Unfortunately, there is no general recipe for it and there cannot be any, because low back and back pain have various causes. The annoying complaints that can arise from the normal signs of wear and tear on the spine can in most cases be avoided or remedied if we adopt healthy lifestyle habits.
Unhealthy lifestyle brings back pain
We will not only be talking about alcohol and nicotine, because a healthy lifestyle includes much more. In order to keep the spine itself and the abdominal and back muscles healthy and capable of action, appropriate living and working hygiene is required above all. It is precisely in this regard that, due to ignorance of the interrelationships - but often also due to a certain indolence - much is still missed. From the abundance of bad examples, just a few are named:
On the train, at work, in front of the television, everywhere you can see people who, because of their casual sitting posture, are about to get crooked and collapse. Cycling with a low handlebar and a high seat also leads to incorrect stress on the spinal joints. The spine is particularly stressed by sudden and unexpected jolts in the longitudinal axis when riding a motorcycle, but also in a car and therefore needs short breaks, which is why drivers should interrupt their journey more often.
The permanent and permanent seaters in the so-called standing and sitting professions, such as hairdressers, bakers, teachers, factory workers, salespeople, etc., could in many cases become very one-sided overload by switching to a more reciprocal (sitting, walking, standing, bending) activity of the postural and musculoskeletal system.
Back pain from being overweight
But an increase in body weight not only means a burden on the heart and circulation, but also an increased strain on the spine, its ligaments and muscles.The liberation from useless ballast is therefore not only a cosmetic question, but much more an important factor in preventive health care.
Of course, you can seldom regain that slim figure by using weight-loss pills or teas, but only by following a strict diet, which is best determined by the doctor according to individual criteria. In general, however, eating less and more exercise lead to weight loss, especially if alcohol, fatty foods and the famous cream cakes and pralines are avoided. Starvation diets and fasting, on the other hand, are not necessary and are often harmful.
Back pain when the weather changes
Back pain and lower back pain are sometimes triggered by climatic influences, especially by a cold stimulus. It usually affects people whose vascular system has lost the ability to react to cold and heat, wind and rain. Staying in warm, centrally heated rooms also prevents the natural exercise of the skin vessels, whose activity supports the blood circulation and thus nourishes and purifies the muscles.
In order to counteract the signs of fatigue and wear and tear on the spine, the ability to adapt to climatic influences must therefore also be increased. Suitable toughening measures include, for example, alternating baths and showers, swimming, gradually getting used to wind and weather on hikes or regular walks, even in frost, fog and rain.
Back pain as a modern disease of civilization
But who of us is still exposed to these important skin stimuli, voluntarily and regularly? The question leads us to the very serious problem of sedentary lifestyle in modern man. Technology has not only given us more free time, it has also taken away some of the nuisances at work and at home.
In many professions, there is no longer an overload due to overexertion, as was often the case in the past. However, the automation of many production processes has meant that our organism is often only stressed very unilaterally and uniformly over many hours of the working day, for example when drilling, punching, turning and assembly line work. On the other hand, the mechanization of everyday life leads to a sedentary lifestyle. Lifting, carrying, walking and running have often been replaced by technical aids such as elevators, suburban trains and cars.
We have to counteract these deficiencies in the rhythm of movement if we want to keep the spine, back and muscles healthy and productive. Everyone has probably already experienced on their own that back pain and muscle cramps disappear faster and more sustainably with gymnastic exercises than with just resting. Involuntarily, you twist and bend your trunk to get rid of lower back and back pain. But you should try not to let any complaints arise in the first place.
Back pain due to sedentary lifestyle
The lack of exercise and the often one-sided strain on the organism urgently require regular physical training, either in the form of compensatory sport or gymnastics at home. How much work, sport and general well-being complement each other and not contradict each other, is also evident from the fact that many companies participate have introduced work gymnastics with good success. The relaxing effect of back exercises on muscles, ligaments and spine is possible.
Staying flexible is one of the great secrets of all youth. However, it cannot be achieved through an expensive miracle promise made by some dubious companies or loudly advertised drugs. Cheaper and better are a few minutes of gymnastics that are regularly included in the long hours of everyday work. Regularly because the increasing muscle strengthening cannot be preserved, but is immediately lost again if the strengthening stimulus from the gymnastics does not materialize. Admittedly, meeting this requirement is inconvenient at first. The temptation to stop exercising just once is too great. But once you have worked your way from “I have to” to “I want”, then daily gymnastics will soon have become a habit that one no longer wants to do without.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for back painTips for self-help against back pain
Of course, there are special exercises for all ages and for men and women. Your health insurance company or doctor can help you find individual health programs. The health insurance companies usually even pay 80% of a course. Finally, another tip: Anyone who suffers a lot from lower back pain and back pain, but also those who have not yet got to know them, should give their spine a rest at night.
This is absurd, many will say, because the body relaxes during the rest of the day anyway. However, this is only partially correct, as the weight of the body bends the back on a soft surface and individual sections of the spine are particularly stressed.
You can only really relax on a firm, non-springy surface, which you can create by placing a board between the mattress and the spring base.
If the back pain persists, a pressure-relieving position of the back has also proven its worth: supine position on a firm surface, head on a flat pillow, hip and knee joints bent at right angles, lower legs on a firm cushion.
We hope to have given you a little insight into why back pain and lower back pain arise and what you can do about it in general. Nevertheless, a medical examination should never be carried out in the case of existing back pain in order to diagnose the exact factors causing the symptoms. Nevertheless, everyone, young or old, can do a lot to keep their spine healthy.