A disease of the chronic autoimmune disorder systemic lupus erythematosus affects around 60,000 patients in Germany today. Over the past 50 years, an increasing accumulation of Lupus in the population. Women are ten times more likely than men to have this autoimmune disease. In lupus erythematosus, chronic inflammation mainly affects blood vessels, joints, or organs such as the kidneys. Systemic lupus erythematosus cannot be completely cured.
What is systemic lupus erythematosus?
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Under Lupus erythematosus, short Lupus, one understands a disease with a very different severity, which is one of the autoimmune diseases or connective tissue inflammation and collagenosis. A striking feature of lupus is often an intense redness that can affect certain areas of the skin.
It is caused by chronic inflammation of the blood vessels. In lupus erythematosus, the so-called "butterfly erythema" is known, which can spread in the shape of a butterfly to the side of the nose on the face. The initial symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus can initially be diverse and relatively unspecific.
SLE is chronic and requires lengthy treatment. In addition to systemic lupus, there is also lupus, which can only affect the skin. In order to confirm the diagnosis, systemic lupus must lead to several key symptoms and antibodies in the blood that occur simultaneously. Systemic lupus erythematosus is also abbreviated with the letters SLE.
As the cause of the Lupus erythematosus or systemic lupus assume a chronic autoimmune disease. In its course, the body's own defense system is disturbed and misdirected. The cause of the autoimmune disorder itself is still largely unclear.
The disease is called systemic lupus erythematosus because all systems in the body can actually be damaged by chronic inflammatory processes. This mainly happens if the SLE disease is not diagnosed and treated in good time. Systemic lupus erythematosus is counted among the inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
In SLE, it is primarily the cell nuclei that contain the genetic material that are attacked. It is not yet known whether lupus erythematosus arises from hereditary or hormonal reasons or due to an infection. The fact that women are more often affected makes hormonal contributors to SLE likely. In some cases, lupus occurred after taking a contraceptive. Hereditary reasons for lupus erythematosus are also possible.
Lupus erythematosus is more common in twins and in some families. The connection between lupus erythematosus and surviving infectious diseases is also being investigated as a possible cause of SLE. The cause of systemic lupus is likely to depend on numerous factors.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The unspecific symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus include fever, general weakness and weight loss, usually enlarged lymph nodes are noticed. SLE is often manifested by joint inflammation, predominantly of the hand - the tendon sheaths are also often affected.
Skin changes occur in around fifty percent of SLE patients: The so-called butterfly erythema, which appears in the form of a symmetrical reddening of the cheeks up to the bridge of the nose, is characteristic. Rashes can occur in other parts of the body and are aggravated by exposure to the sun. Swollen legs and eyelids or dark-colored urine can be signs of kidney involvement.
About a third of those affected develop an inflammation of the pleura or pericardium, which is noticeable as breath-dependent chest pain. In around ten percent of cases, systemic lupus erythematosus spreads to the nervous system and can cause neurological symptoms such as sensory disturbances, headaches, visual disturbances and seizures; psychological impairments such as personality changes, memory disorders and depression are also possible.
SLE rarely causes blood clotting disorders with a tendency to thrombosis, embolism, infarcts and pregnancy complications. Peritonitis manifests itself as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, an inflammation of the myocardium can cause cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac insufficiency associated with exertion-dependent shortness of breath. Muscle pain and weakness can indicate inflammation of the skeletal muscles.
Course of disease
At the Lupus the body's immune system is directed against the organism of the person affected. The antibodies produced as a result of this disease can trigger inflammatory reactions throughout the body. This fact can make lupus life-threatening. Thanks to a disease from lupus, entire organ systems can even be damaged.
Systemic lupus erythematosus can cause chronic inflammation of various organs, joints or connective tissue. The course of the disease can be mild, moderate or dramatic. Lupus erythematosus can even lead to death if left untreated. This also applies if the treatment does not work or leads to complications.
Thanks to good medical care, systemic lupus can now be survived in 90 percent of cases. However, an increase in lupus has been observed for years. The most commonly affected patients with lupus erythematosus are women.
Systemic lupus erythematosus can cause complications throughout the body - serious consequences are possible, especially if the brain or kidneys are inflamed. Chronic kidney failure, for example, can result in the patient having to be connected to a dialysis machine. If the brain is inflamed, neurological complaints can occur - such as gait disorders or other deficiency symptoms.
