hoarseness.
The causes of a vocal cord inflammation can be many; but in most cases it can be traced back to two main causes. One of the most common reasons for the annoying hoarseness are flu-like infections, which initially cause a sore throat. Coughing and the additional build-up of mucus or pus put a strain on the vocal cords and can cause swelling and irritation, which eventually manifests itself in inflammation.
Since the voice also changes with the smallest changes in the vocal folds, it is immediately audible when the vocal cords have been affected. Diseases that require treatment, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, as well as measles and diphtheria, often cause inflammation of the vocal cords.
The second major cause of inflammatory changes in the vocal fold is constant overstrain from speaking, singing, or screaming. Professional groups such as call center agents, singers, teachers or speakers are predestined for this. If cigarette consumption is added, the risk of vocal cord inflammation increases again significantly.
Vocal cord inflammation manifests itself primarily as hoarseness, which can be different. It can range from a slightly rough voice to a complete loss of voice. In addition, there is the feeling of a constant foreign body in the throat ("lump"), which leads to frequent clearing of the throat.
The voice is significantly lower than usual and it is generally difficult to speak. There may also be a sore throat and fever. If the vocal cord inflammation is caused by another infectious disease, shortness of breath and the coughing up of purulent mucus or even blood can occur.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
If there is a suspicion of an inflammation of the vocal cords, the attending physician can confirm or refute this with the help of a larynxoscopy and / or a nasal endoscopy. The clearly audible hoarseness also helps the doctor to make a clear diagnosis. Basically, a vocal cord inflammation usually disappears on its own if the voice is spared and the underlying infection is treated, if necessary.
If the voice is still used or if the disease spreads, the inflammation can become chronic. Under certain circumstances this means a permanent loss of the accustomed speaking voice and a chronic hoarseness that cannot be reversed. In this context, nodules can also form on the vocal cords.
Diagnosis & course of disease
Inflammation of the vocal cords does not always necessarily have to be treated by a doctor. If the symptoms arise as part of a flu-like infection, it is often sufficient to protect your voice and treat any sore throat and swallowing difficulties with home remedies and over-the-counter throat tablets until the symptoms subside.
These include, for example, beneficial inhalations with essential oils. On the other hand, cigarettes and spicy food should be avoided. However, an inflamed vocal fold can take several weeks to heal completely, so patience is required in any case. Under no circumstances should whispering be used, as this does not spare the voice, but makes it even more demanding. As far as possible, patients should refrain from speaking and otherwise try to speak as normally as possible regardless of the hoarseness.
As a rule, vocal cord inflammation is harmless and disappears after two to three weeks at the latest without any longer lasting consequences. Sometimes complications such as shortness of breath, pain, or high fever can occur. In the short term, inflammation of the vocal cords often leads to complete loss of voice. This can represent a significant psychological burden for those affected, which can develop into a depressive mood if the illness is prolonged.
Vocal cord inflammation can also change the color of the voice and can often be associated with psychological problems. If the course is severe, it can lead to painful coughing up blood and mucus, often followed by severe chronic pneumonia or larynx infection. Whooping cough, bronchitis or diphtheria can also occur. Very rarely, inflammation of the vocal cords can develop what is known as vocal cord leukoplakia.
This in turn can lead to cancer of the vocal cords or the larynx. There can also be complications when treating vocal cord inflammation. Medicines such as antibiotics or painkillers can cause various side effects and interactions and sometimes also trigger allergies and intolerances. Home remedies can aggravate the symptoms if used incorrectly or trigger further symptoms and complications.
When should you go to the doctor?
Changes in the familiar vocal environment or pronunciation are cause for concern. If the impairments disappear after a restful night's sleep, it is usually a temporary phenomenon that does not need to be followed up.
However, if the symptoms persist or if they intensify, a doctor is required. Persistent hoarseness, itchy throat, or a change in voice color should be discussed with a doctor. If unwanted background noises occur when speaking, this is a sign of a health impairment. If the person concerned can no longer voluntarily control the vibrational behavior of the voice while speaking, he should consult a doctor. Sore throat, swelling around the throat, or redness of the throat are also indications that should be presented to a doctor.
In the event of a fever, slimy or bloody sputum or shortness of breath, immediate action is required. In these cases the disease is already advanced. In order not to cause any long-term impairments, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. If there are no common colds, impairment of the vocal environment is a sign of inflammation. If left untreated, germs and pathogens can spread and multiply in the organism. Therefore, in these cases, consultation with a doctor should be sought in order to prevent a deterioration in the state of health at an early stage.
Therapy & Treatment
If the symptoms persist for more than three weeks and are accompanied by other symptoms such as fever and sputum, the inflammation can be treated with antibiotics, depending on the specific trigger. If the vocal cord inflammation is already chronic, even the doctor can no longer do much about it.
If nodules have formed, they can be surgically removed to prevent further tissue changes. The permanent hoarseness that has arisen cannot be cured with it. Treatment with a speech or voice therapist can also be useful in this case.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for hoarsenessprevention
To avoid inflammation of the vocal cords, it is advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to support your own immune system. The consumption of cigarettes or other tobacco products should be avoided in order to avoid irritation. Constant speaking or shouting should also be restricted.
If there is multiple inflammation of the vocal folds due to job-related overuse, a change of occupation may have to be considered in order to avoid a chronic course. In principle, it is advisable to consult a doctor for clarification of a vocal cord inflammation in order to rule out a severe course.
Those affected should take it easy. You should keep speaking to a minimum. Whispering and screaming should be avoided entirely. Warmth is definitely good and has been shown to promote healing. Sick people should not only wear a scarf, but also consume hot beverages such as chamomile tea at the same time.
Various herbs, for example sage, thyme and chives, are said to have healing properties. Prescription-free medication to fight colds can also help with recovery. Self-treatment for vocal cord inflammation does not appear to be advisable in every case.
Anyone who works in a so-called speaking occupation should consult a doctor right at the beginning of the illness: Since the voice is an existential factor in the exercise of this profession for this group of people, any risk should be avoided from the outset. If you experience shortness of breath or even fever, you should also consult a doctor.
Vocal cord inflammation usually takes a gentle course - it should heal after about two weeks. Anyone who still suffers from the characteristic symptoms after this period cannot avoid a visit to the doctor. There is definitely a risk of chronic development of the disease. In the long run, a healthy lifestyle appears to be the best aftercare - this also includes not consuming cigarettes.
You can do that yourself
Acute vocal cord inflammation can be cured well with home remedies. A doctor's visit is usually not necessary. Above all, those affected should take it easy. Speaking should be kept to a minimum. You have to do without whispering and screaming completely. Otherwise there are no significant differences compared to the treatment of a cold.
Heat has been shown to promote healing. Sick people should wear a scarf and consume hot drinks such as chamomile tea. Certain herbs such as sage, thyme and chives are said to have healing properties. Prescription-free medication for a cold can also help you recover.
Self-treatment for vocal cord inflammation is not always advisable. People with a speaking profession should consult a doctor from the start. Since your voice is essential to the exercise of your profession, you should not take any chances. If you experience shortness of breath or fever, you should also consult a doctor. Vocal cord inflammation usually takes a gentle course and heals in about two weeks. Anyone who still suffers from the typical symptoms should definitely consult a doctor. There is a risk that the disease will develop into a chronic form.