A Ejaculation disorder can express itself in different forms. Common to the various forms of ejaculation disorder is that they often develop psychologically.
What is ejaculation disorder?
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According to statistics, ejaculation disorder is the most common sex disorder in men. The term ejaculation disorder includes various disorders that occur in connection with the ejaculation of men.
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common forms of the disorder. Ejaculation occurs within a very short time after an erection has occurred, so that, for example, functioning sexual intercourse can be restricted or completely impossible. If an ejaculation disorder takes the form of delayed ejaculation, the affected man has difficulty inducing orgasms and ejaculations.
Another form of ejaculation disorder is characterized by a lack of orgasm in men. The so-called backward ejaculation (also known as retrograde ejaculation) finally occurs when the man's semen is poured into his bladder and does not get outside.
The exact causes of an ejaculation disorder often cannot be clearly explained. In most cases, however, an ejaculation disorder does not hide any physical dysfunction; in medicine it is therefore assumed that various psychological factors are often hidden behind the development of an ejaculation disorder.
With regard to premature ejaculation in men, causal factors such as anxious tension, stress and / or negative experiences with sexual contact can play a role. An ejaculation disorder in the form of delayed ejaculations can also have psychological causes; However, the use of certain medications (such as various psychotropic drugs) or neurological diseases can also promote delayed ejaculation.
Psychological factors that can hide behind a lack of orgasm include fears of a partner's pregnancy. The ejaculation disorder of the posterior ejaculation is ultimately caused by a lack of closure of the bladder neck.
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The complaints and symptoms of an ejaculation disorder can be very different and always depend on the exact cause of the disorder. As a rule, it is not possible for those affected to orgasm and thus feel pleasure during sexual intercourse. However, the ejaculation disorder may indicate another condition that needs treatment.
Due to the ejaculation disorder, a desire to have children may not be fulfilled, which can lead to difficulties with one's own partner. The semen can also flow back and thereby close the bladder neck. In many cases, the disorder is also associated with psychological complaints and can be triggered by them. However, most of those affected feel unwell from this disorder and therefore suffer from inferiority complexes or from a significantly reduced self-esteem.
Many patients are ashamed of the disease and therefore often do not turn to a doctor. Often, the ejaculation disorder also leads to a significantly higher level of stress in everyday life and thus to a reduced quality of life for the patient. As a rule, the life expectancy due to this disease is not used, but a possible underlying disease can have a negative effect on the life expectancy of the patient.
Diagnosis & course
Ejaculation disorder can usually be diagnosed based on a patient's reported symptoms. In order to uncover or exclude physical factors that may be hidden behind an ejaculation disorder, a treating doctor usually asks about the respective medical history during a patient consultation.
If various forms of ejaculation disorder (such as posterior or delayed ejaculation) give rise to the suspicion of an underlying disease, injury or dysfunction, this can be checked by further diagnostic procedures.
The course of an ejaculation disorder is influenced by various factors. As a rule, however, successful treatment of the relevant causes also has a positive effect on the disorder. If a cause can be completely eliminated (as is the case with posterior ejaculation, for example), the corresponding ejaculation disorder can also subside.
The complications of ejaculation disorder usually depend on its causes. If the disorder is caused by psychological complaints, it is usually possible to treat the disorder and limit it completely so that the patient does not experience any further complaints. If the ejaculation disorder is caused by another underlying disease, it can, in the worst case, lead to complete infertility of the man.
Most of the time, the patients suffer from psychological discomfort and depression that occur due to the disorder. Those affected also suffer from decreased self-esteem and inferiority complexes. Above all, it can lead to feelings of shame towards the partner and sexual desire is restricted, which can create negative tensions in the partnership.
Most of the time, the ejaculation disorder can be treated relatively well. In the case of psychological causes, this is carried out by a psychologist and the patient has to reduce his stress level. As a rule, creams and ointments can also be used that numb the glans and thus limit the ejaculation disorder. In the event of infertility, the sperm can also be extracted differently and the partner can be fertilized with it.
When should you go to the doctor?
All ejaculation disorders can be a reason to see a doctor. A distinction must be made here between the need to clarify organic causes (in the case of retrograde, absent or painful ejaculation) and the suffering caused by a premature or delayed ejaculation. The approach taken by a specialist (in the first instance a urologist) differs according to the various forms of ejaculation disorders.
The need for action is also to be assessed as higher in the case of painful, retrograde or absent ejaculations. If the person concerned perceives such a change in their ejaculation, a urologist should be consulted. The causes of disorders of this type are diverse and range from the effects of drugs to inflammation. Accordingly, action should be taken and, if necessary, therapy should be given.
