social change



We explain what social change is, its types, agents and what factors promote it. Also, what are social movements.

Social changes are observed in cultural symbols, rules of conduct or values.

What is social change?

In sociology, the concept of change social to name the processes of alteration of the mechanisms that make up the social structure of a nation or one community. That is, their significant and appreciable changes in their cultural symbols, their social organization, rules of conduct or systems values: everything that dictates how a woman conceives herself society.

It is a concept widely used in studies of history, economy Y politics, linked to changes in the paradigm human that we commonly call "revolutions"Or" progress ", and which are determined by factors of various kinds.

In general, this is considered a historical process that can be studied from different perspectives. On the other hand, the term social change is also used in the language of social militancy, that is, of the conscious pursuit of the improvement of society, by those who argue that a transformation in the way society works is essential to do so. fairer.

Social change has been a phenomenon frequent throughout the history of mankind, but its appearance as a concept is due to the French positivist theorist Auguste Comte (1798-1857), author of a first theory to explain social transformations.

Comte's theory, like so many others in the nineteenth century, owed much to the idea of ​​the Theory of evolution from Charles Darwin, that is, he thought that societies, as well as forms of life, follow a course of transformation determined to a large extent by their adaptation to the environment.

Later theoretical schools, such as that of the Marxism, preferred to see in social change not the expression of a passive and natural process, but of determining historical factors, arising from the contradictions inherent to society and society. struggle between their social classes for dominating the economy.

Types of social change

Social changes are classified into five categories, depending on the conditions in which they occur and the type of reasons that motivate the paradigm shift. These categories are:

  • Social struggle. It occurs when a certain sector of society manages to impose its overall vision on the other, carrying out significant changes despite having the opposition of a fraction of society. A clear example of this is the approval of equal marriage (for homosexual couples) in more and more democratic societies around the world, despite the opposition of the most conservative sectors of society.
  • Social evolution. Also called social updating, it is about slow and gradual changes that occur over long periods of time, in which significant transformations are installed as new generations adhere to them, and the old generations that could oppose them disappear. An example of this type of change was the incorporation of women into the Western workforce as a result of the WWII, which marked the beginning of a future change in the place of women within the productive structure, giving rise to the appearance of new trends feminists, for example.
  • The revolution. In this case, it is about abrupt, violent, radical changes that uproot a social order, to impose a status quo. These types of events usually involve large doses of violence, anarchy and human losses, and their result does not always end up producing an improvement, but can lead to setbacks (restorations) or the emergence of dictatorships Y totalitarianism. They are highly unpredictable. An example of this was what happened in the French Revolution of 1789, in which the bourgeoisie and the peasantry revolted against the feudal order violently, removing the power from aristocracy by means of arms and beheading the kings to establish the Republic and proclaiming for the first time the universal rights of the human being.
  • The crisis. Also understood as economic restructuring or temporary changes in the economy, these are moments of breakdown of the productive or financial system, which bring a lot of social unrest (without reaching revolutionary extremes) and which, nevertheless, allow the system to readjust to face the problems. new challenges. This rearrangement does not always mean a solution to the crisis, unfortunately, and many of them tend to extend over time and become chronic. An example of this was the Venezuelan economic crisis at the end of the 1990s, a consequence of the collapse of the oil rentier economic model, and which laid the foundations for the arrival of the self-styled Bolivarian Revolution led by Hugo Chávez.
  • Derivative changes. Perhaps the least noticeable of all, consist of the small accumulation of minor changes that, in the long run, manage to influence the general model of society and promote a significant transformation. This is the case, although on a much faster and more vertiginous scale, of the incorporation of cell phones into our lives since the end of the 20th century, which eventually brought with them a new paradigm of communication, social relationships and work, whose first evidences were noticed at the beginning of the XXI century.

Factors of social change

The factors of social change are the elements or conditions that can promote it, and that largely determine the type of change that occurs. These factors can be classified according to their nature in:

  • Demographic factors, when they have to do with the constitution of the mass itself, that is, with the processes that affect the population, as the migration, the birth rate, the public health, etc.
  • Cultural factors, when responding to the tradition of thought and of values of the community, be it religious, moral, sexual, etc.
  • Technological factors, when they are due to the appearance of a new technology that has a significant impact on the structure of production, or on human social relations, or on some key aspect of life.
  • Ideological factors, when they respond to the appearance in the community of new currents of thought and / or new political and / or economic models.

In turn, these factors can be classified into three types, depending on their role within the paradigm shift:

  • Generating or causative factors, those that openly promote social change, and that can be very diverse in nature: individual, collective, objective, subjective, etc.
  • Catalytic factors, that is, those that accelerate a change that has already been implemented, and that are often key for the change to reach its critical moment and take place.
  • Modulating factors, which affect the very way in which change occurs and can take it one way or another, significantly altering its results.

Agents of social change

Agents of social change are called persons or institutions that they have the power to influence the way in which society is structured, either because they have a lot of relevance within it, a lot of economic power, the capacity for political convocation, or because they are part of a movement that brings together these potentialities.

The agents of a social change are those who play an active role in achieving the paradigm shift, although in many cases they may not be aware of it. Young generations, for example, often play a vital role in incorporating change into society, often without even noticing it, through their habits of consumption.

Social movements

Social movements are organized social agents that share interests.

Social movements are the formal groupings of individuals who pursue a common social objective, generally of a vindictive type or linked to the social justice. These are not political parties or non-governmental organizations (NGO), neither Business of any kind, but of organized social agents who share a identity class and therefore a set of interests.

Social movements are important agents of social change, capable of carrying out actions to push society in a certain direction, such as strikes, demonstrations, popular assemblies and even political proposals determined in open meetings and other forms of citizen participation.

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