intuitive insight



We explain what intuitive knowledge is, its validity, importance and characteristics. Also, its relationship with rational knowledge.

Intuitive knowledge helps you make decisions quickly.

What is intuitive knowledge?

By intuitive knowledge or intuitive thinking we usually mean the forms of knowledge immediate processes that do not come from rational and conscious processes, that is, they are obtained without analysis Y reasonings but are the result of certain unconscious processes that we usually call intuition.

Intuitive thinking is generally fast, agile, and is linked to creativity, so that it is not usually known “where it comes from”, that is, it is dark, hermetic. Therefore, it is not always considered a valid form of thought, especially in formal settings, although when it comes to solving problems be as valid as any other.

Intuition has been the field of study of the psychology and of the Theory of knowledge, and although it is often linked to pseudosciences and occult explanations, its presence in the human brain is undeniable. It is simply due to unconscious processes, rather than perceptions supernatural.

Intuitive knowledge characteristics

Intuitive knowledge, as we said above, is part of the informal, often inexplicable forms of knowing that flow rapidly and without prior analysis. We often become aware of their existence when we are faced with novel situations.

Intuitive knowledge is usually obtained from similar, or remotely similar, past situations, so that the individual manages to make a kind of creative deduction to solve the problem that is presented to him.

Intuitive knowledge usually manifests itself in moments of risk, from Pressure or immediacy, in which there is no margin of weather for reasoning or evaluation. It occurs in the form of immediate or creative spontaneous or logical actions.

Examples of intuitive knowledge

Some examples of intuitive knowledge are:

  • The empathy On many occasions it operates on the basis of intuitive knowledge, when it allows us to know the state of mind of a person without knowing it beforehand, or without there being explicit manifestations of sentimentality (crying, screams of pain, etc.).
  • In risky situations, intuitive knowledge gives us a survival advantage, allowing us an immediate reaction or a second of doubt before taking action. For example, when they offer us a drink and something tells us not to drink it, it may be our intuition deducing something strange in the environment and alerting us to the danger.
  • When we have performed a task for a long time, or we are familiar with some type of activity that is easily given to us, it is more common to observe intuitive knowledge appear: we are so used to the task that if we are given a different one, we can apply its patterns to the new and deduce things before they are explained to us.

Importance of intuitive knowledge

Intuitive knowledge allows us to distrust seemingly harmless situations.

Intuitive thinking and intuitive knowledge are forms of reasoning closely linked to the subconscious and to our irrational aspects. This is precisely why they enjoy a certain speed and Liberty in our minds.

This means that they are modes of thought and of learning primitive but functional, part of our animal aspect, or simply of our less visible mental scheme. In any case, it is a form of knowledge that will always be available, even if we lack education formal and rational.

Intuitive knowledge and rational knowledge

Intuitive knowledge is often opposed to rational knowledge, insofar as the latter is not swift and unconscious, but more leisurely and visible, conscious.

In addition, rational knowledge is the result of an effort to accumulate information, deduce new data from the premises and arrive at conclusions logical, replicable, demonstrable. If the intuitive knowledge is formed in secret, the rational one instead needs training, training and practice, depending on what it is.

Other types of knowledge

Other types of knowledge are:

  • Religious knowledge. It is linked to the mystical and religious experience, that is, to the knowledge that studies the link between the human being and the divine.
  • Scientific knowledge. It is derived from the application of scientific method to the different hypothesis that arise from the observation of the reality, in order to be able to demonstrate through experiments which are the laws that govern the universe.
  • Empirical knowledge. It is acquired through direct experience, repetition or participation, without requiring an approach to the abstract, but from the things themselves.
  • Philosophical knowledge. It emerges from human thought, in the abstract, using various methods logical or formal reasoning, which does not always follow directly from reality, but from the imaginary representation of the real.
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