sierra animals



We explain what the animals of the sierra are and how they are classified. In addition, all its characteristics and some examples.

The cougar can reach a speed of fifty-five kilometers per hour.

What are the animals of the sierra?

The animals of the sierra (a group of small mountains located in a larger mountain system) make up a large group of mammals, reptiles, arthropods Y amphibians. They are capable of living in climates of Mountain with extreme variations of the temperature.

The saws they have abundant vegetation (which decreases with the heights and the cold temperatures) and have large grasslands, with bushes, shrubs and small trees, even bushy woods. Throughout its entire breadth live different animals.

Examples of animals of the sierra

The spectacled bear inhabits forests over 1,000 meters high.

Some animals that inhabit the sierra are:

  • The Andean condor. It is one of the largest flying birds in the world, with a maximum range of almost four meters. It lives in high altitude areas and rests in the open on inaccessible mountain projections. It feeds on carrion and, only occasionally, can hunt small animals.
  • The cock of the rocks (Rupícola peruvianus). It is a native bird of South America that stands out for the color of its plumage, with a combination of orange and black. It lives in heights, between nine hundred and two thousand four hundred meters, and feeds on the seeds of the trees.
  • The Andean owl. It is a bird of prey that lives in regions of Africa, Asia Y Europe, and is very similar to the owl. It has yellow eyes and is about two feet tall, with its wings spread. Is carnivorous and is characterized by swallowing their food instead of chewing it.
  • The Andean caracara. It is a raptor of the falcon family that lives on the cliffs of the mountains, where it usually builds its nest that it reuses year after year. It feeds on small rodents and carrion.
  • The mountain lizard (Iberolacerta montícola). Is a reptile that lives in rocky areas at the level of the sea. It feeds on insects and spiders (sometimes also on birds). To run away from their predatorsRun very fast until you find a hiding place.
  • The forest frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). Is a amphibian able to withstand extreme temperatures and, for two to three months, it can freeze without dying due to reaching a deep state of hibernation. May have a length about seven centimeters.
  • The Puma. It is one of the largest cats, which is usually seen in the forest areas of the mountains. It is very stealthy and a skilled hunter, which can reach a speed of fifty-five kilometers per hour, and jump up to five meters high.
  • The highland fox (Lycalopex culpaeus andinus). It is a subspecies that belongs to the canidae family. It feeds on small rodents and carrion. It is solitary or walks in pairs, but does not group in herds. When stalked, he tends to pretend he's dead and runs away as soon as he can.
  • The guanaco. It is one of the oldest species of the group of camelids. It feeds on grasses, shrubs, and the leaves of small trees. It lives in groups and, when threatened, spits out (very sticky slime with a foul odor) with great aim.
  • The flame. It is the most common animal to find in the mountains. It is characterized by being very strong and capable of living at four thousand meters above sea level, in areas with abundant grass to feed itself (although with little Water).
  • The alpaca. It is from the llama family, although it is smaller, with a weight average of sixty kilograms and a height of one meter. It feeds on grasses, grasses, and leaves of trees or shrubs. It supports night temperatures below zero degrees.
  • Vicuna. It is the smallest of the camelids, with a slim and slender body. He has large eyes and thick eyelashes (which help keep out dust and sand). He lives in closed groups, where the members are not separated over time.
  • The Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos Ornatus). It is one of the breeds of bears that are not aggressive and lives in forests in South America, located between one thousand and four thousand meters above sea level. Is omnivoreAlthough most of its diet is herbivorous, it can be up to two meters tall.
  • The chinchilla. It's a rodent herbivorous, family of the vizcachas. It lives in caves located more than five hundred meters above sea level. It is very quiet and habits nocturnal. Its flexible body allows it to take big jumps.
  • The Chilean pink tarantula (Grammostola rosea). Is a arthropod very strong and resistant, whose poison is dangerous only for allergy sufferers. Feeds on others invertebrates and can withstand more than two months without ingesting food, when reaching a state of hibernation during the months of intense cold.

Types of animals of the sierra

At the top of the mountains are various birds such as the condor.

In the area of ​​mountains there is a great diversity of animal species that we can group in:

  • Birds. Like the Andean condor.
  • Mammals. Like the chinchilla.
  • Reptiles. Like the mountain lizard.
  • Amphibians. Like the forest frog.

Most are endemic species (typical of the place) and others, were inserted by man, so they were adapting to the conditions, with the passage of time.

Characteristics of the animals of the sierra

The vicuña can warn of the arrival of predators thanks to its long neck.

Despite the diversity of species, many of the animals of the sierra share some characteristics that allow them to live in this ecosystem Andean. Three of the most prominent are:

  • A herbivorous diet. Most maintain a feeding made from herbs, grasses, leaves, shrubs and tree bark. Therefore, animals such as the vicuña have teeth similar to those of rodents, which allow them to chew on the plants tougher. Other animals are omnivores and to a lesser extent, carnivores and scavengers.
  • They withstand cold temperatures. Especially at night, the temperatures can be below zero degrees. Some animals have a body temperature system that allows them to withstand these harsh external conditions. Most mammals and birds have fur or feathers that act as insulation to protect from extreme cold. Others, such as reptiles and amphibians, can hibernate during the winter months.
  • Prepared to observe at great distances. The prey birds, who live in the highest areas of the mountains, have powerful eyesight that makes it easy for them to hunt their prey. On the other hand, herbivorous animals such as the alpaca have high necks that place their eyes in a height position.Thus they can warn of the arrival of their predators and flee from them.

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