At a Liposuction (liposuction) it is a special cosmetic operation for people who want to remove fat in certain areas of their individual body. For liposuction, people should be in excellent health, have elastic as well as firm skin, and be of moderate or light body weight.
What is Liposuction?
A Liposuction is a surgical procedure that locally removes excessive fat tissue cells (lipomatosis). By means of this liposuction, defined fat deposits are to be eliminated within the individual problem areas, so that a significant improvement in contour is achieved.
Liposuction of this type is usually performed based on an aesthetic indication. Alternatively, this procedure can also be used to remove benign adipose tissue tumors (lipoma). Liposuction can be performed on the one hand with local anesthesia and on the other hand under general anesthesia. The anesthesia selected depends on the amount of fat and the location of the fat tissue that is to be removed.
The wishes of the respective patient and the recommendation of the attending physician are further reasons that speak for a special anesthetic. Small deposits of adipose tissue usually only undergo liposuction under local anesthesia.
Function, effect & goals
The most frequent Liposuction is performed on the legs of women, for example. The unsightly dents of cellulite (orange peel) and the "saddlebags" on the thighs should be removed.
The entire area of the abdomen, hips and buttocks is also extremely popular. For men, the belly attachment is right at the front on the popularity scale. This is followed by liposuction of the masculine fat breast (pseudogynecomastia / lipomastia), which can result from overeating or hormonal disorders. (See also: Gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary gland in men))
With liposuction to a new zest for life! Lipodystrophy is an uneven distribution of the individual fat tissue, which is very often due to genetic causes and is therefore independent of certain lifestyle habits, diet or sporting activities.
The aim of liposuction is therefore to reduce excess fat deposits in the long term or to remove them completely. Almost all areas of the body can be treated with liposuction.
However, liposuction alone is not enough to give the body a new aesthetic shape. Everyone concerned should remember that liposuction is not the only alternative for losing weight comfortably and easily. In addition, liposuction is not suitable for extremely overweight people.
A few years ago there was only liposuction. Nowadays, innovative techniques make it possible to model adipose tissue. This created new names such as lipofilling, lipoplaning and liposculpture as well as lipoforming.
With liposuction, liposculpture also means shaping the respective body. It can be performed without problems on a number of areas of the body such as the buttocks, abdomen or thighs and lower legs, knees, arms or breasts, as well as the neck or chin.
Nowadays, there are several variants available for liposuction. These are, for example, traditional liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL method), liposuction using a vibrating cannula (PAL method) and water jet-assisted liposuction (WAL method). The anesthesia during liposuction depends on the scope and size of the areas to be suctioned.
Risks, side effects & dangers
A Liposuction wherever it is performed, there are always certain risks, as this is a surgical procedure.
This risk should in no case be underestimated, as it can show itself during local anesthesia as well as under general anesthesia due to possible allergic reactions. Complications can be of an aesthetic nature, for example, where dents and steps, asymmetrical deformations or overpigmentation can be observed.
From a surgical point of view, liposuction can have far more serious side effects. Perforation injuries or hematomas as well as thromboses, embolisms and even infections can occur.
Another risk is sagging skin after liposuction. It is true that wrinkled areas of the skin can be tightened, which in turn requires surgery and also weakens the body. Detailed information before liposuction can help.