These forms of ejaculation disorders are also always considered to be pathological and therefore require a medical examination. Especially in the case of inflammation or impending erectile problems, delaying them is also associated with the risk of irreversible damage.
Premature or severely delayed ejaculations are more individual cases, in which a visit to the doctor should take place at the latest when there is real suffering. So this depends on whether the quality of life of affected men is impaired by the ejaculation disorders. Here it may also be necessary to pursue sexual therapeutic approaches, as these forms of ejaculation disorder often have a psychological component.
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Treatment & Therapy
The therapy for an ejaculation disorder mainly depends on the type of disorder present. Any psychological causes of an ejaculation disorder can, for example, be countered with the help of targeted psychotherapy.
Often it makes sense here to include the partner of an affected man in psychotherapy. In the fight against an ejaculation disorder in the form of premature ejaculations, various measures are also offered depending on the person affected: With the help of the so-called 'stop and start technique', for example, a man's control over the time of ejaculation is to be trained.
Numbing creams can be used to reduce the sensitivity of the glans and thus delay ejaculation. A posterior ejaculation should be treated with medication if the bladder neck is functioning:
Appropriate drugs lead to a closure of the bladder neck, so that the male semen pours outwards. If appropriate drug treatment is not possible in individual cases and there is a desire to have children, the semen can be processed from the urine for the purpose of artificial insemination.
If physical illnesses are hidden behind an ejaculation disorder, an important step in therapy is to combat the underlying disease.
Outlook & forecast
An ejaculation disorder usually has a good prognosis. Stress, hectic pace and excitement are often the causes of the disorder. As soon as the person concerned is in an emotional equilibrium and can relax internally, the complaints are regulated. The disorder is often alleviated with life experience and a routine process within intimate contact. Disruptive factors are to be eliminated and an informal atmosphere should be established.
In most cases, an ejaculation disorder is only a temporary phenomenon and is strongly related to emotional processes. Worries, fears or a lack of confidence trigger the disorder. If they are corrected, spontaneous healing is possible at any time. The disorder can also recur in the course of life. If there are renewed phases of life due to stress or increased excitement, the disorder can reappear. If a narrowing of the vessels is the cause of the ejaculation disorder, treatment is initiated.
In very rare cases, surgery is necessary. The prospect of improvement if medical care is needed is also very good. The prognosis worsens if there are other mental illnesses or medication and drugs are taken. If the present cause is eliminated or cured, the ejaculation disorder regresses until the symptoms are free.
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Since psychological factors that can lead to an ejaculation disorder cannot always be clearly defined and controlled, appropriate prevention is only possible to a limited extent. Physical factors that increase the risk of an ejaculation disorder should be treated as early as possible, according to expert advice.
Follow-up care for an ejaculation disorder depends on the type of treatment and the cause. If surgical measures were necessary, the follow-up measures are usually exhausted by the wound and scar treatment that is carried out.
If the infection that triggered the ejaculation disorder is combated, a follow-up check is useful. Especially in the case of aggressive, bacterial infections in the testicles or bladder, multiple follow-up checks should be carried out. In this way, a flare-up of the infection can be quickly identified and treated. The same applies to infections that lead to pain or abnormal sensations during ejaculation, for example.
Follow-up care is more complex if you have mental illness or problems with your sex life. At best, follow-up care consists of further psycho-therapeutic and sex-therapeutic measures that can be used by the person affected as required. However, medical options are quickly exhausted here. The success in the treatment of psychologically caused ejaculation disorders is to be assessed very subjectively and accordingly the follow-up care can only consist of ascertaining an improvement or a deterioration.
If an ejaculation disorder (of whatever type) has reduced the quality of the sperm, a spermiogram can also be made regularly after treatment. This can simplify family planning in the further course.
You can do that yourself
Whether and how an ejaculation disorder can be treated independently depends on the form of the disorder. If psychological causes such as stress or depression are the cause, targeted psychotherapy makes sense. In many cases, this therapeutic measure can be supported by exercise, a change in diet or a change of job or environment. Sometimes it also makes sense to involve the partner in the treatment.
In the case of premature ejaculation, measures such as the “stop-start method” are available, through which control over the time of ejaculation can be improved. There are also numbing creams and special condoms. If the ejaculation disorder is illness-related, the causal illness must first be treated. In general, it is recommended that those affected speak to a doctor early on and determine the cause of the problems.
The ejaculation disorder may also be due to the use of a certain medication, which can be discontinued in consultation with the doctor. Against age-related ejaculation disorders, stimulating activities such as sport or the consumption of certain foods help. Natural aphrodisiacs increase sexual desire and sometimes also help prevent ejaculation problems.