Leg pain can have a wide variety of causes - from harmless such as sore muscles to diseases that can end in death. The diagnosis and treatment of leg pain depends on the cause of the leg pain.
What is leg pain?
Leg pain should be differentiated from foot pain or hip pain according to the common definition. So they concern what lies between the foot and the hip. Leg pain can consequently occur in the upper and lower legs. They can affect muscles as well as tendons, connective tissue, blood vessels or bones.
The knee joint in particular is a sensitive area on the leg. If damage or injuries occur here, the whole leg is usually affected by the effects. Damage in the tendons and joints can lead to leg pain.
At the upper end of the leg it is the hip joint, at the lower end the ankle, which can cause something similar. Radiated or localized leg pain must first be researched into its causes.
As causes for Leg pain There are a number of circumstances. Muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, joints and blood vessels can lead to leg pain through blunt or bleeding injuries. Joint problems in particular can lead to radiating pain.
It differs whether you notice this in the resting position or when moving. In addition, fractures and poor circulation can contribute to leg pain. Leg pain can be sharp, pulsating and heated, local or radiating. Leg pain often hampers the mobility of the leg. One can also suffer from sensory disturbances, swelling or lumps.
Fractures, strains, joint problems, sore muscles and circulatory disorders lead to common pain. It becomes dangerous when a clot of blood leads to leg pain. A fatal embolism can develop here. The doctor must be called in immediately in the event of such leg pain.
Herniated discs, tendinitis, wear and tear, osteoporosis, tumors or rheumatism, varicose veins or joint inflammation also cause leg pain.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for painDiseases with this symptom
- thrombosis
- disc prolapse
- arthritis
- Varicose veins
- Circulatory disorders
- rheumatism
- Heel spur
- Obesity
- Burning Feet Syndrome
- Diabetes mellitus
- Polyneuropathy
- Smoker's leg
- Tendinitis
- osteoporosis
- Restless legs syndrome
Diagnosis & course
The diagnosis and course differ significantly depending on the identified cause of the leg pain. Treatment and convalescence time can range from one day to several months. In some cases, leg pain is due to a tumor or thrombus and, if left untreated, can be fatal.
For diagnostic purposes, one first goes to the family doctor, unless one suspects a specific cause of the pain. Known signs of wear and tear, bone diseases or joint damage can also have led to acute or chronic leg pain.
For diagnostic purposes or for further treatment, the doctor can refer you to a specialist. Then x-rays, blood tests, neurological and ultrasound examinations, angiograms, reflections or joint punctures may be used. Diagnosing leg pain can still be difficult at times.
The complications associated with leg pain can be very diverse. Regardless of the intensity or type of occurrence, the causes of leg pain should be clarified. Leg pain may subside and then return after weeks or months. The pain intensity can be the same or changed, stronger or weaker. If the pain does not subside over a long period of time, it is referred to as chronic pain. Experts speak of an independent clinical picture.
Another course is characterized by sensory disturbances in the form of tingling and numbness. Muscle weakness or paralysis in the foot or toe area can also occur. This suggests that the leg veins are involved due to a specific disease.
Vein failure, phlebitis, thrombosis or ulceration are not uncommon. In the case of phlebitis, the inflamed inner wall of the vein can cause a blood clot that can block the blood vessels. A distinction is made between thrombophlebitis and varicophlebitis or varicothrombosis. Phlebothrombosis can also occur, especially in women. Serious complications include flaccid paralysis and abnormal sensations in both legs, as well as numbness in the anal area and the inner thighs (breeches anesthesia). Likewise a disorder of the bladder, bowel and sexual functions.
Other complications could be:
- a corona phlebectatica of spider veins on the ankle
- a "white atrophy" (damage to the small skin vessels in the ankle area)
- a ulcus cruris varicosum (leg ulcer) or venosum (open leg)
- lipodermatofibrosis due to chronic venous failure
- a variceal bleeding (injury to the varicose vein)
In the worst case, chronic venous insufficiency (post-thrombotic syndrome) can occur. This is chronic venous failure.
