Watery eyes, Lacrimation respectively Tears in the eyes are a common disease symptom at the ophthalmologist. Often it is exhausting or problematic for those affected to see normally. However, watery eyes are usually not dangerous and the treatment is easy.
What is lacrimation?
There is talk of watery eyes or lacrimation when the eyes water more than is usually the case. Daily tear production differs from person to person.
The average amount of tears is between 1.5 ml and 2.5 ml per day. External stimuli such as foreign bodies in the eye, computer work, drafts, dry air, smoke or dust particles, but also laughing, crying and yawning can cause this value to be exceeded.
As a rule, however, it regulates itself as soon as the triggering influences have been eliminated. If the excessive flow of tears persists for no apparent reason, it is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist.
The causes of watery eyes are mostly irritation of the eyes due to environmental influences. Smoke, dust and low humidity in particular can lead to watery eyes. Even if it sounds strange at first, drying eyes in particular can be responsible for the watering of the eyes.
Tear formation is particularly stimulated as a reaction to dry eyes. Since the eyes can then no longer compensate for this excess of tears, the watery eyes are particularly noticeable. This is the case, for example, with conjunctivitis.
Other causes are the composition or consistency of the tears. In addition to salty water, tears also consist of protein and a lipid layer. If the lipid layer is disturbed, the eyes can no longer hold the tears to the normal extent. In addition, the water content is increased.
Injuries such as scratches and foreign bodies on the corneal surface can also lead to watery and overflowing eyes. Misalignment of the eyelids can also be the cause of excessive moisture in the eyes.
Watery eyes also occur rarely when the tear drainage is blocked. Especially in infants or babies, constipation can occur if the tear ducts have not yet opened.
Even with ametropia and bright and glaring light, watery eyes can occur, since vision is more strenuous and the eyes are more stressed.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsDiseases with this symptom
- Conjunctivitis
- Pet hair allergy
- measles
- allergy
- Mold allergy
- Corneal inflammation
- hay fever
- House dust allergy
- glaucoma
Diagnosis & course
The diagnosis of lacrimation or watery eyes is also easy for laypeople, since with this clinical picture the eyes water considerably more than usual. The increased flow of tears is often associated with pain and impaired vision for those affected.
The flow of tears is characteristic of the course of tears to last as long as the irritation or injury to which the eye is responding by overproducing tears has not been successfully treated. If the treatment is not taken, a steady increase in the flow of tears and the pain and visual impairment it causes can be observed. With timely treatment there is usually complete healing.
Various complications can occur in connection with watery eyes. If they are not treated, they are more susceptible to allergies and irritation in the long run. The moist surface of the eye becomes more sensitive and new allergies lead to tears again. A vicious circle is created. In addition, the constant moisture in the eye causes bacteria to accumulate on its surface.
This can lead to infections of the eye and conjunctivitis. The associated irritation, in turn, is often responsible for severe itching. If the affected person rubs the itchy eye, further complications can arise. On the one hand, the risk of infection is increased many times over and, on the other hand, the vision of the respective eye can be restricted.
Depending on their severity, allergic reactions can lead to problems with hay fever and asthma. The tear fluid also attacks the skin around the eye. Over time, the skin becomes chapped, red and begins to hurt. This can result in eczema or areas of bloody skin. Treatment is needed to prevent such complications. It is important to treat the underlying disease.
Improper treatment with eye drops, on the other hand, can itself lead to inflammation or worsen the symptoms. For this reason, if the symptoms persist, the implementation of the therapy should be in the hands of an ophthalmologist.
When should you go to the doctor?
Watery eyes can occur for many different reasons, so a visit to the doctor is recommended. An infection or a foreign body in the eye are the most common causes of increased tear flow in the eye. As a rule, an infection should always be supplied and treated with appropriate medication.
In most cases, such an infection is caused by bacteria. An infection causes severe pain and increased tear discharge from the eye. Affected people who suffer from such a clinical picture should seek medical treatment immediately. This is the only way to avoid serious and painful complications. Of course, a foreign body in the eye can also be responsible for a strong flow of tears.
If it is really a foreign body, then the removal of the foreign body should only be carried out by a doctor. This is the only way to avoid serious injuries, as the human eye is a very sensitive organ. The following applies: Anyone who suffers from a lot of watery eyes should consult an appropriate doctor early enough. If you do not visit the doctor, you can expect serious complications.
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Treatment & Therapy
The treatment of watery eyes at the ophthalmologist is often easy. If the watery eyes are not caused by any other underlying disease, they can be treated with simple methods. Is a disease (e.g.Conjunctivitis and allergies) are responsible for the watery eyes, so these should be treated first.
Otherwise, all causes of watery eyes should be eliminated. For this purpose, areas or rooms with a lot of dust, smoke and wind should be avoided. Activities that overload the eyes should also be reduced. This includes, for example, watching TV for a long time or working and playing on the computer. Likewise, long and concentrated reading and fine-tuning can be reduced in order to protect the eyes.
A diet rich in vitamins is beneficial for the eyes. Vitamins A, B and E in particular are beneficial for healthy eyes. Sufficient sleep should also be ensured. If necessary, there are also eye drops and other drugs that can normalize the fluid in the eye.
Outlook & forecast
In most cases the watery eyes are only a temporary symptom and therefore do not necessarily have to be treated by a doctor. They usually go away after just a few minutes or hours and do not lead to further complaints or complications. The watery eyes are often triggered by foreign objects in the eye. The eye then tries to remove this foreign body from the eye itself and therefore uses tears to wash it out.
Under no circumstances should the affected person reach into or rub the eye if their eyes are watery. This can cause inflammation in the eye and tears in the eyes will only increase.
Without treatment, the symptom will in most cases go away on its own. However, if the watery eyes persist for a long time and lead to pain or loss of vision, a doctor should be consulted immediately in order to avoid consequential damage. In most cases, treatment is done with the help of eye drops. Surgical interventions or medication are not required and the treatment leads to a positive course of the disease.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsYou can do that yourself
If the eyes water, a doctor should always be consulted in order to rule out serious illnesses and avoid further complications. Often, however, the symptoms can be alleviated with simple measures and a few home remedies.
Depending on the cause, getting enough sleep and rest can stop tearing. A pleasant room climate protects the tear ducts and can be achieved, for example, by regular ventilation and humidifiers. A walk in the fresh air stimulates the blood circulation in the eyes and helps to flush out foreign bodies and to regulate tear production.
What should be avoided are drafts and smoke, as well as warm and dusty air. The car blower should always be set as gently as possible for watery eyes. Women in particular should clean their eyes regularly and, in particular, carefully remove make-up from the edges of the eyelids. Contact lens wearers can avoid watery eyes by taking regular breaks and cleaning the lenses.
If these home remedies show no effect, eye drops from the pharmacy or homeopathic remedies such as Schüssler salts or apis can help. Even simple face masks have an anti-inflammatory effect and can usually stop watery eyes quickly and effectively.