social values



We explain what social values ​​are, their importance for communities and some examples of the main social values.

Social values ​​guarantee good coexistence in a community.

What are social values?

Social values ​​are those criteria shared by the members of a community and that guarantee good coexistence among its individuals. Like any type of value, social values ​​are transforming throughout the weather and they are not shared by all communities, even when they are contemporary.


The empathy it is the ability to put oneself in the place of the other. This value implies connecting emotionally with the other beyond their culture, color, religion or social condition, which helps within a community to have greater understanding and collaboration between individuals.


The modesty It is the opposite of pride and involves being aware of your own weaknesses and limitations, and acting accordingly. Humility as a value is not related to the social or economic position of the individual. The humble are modest and live without great pretense. Being humble helps to improve weaknesses.

Self esteem

The self esteem Is the set of perceptions, judgments, affections and feelings that a person has about himself. Those perceptions are conditioned by the environment in which you live.

There are two types of self-esteem: high self-esteem, which occurs when the person has confidence in himself, which facilitates the decision making and the bond with others; and the low selfsteem, which occurs when insecure and introverted people tend to have certain difficulties in relating to others.


Commitment is the obligation to comply with what has been agreed.

The commitment refers to the obligation that a person must fulfill after giving his word. A committed person is aware of their responsibility and the consequences of keeping their promise.

You can be engaged in different areas: at work, at family, in studies, in a team sports. This value reflects maturity Y responsibility by the person.


Gratitude is the feeling that a person goes through when he becomes aware and appreciates the actions of a third party that has benefited him. The gratitude is a correspondence to that action, and can be done through a ritual, words, gestures or an object.


The friendship It is the affective bond that is established between two or more people in different areas: school, work, parish, club, neighborhood. Among friends there is camaraderie, complicity, I respect and the trust.


The optimism it is positive thinking. Optimistic people tend to see the positive or favorable side of things, which means that, in general, they can go through problems with perseverance and good cheer.

The opposite of optimistic is pessimistic, that is, one who always finds the negative side of things. People can be optimistic about themselves, the context around them, or both.


The patience is the ability of people to be tolerant, control the anxiety and endure certain situations without losing your cool or getting nervous.

When a person loses patience, he is fed up with a situation, and gets upset. This value is related to calm and peace, and can reflect self-control, tolerance and perseverance.


Effort allows you to achieve goals despite difficulties.

Effort has to do with the strength or effort that a person uses to achieve a certain objective or goal. This value is key to achieve objectives difficult as it implies confidence, patience, energy, hope, perseverance and adaptation.


The happiness It consists of a subjective state of mind that is perceived as well-being. Some define it as the moment in which the person manages to satisfy all their needs, although it is a state that not only has to do with mental well-being, but also with daily life.

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