When should you go to the doctor?
Leg pain can have different causes and is often harmless. However, patients should see a doctor if the pain in the leg is long-lasting, very pronounced or associated with other complaints. A serious condition can be if the leg pain occurs along with swelling of the joints in the leg. This is especially the case when the joints are heated.
Since there may be an inflammatory disease here, the problem must be presented to the family doctor as soon as possible. If the pain in the leg occurs immediately after an accident or injury, this is also an indication to see a doctor. The first point of contact in this case is the family doctor, who will refer the patient to a specialist if necessary.
If you experience leg pain with heaviness, heat, swelling, or hardening in one leg, it could be a thrombosis. Since this is a life-threatening disease, a doctor should be consulted immediately in this case. If varicose veins are already visible or a venous disease is known, an examination by a phlebologist should take place. This can also test the leg for circulatory problems.
If it is calf pain that occurs when you walk and gets better when you stop, it could be arteriosclerosis, which, if left untreated, can lead to a heart attack. It is therefore strongly recommended that you visit a family doctor first.
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Treatment & Therapy
Treatment of Leg pain depends on the cause. With sore muscles, magnesium, rest and time help, with rheumatism warmth and pain reliever therapies. Leg pain from fractures must be medically immobilized or operated on, as well as injuries or joint damage.
In other cases, however, moderate exercise therapy helps reduce the pain. So-called phantom pain is also known, the treatment of which is impossible. The limb that causes leg pain has already been amputated. Circulatory disorders can be treated with exercise therapy and medication, but also with dietary changes.
Sometimes operations on the joints of the leg are necessary. Vein-related pain can be treated with support stockings or sclerotherapy. If one leg is shorter, the shoe can be adjusted orthopedically. Painkillers or cortisone can be used for various types of leg pain.
Otherwise, physiotherapy, bath therapy, orthopedic walking aids, heat treatments, muscle training or rest are the best remedies for leg pain.
Outlook & forecast
Leg pain does not necessarily have to lead to a medical complication and can occur during certain activities or when the legs are overloaded. In these cases, leg pain is relatively common and will go away over time when the legs are able to rest.
If the leg pain persists and does not go away on its own, a doctor should be consulted. In this case, the leg pain may be related to another problem. Leg pain also occurs very often with diabetes and is an indication of this disease. A doctor should therefore always be consulted if the pain persists and occurs even without physical activity.
If the leg pain is not treated, sore muscles and spasms may develop. This usually leads to even greater pain, which must continue to be treated surgically. If the load is too high, the legs need to rest and the muscles relax. If the legs do not get this rest, the leg pain also gets worse and can turn into further complications.
The exact course of the disease depends heavily on the physical condition of the person affected.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for painprevention
There is often not much that can be done to prevent leg pain. However, good shoes, healthy seating or moderate exercise do a lot. You can do something against breakages and signs of wear and tear with a lot of movement. Relief postures are usually more harmful.
Those who are sporty usually suffer less damage in accidents and can put weight on the leg again more quickly after leg pain. He recovers faster after operations. For some paralyzed people, leg pain is a real blessing because anyone who can feel their legs can count on improvement.
You can do that yourself
In the case of leg pain, a doctor only needs to be consulted in a few cases; this complaint usually disappears on its own and does not need to be treated separately. If you have leg pain, you should no longer put too much strain on the leg in question or, better still, not put any strain on it at all. First and foremost, this also includes not exercising. This allows the leg to recover and fight the problem itself and the leg pain usually disappears after a few days or weeks.
If leg pain always occurs with a certain movement or a certain sport, a doctor should be consulted who will take a closer look at this movement. Here it can be the case that leg pain is a disease of the inner vessels, which must be treated differently.
If the leg pain recurs, it can also be treated at home. Painkillers should not be taken here. An ointment or cream that is applied to the affected area is ideal. This cream soothes the leg in the area, cools it and thereby relieves the pain. Such a cream or ointment should not be used for too long. If leg pain persists, consult your family doctor or an orthopedic surgeon.