


We explain what eloquence is, its usefulness, the origin of the term and its history. Also, how is an eloquent person.

Eloquence is a highly valued ability in disciplines such as literature and politics.

What is eloquence?

Eloquence is the talent for spoken persuasion and expression in public, that is, it is the talent to communicate in an elegant, convincing and effective, either through the tongue oral Or the written.

At persons with this ability they are called eloquent (for example: "I like eloquent interlocutors"); Whereas in saying that a fact or an object is eloquent, we are figuratively affirming that it has much meaning or that it is revealing with respect to a context specific (for example: "a very eloquent silence").

Eloquence is a highly valued ability in certain Arts and disciplines, such as literature, the oratory, the politics or social communication, since those who possess it are capable of arousing emotions and to capture the attention of those who read or listen to them, which at the outset gives them an advantage when it comes to convincing others of their point of view.

This assessment dates from Antiquity classic, when in the Ancient Greece It was considered the highest form of politics, and its arts were tutored by the muse Calliope, the same one of the poetry epic (that is, of literature). She is often depicted as a female figure crowned with pearls and laurels, with a scepter in one hand and an open book in the other.

For its part, the word eloquence comes from Latin eloquentia, formed by the voices former ("outside"), crazy ("To speak") and the suffix -entia (indicating agency or quality). This can be understood as that eloquent people can reach the outside with their words, that is, they know how to speak "to reach others." Eloquence is a word related to others such as announcer, loquacious or speech, all related to the fact of speak.

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