Everyone feels exhausted or exhausted in the course of life. Too much stress, too little sleep, poor nutrition: the causes are varied. Kick the Exhaustion However, despite sufficient sleep and a healthy lifestyle, the cause should be clarified by a doctor more often or even permanently.
What is exhaustion?
Fatigue is a symptom that is fairly common. A night with little or poor sleep can sometimes make you feel exhausted, tired or exhausted the next day.
The exhaustion manifests itself e.g. through lack of concentration, physical exhaustion, listlessness or listlessness. But not only the obvious things like lack of sleep, jet lag, weather changes or great exertion can lead to fatigue. Fatigue is a common but very unspecific symptom of many diseases.
Cold and flu are often announced days in advance by drowsiness and exhaustion. Many other viral diseases such as Pfeiffer's glandular fever or hepatitis A are initially noticeable through fatigue. In particular, the Epstein-Barr virus, the causative agent of Pfeiffer's glandular fever, is not infrequently the cause of fatigue and exhaustion.
The chronic form of glandular fever is almost always expressed through chronic fatigue up to chronic fatigue syndrome, also called chronic fatigue syndrome. Anemia, such as iron deficiency anemia, is also associated with fatigue caused by a lack of oxygen. Other causes can be found in the cardiovascular system. Heart defects, vascular diseases or low blood pressure (hypotension) lead to an insufficient supply of oxygen and thus to fatigue.
In addition to metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, a malfunction of the thyroid gland, usually an underactive thyroid, can lead to fatigue. Other causes of exhaustion are various medications (often antidepressants or antihistamines) or excessive alcohol consumption.
If the fatigue occurs in connection with weight loss and night sweats, particular caution is required. Weight loss, night sweats and exhaustion are typical triads in malignant events such as leukemia or other cancers.
In addition to the physical causes, mental illnesses such as depression should also not be ignored.
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➔ Medicines against fatigue and weaknessDiseases with this symptom
- cold
- Tonsillar angina
- flu
- Glandular Pfeiffer fever
- Hepatitis A
- Epstein-Barr Virus
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Heart defect
- Low blood pressure (hypotension)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hypothyroidism
- Three-day fever
- Puerperal fever
- Dengue fever
- Inflammation of the muscles (myositis)
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Blood poisoning
- leukemia
Diagnosis & course
Since exhaustion is only a very unspecific symptom of many diseases, a detailed anamnesis is essential. During the conversation, the doctor should inquire about the duration, course and extent of exhaustion and clarify any additional symptoms that may occur.
The professional, family and social situation also plays an important role and should be queried in the anamnesis. Various physical examinations and blood tests can be helpful for further clarification. Depending on the suspected fatigue diagnosis, further diagnostic procedures such as the sleep laboratory, EKG, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) or computed tomography (CT) are used.
The complications associated with the symptom of fatigue are in almost all cases due to the underlying disease and the underestimation or ignoring of the symptoms. Feeling tired and exhausted is often not perceived as a symptom of an illness, but interpreted as tiredness and attributed to lack of sleep or 'bad sleep'. In other cases, the patients do not see a feeling of exhaustion as a reason to take it easy.
This underestimation of the symptoms can lead to complications, if the disease is actually present. The first thing to be mentioned here is the 'delaying' of an infection. Fatigue occurs in the context of many infectious diseases. Such illnesses require not only a therapy appropriate to the respective illness but also physical rest. If the signals for this are ignored, the disease may worsen and / or the pathogens may spread further in the body. The healing process can thus be delayed. In the worst case, complications such as inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) can occur.
The dangers of the symptom of fatigue consist primarily in underestimating it and for this reason not showing appropriate behavior, which can have a negative effect on the illness causing the symptom. In what form the complication then occurs cannot be foreseen. In general, it is important to take it easy if you are exhausted in order to avoid sometimes life-threatening complications.
When should you go to the doctor?
Exhaustion and exhaustion can indicate many illnesses, but they can also be signs of overexertion. Fatigue occurs when the body consumes a lot of oxygen and nutrients and the reserves have not been replenished.
Chronic illnesses and an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to faster fatigue. If the fatigue persists for more than a week, the person concerned should generally consult a doctor. It could be a serious illness like cancer. Often the exhaustion is only related to obesity, too little physical activity and a lack of vitamins. In order to transport 100 kg of body weight, the heart has to perform significantly more than with 70 kg of body weight. Because energy and oxygen consumption skyrocket, exhaustion sets in much earlier than in people of normal weight.