The antipholipid syndrome can lead to activation of the blood coagulation system. This increases the risk of thrombosis, embolism or arterial vascular occlusion. If pregnant women are affected, there is an increased risk of miscarriage.Similar complications can occur with systemic lupus erythematosus.
A drug-induced lupus erythematosus is associated with an involvement of the joints, the pleura and occasionally the pericardium. After stopping the triggering drug, the symptoms usually go away again. The therapy of the disease also carries risks.
The prescribed antimalarials are always associated with side effects and interactions. Typically, headaches and body aches as well as temporary gastrointestinal complaints occur. Longer use increases the risk of retinal damage. Painkillers, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and other preparations pose similar risks.
When should you go to the doctor?
With SLE, the affected person is dependent on medical treatment from a doctor. Since this disease cannot heal itself and the symptoms worsen if left untreated, an examination and subsequent treatment must definitely be carried out. This is the only way to prevent further complications.
In the case of SLE, a doctor should be consulted if the person concerned suffers from inflammation of the joints. There is a fever and a general feeling of illness. It is not uncommon for patients to suffer from swollen legs or severe restrictions in movement. Chest or heart pain can also indicate SLE and should be checked by a doctor. Furthermore, visual problems or severe abdominal pain often point to this disease and must be examined if they do not go away on their own.
SLE can be detected by a pediatrician or by a general practitioner. For further treatment, a visit to a specialist is usually necessary, as this depends on the exact complaints.
Treatment & Therapy
Treating a systemic lupus erythematosus is usually taken over by the rheumatologist. A thorough medical history, blood tests, and clinical examination can confirm suspicions of lupus.
The therapy of systemic lupus erithematosus is mainly carried out with drugs that suppress the immune system. Lupus erithematodes is therefore often treated with cortisone preparations.
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➔ Medicines for rash and eczemaprevention
A prevention against Lupus erythematosus is in fact not possible. In order to prevent lupus erythematosus, one can at best avoid strong UV radiation. If you already suffer from systemic lupus erythematosus, you should avoid exposure to the sun and long sunbathing.
As a result of therapy, the cause of the disease is left untreated. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) does not heal. On the basis of the clinical findings, it can only be assessed for follow-up care whether the disease is progressing slowly (chronically progressive course) or progressing in stages. The main tasks of follow-up care remain monitoring the course of the disease, checking medication, and identifying and treating new symptoms.
This requires regular checks of the "large" blood count. During the follow-up examinations, the attending physician is dependent on a detailed description of the general state of health and the patient's complaints. Because in medicine no laboratory values are recognized by which the activity of the SLE can be reliably assessed.
The inflammatory activity may reduce by itself. Basically, however, SLE increases in the severity and number of its symptoms. Clinical stays may then be necessary to re-determine the necessary medication. But even new symptoms cannot be cured, but can only be alleviated with medication.
The patient must learn to deal with SLE in everyday life. A spa treatment is recommended as a first approach. This does not apply to drug-induced SLE. The follow-up examinations can be omitted as soon as the patient is in good general health again when the triggering drug is discontinued.
You can do that yourself
It is recommended that those affected lead a lifestyle that is as healthy as possible. This includes physical activity as well as abstaining from alcohol, nicotine and too much coffee.
Changing your diet will help relieve symptoms. Whole foods, for example, avoiding egg and dairy products and foods that are as low in fat as possible have a positive effect on the disease. Olive oil is also recommended, as it contains plenty of the fatty acid omega 9. This helps to reduce inflammation, which is fundamental in this disease.
In the case of joint or muscle problems, wraps soaked in herbal broth can have a soothing effect. Medicinal herbs are also used to improve symptoms. These mainly include: angelica, garlic, ginger, marjoram, lemongrass, black pepper, lemon, basil, lemon balm and juniper.
In addition, a healthy digestive tract is essential for those affected, as many patients suffer from a significant lack of nutrients. That is why it is particularly important to guarantee correct nutrient intake. With probiotics a healthy and strong intestinal flora can be promoted, which also helps to prevent inflammation. Massages are also part of the recommended symptom treatment. These noticeably help relieve inflammation, detoxify the body, and reduce stress.