At enlarged tonsils it is a temporary or permanent swelling of the tonsils or the tonsils. This can occur as an accompanying symptom of a disease such as an infection. As this subsides, the tonsils swell again; Special treatment is only necessary if the swelling itself causes symptoms.
What are enlarged tonsils?
Doctors call enlarged tonsils a significant swelling of the tonsils located in the throat. This can be both the palatine tonsils, which are clearly visible when the mouth is wide open, as well as the pharyngeal tonsils located further back. Swelling or inflammation of the tonsils is very common, especially in childhood.
Especially between the ages of three and seven, the tonsils are often swollen due to infections and the development of the immune system. During puberty, the tonsils regress on their own, so that swelling becomes less common. In principle, swollen tonsils do not pose a health risk and do not always have to be treated.
However, if they cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing or otitis media, appropriate therapy should be initiated. In severe and / or chronic cases, the tonsils can be surgically removed to prevent further discomfort.
The almonds are part of the human immune system and contribute to the defense against infections and other diseases. They are made up of lymphoid tissue and contain a large number of white blood cells. Because of this, they are able to produce antibodies and protect the body from invading pathogens. If the tonsils are so active, swelling occurs, but this decreases again as the disease subsides.
Various infectious diseases such as conventional flu pathogens, but also serious diseases such as HIV infection, can be responsible for enlarged almonds. Pfeiffer's glandular fever can also cause swollen and inflamed tonsils.
Not only viruses, but also bacteria cause enlarged tonsils at times. Scarlet fever angina can also trigger the unpleasant symptoms. Tonsillitis can occur acutely or become chronic, for example if there is a chronic primary disease or if the tonsils have to become increasingly active again and again due to frequent infections.
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➔ Medication for tonsillitis & sore throatDiseases with this symptom
- Tonsillar angina
- Glandular Pfeiffer fever
- Chronic tonsillitis
- Infectious diseases
- Scarlet fever
- HIV infection
If there is a suspicion of enlarged tonsils, the treating ear, nose and throat doctor can make an appropriate diagnosis comparatively quickly. To do this, he examines the ear, nose and throat area with special devices. Small endoscopes are inserted into the throat, nose or ears and reveal irritations, swellings and infections. A detailed discussion with the patient, in which the type and occurrence of the symptoms are treated, further supports the diagnosis.
Further examinations are only required if an underlying medical condition is to be determined. Enlarged tonsils often swell by themselves when the infection subsides. However, if they remain chronically inflamed, sleep disorders, breathing difficulties and accompanying inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the middle ear or the bronchi are not uncommon.
Permanently enlarged tonsils can also form abscesses, which are painful and can permanently impair the immune system. Swollen tonsils are very common in childhood and are usually not a cause for concern; only in the case of chronic tonsillitis that leads to severe symptoms should the removal of the tonsils be considered.
Enlarged tonsils are mostly harmless; however, sometimes they lead to problems and serious complications. First of all, excessively large tonsils can make breathing difficult and cause nocturnal pauses in breathing. If left untreated, it can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems. It can also lead to nosebleeds, pulmonary hypertension and inflammation of the sinuses.
Infection can rarely spread to the ears and cause otitis media, which affects hearing. This can lead to blockages of the ear canals and temporary hearing loss. Furthermore, enlarged almonds increase the risk of chest infections and laryngitis.
Typical complications of a severe course are vomiting, dry or slimy cough, and in the further course a complete blockage of the nasal airway, which causes shortness of breath and pain, among other things. If left untreated, enlarged tonsils can also cause deformation in children; the result is an elongated face with protruding teeth and a misaligned tongue.
If the tonsils are surgically removed, there is a risk of inflammation or infection of the wound. In addition, the almonds can grow back and lead to hormonal disorders and other problems unnoticed. An early diagnosis of large tonsils can reliably prevent the development of serious complications.
When should you go to the doctor?
Enlarged tonsils usually indicate inflammation that should be treated by a doctor as soon as possible. If the affected person refrains from drug treatment, further complications are to be expected. It is not uncommon for other side effects to occur in connection with inflamed tonsils, such as an increased temperature, headache, difficulty swallowing, nausea or vomiting.