If the cause of rapid exhaustion is unclear, a visit to the doctor is advisable. In connection with unexplained weight loss, a doctor's visit is always necessary. If persistent stress leads to fatigue, the trigger must be resolved. If exhaustion is accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath and nausea, the heart can be affected. If the symptoms show up together with severe thirst and poor wound healing, diabetes can be the cause. The cause of persistent fatigue is found out through the elimination process. The doctor will conduct an interview and then a blood test.
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Treatment & Therapy
Medically supervised therapy is not always necessary in the case of exhaustion. Often just reducing stress or improving sleeping habits leads to more vitality.
Relaxation methods such as autogenic training or Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation are helpful here.
If the exhaustion can be traced back to sleep disorders, sleeping pills can be used. However, these often lead to dependencies and should therefore only be taken after consulting the attending physician. Alternative are herbal sleeping pills and sedatives such as hops or valerian.
However, if the state of exhaustion is based on an illness, the exhaustion can only be treated by treating this underlying illness.
The therapeutic options for exhaustion are as diverse as their causes. Medicines are often used: for iron deficiency anemia, for example, iron supplements, for hypothyroidism the missing hormones are substituted. In the case of serious illnesses such as Surgery may also be necessary for tumors or heart conditions.
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➔ Medicines against fatigue and weaknessOutlook & forecast
It is difficult to make a general forecast. How well fatigue can be treated depends on the original illness. In mild cases, which are based on a dysphoric disgruntlement, the probability of a complete fight is very high. A change in lifestyle is often enough. Often the associated fatigue disappears after a few weeks. Regulated private and professional circumstances as well as sporting activities can make a significant contribution to this.
However, if it is a burnout illness, it is far more difficult to make a permanently positive prognosis. With continuous therapy, the chances of a temporary cure are good. However, many mental illnesses that are associated with severe exhaustion are associated with high relapse rates.
In addition to vigorous physical exertion, relapses can also result from prolonged infections or psychological setbacks. These include death in the family, breakups or problems with the job. In the long run, fatigue can return indefinitely.
Chronic fatigue syndrome can lead to a permanent inability to cope with everyday life despite treatment. A reliable prognosis can only be made by the attending physician after a comprehensive anamnesis and treatment.
The best prevention for exhaustion, tiredness and exhaustion is a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular sleep times, a healthy diet and sufficient exercise.
How much sleep is necessary for regeneration differs from person to person. The norm is between 6 and 10 hours. For a restful sleep, the bedroom should be as dark and quiet as possible. The recommended sleeping temperature is 16 to 19 ° Celsius. In addition, the bedroom should be as quiet as possible.
Only when our body is adequately supplied with all the important nutrients can it function smoothly even in stressful phases of life. Fresh fruit and vegetables as well as sufficient water consumption keep you fit. The regular practice of relaxation techniques, meditation or gentle sports such as yoga or Pilates is not only suitable as a therapy, but also as a preventive method in case of exhaustion.
Lack of exercise during the day should be avoided. Even short walks in the fresh air or moderate physical activity around two to three hours before going to bed are important prerequisites for restful sleep.Because only when body and mind are exhausted at the end of the day, the so pleasant bed heaviness occurs.
↳ More information: Home remedies for weakness
You can do that yourself
When feeling exhausted, a change in lifestyle and diet often helps. A balanced and healthy diet replenishes the vitamin and mineral stores and compensates for possible deficiency symptoms, while sufficient exercise activates the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system, thereby reducing fatigue.
If you are very exhausted, you should generally follow a regular daily routine. A restful night's sleep is just as soothing as a stress-free everyday life and a fulfilling professional and private life. A lot of rest and a stable environment help to alleviate fatigue and increase personal well-being. In addition, home remedies such as bitter clover or gentian tea, but also immediate measures such as a visit to the sauna or an extensive massage, promise relief. A hot shower or warm compresses are just as effective, but in general, if you are tired, the cause should be treated first.
If you feel exhausted as a result of malnutrition, nutritional supplements with magnesium, valerian or vitamin D and vitamin C. Overweight people can alleviate the exhaustion through a lot of exercise and, depending on the cause, dietary measures. If the exhaustion persists despite the measures mentioned, the family doctor should be consulted to clarify the causes.