types of securities

We explain what types of values ​​exist, both at a social and universal level and in specific areas. In addition, its characteristics.

Values ​​indicate what a culture considers valuable.

What are the types of securities?

When we speak of values, we refer to properties and characteristics of objects or subjects, that the whole of a human society considers valuable, that is, it considers worthy of being conserved, fostered and replicated.

The values They can be very different in nature and can be held in esteem for different reasons (historical, cultural, etc.). Some of them are more or less universal and others very particular to a culture, geographic region or community.

In fact, values ​​are almost always a historical construct. It is often said that in our society "Values ​​are being lost", when it really means that values ​​are being lost traditional, replaced, of course, by new ones, like us or not.

We therefore understand that values ​​are always the result of an interpretation human. On the other hand, they can be of many types, depending on what area of ​​life they refer to, or even where their legitimation in the culture comes from. Next we will see what are the possible types of values.

Universal values

There really are no universal values, but broadly speaking, some of them are held in esteem by a wide number of cultures and societies.

These values ​​usually refer to the most basic aspects of human life, such as the life itself, the absence of pain, well-being, etc. That is why the entire humanity, but for the same reason they are often difficult to specify and define.

Personal values

On the contrary, personal values ​​are those values ​​that reside in each individual, that is, that each person interprets a little in their own way and exercises according to their free will. Many of them may coincide with more universally accepted values, but which in certain circumstances may be lacking, which does not usually constitute a serious social fault.

For example, the honesty, but it is practically impossible to live in peace in society always telling the truth of what you think. Then there are "white lies" or situations in which lying is justified, such as to protect someone, or to ensure survival.

Family values

Those that are usually transmitted in family, that is, we learn at home. They are taught by our parents and relatives. They are also usually traditional values, that is, those inherited from previous generations, which means that they can vary depending on the culture in which said family is inserted.

For example, in certain communities the family value is the I respect and devotion to ancestors, as occurs in traditional Japanese homes. In the West, by contrast, we tend to be much more irreverent with parental authority.

Political values

It is about those imposed on us by the society in which we live. They often have to do with its own functioning, or with the place we should occupy within it.

Are behaviors such as patriotism, for example, which are instilled in schools and other institutions who have a training plan, not only in knowledge, but also in civic, patriotic, in short, political values.

Religious values

Religious values ​​can regulate everything from the relationship with God to clothing.

Those coming from the specific practice of some type of religion or mysticism, especially those that have institutions that support them, that is, churches.

Christianity, one of the main religions in the world, has its own set of Christian values, such as those professed by the 10 commandments: obedience to parents, faith in God, rejection of "carnal" temptations, love to the neighbor, etc.

Ethical values

The values ​​linked to ethics are those that arise from a profession, knowledge or a can. They regulate the proper use of a certain power that society gives us.

For example, honesty (contrary to corruption) is a value that we all long to see in our politicians, although in many cases they are determined to disappoint us. The sincerity, on the other hand, it is an ethical quality that we will appreciate in a doctor to whom we entrust our Health.

Moral values

The moral values They are often confused with religious and family members, because usually they all have common borders, dictated by history, culture, and culture. tradition. However, we will understand by moral values ​​those that arise from two absolute and difficult to define notions: good and evil.

As is known, these are really points of view about things, not universally definable categories. For this reason, the distinction between what is "good" in society and what is "bad" changes over time, and eventually behaviors that were previously considered "bad" or vice versa are accepted.

For example, in a much more superstitious era in the West, showing beyond the ankles on a woman's dress was considered sinful, indecent, and therefore a bad thing. This criterion, as we can see today, became more flexible over time.

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