If these individual clinical pictures worsen, you should see your own doctor as soon as possible. If medical and drug treatment is dispensed with at this point, the individual clinical pictures are likely to worsen. However, if you consult a doctor early in such a case, you can counteract the symptoms very well and effectively with anti-inflammatory drugs.
So the following applies: A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if the tonsils are inflamed. Otherwise, the person concerned must expect considerable complications that may require medical treatment. However, if you decide on treatment early enough, you will already notice a significant improvement after a few days.
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Treatment & Therapy
Enlarged tonsils do not always need medical treatment. If, for example, the swelling has occurred due to a flu-like infection, it will subside by itself along with the cold. Throat tablets, which inhibit the inflammation and alleviate the symptoms, can be sucked for support. Gargling with chamomile tea also disinfects and helps with healing.
If there is also a fever, this can be reduced with paracetamol, for example. A doctor can treat bacterial tonsillitis with broad spectrum antibiotics. These kill the pathogens and thus ensure that the symptoms subside quickly and the swelling recedes. If the swollen tonsils appear more often and / or cause severe symptoms such as shortness of breath or high fever, consideration should be given to having them surgically removed.
This procedure is usually performed on children. It can take place on an outpatient basis, provided there are no other illnesses and no complications occur. On average, the routine procedure only takes 10 to 15 minutes. In its course, the tonsils are peeled out with a special instrument. Both the tonsils and the tonsils can be removed in this way.
After the operation, minor symptoms such as pain when swallowing, nasal congestion and bleeding occur for a few days, but these subside quickly in most patients. Nevertheless, the patient should take it easy for a few days and refrain from physical exertion, especially to avoid excessive bleeding.
Outlook & forecast
With enlarged tonsils, the prognosis is usually positive. Most of the time there are no major discomforts and the tonsils do not need to be removed. If treatment is necessary, it usually proceeds without serious complications.
Enlarged tonsils are usually removed under general anesthesia and the patient can leave the hospital immediately after the procedure. An inpatient stay is only required for certain previous illnesses, blood clotting disorders or if the tonsils are removed at the same time. Provided that the tonsils do not grow back, no further complaints or risks are to be expected. Only typical complications such as bleeding or pain when swallowing can slightly delay the healing process.
The prospect of a quick recovery is therefore given with enlarged tonsils, provided that the patient spares himself for a few days after the operation. If enlarged tonsils are not treated, symptoms such as otitis media or even severe respiratory diseases can occur. Speech development disorders, which in turn require therapy, also rarely occur. The outlook and prognosis are therefore good, but they also depend on the size of the tonsils, the time of treatment and the patient's constitution.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for tonsillitis & sore throatprevention
Enlarged tonsils cannot always be prevented as they usually occur due to viral or bacterial infections. A general strengthening of the immune system can help to fight off pathogens faster and better, which means that tonsillitis is less common and the symptoms are less severe.
A healthy lifestyle supports the immune system and also improves general well-being and health. If the first symptoms appear, children in particular should be presented to the doctor to be on the safe side so that he can initiate appropriate therapy. Adults should see a doctor if symptoms are very severe or last longer than usual.
You can do that yourself
Enlarged tonsils should always be treated medically to avoid complications. A number of home remedies and tips help against the typical accompanying symptoms. First of all, it is advisable to take it easy on the throat until the medical examination and to drink enough.Warm compresses and the inhalation of natural remedies (sage, chamomile, fennel, etc.) relieve pain and have a decongestant effect. Alternatively, a brew of cloves, horseradish and honey or a few drops of propolis also helps.
Ointments made from essential oils (peppermint, eucalyptus or camphor) are ideal for external use. Ibuprofen is also an effective drug from the pharmacy. Suitable household remedies from homeopathy include the Schüssler salts No. 3 and No. 4 as well as Belladonna. The remedies Lachesis and Lycopodium have a pain-relieving effect and have proven to be particularly effective in the case of enlarged tonsils with irritated cough and watery sputum. Fused almonds can be treated with Hepar Sulfuris and Mercurius Solubilis.
Apart from these measures, enlarged tonsils should be examined by a doctor and treated if necessary. A complaint diary provides information on the type and intensity of the complaints and makes diagnosis easier for the doctor.