education management



We explain what educational management is and what its objectives are. In addition, the areas it comprises and the functions of each one.

Educational management offers strategies to improve educational institutions.

What is educational management?

Educational management is a discipline that aspires to strengthen the performance of schools and educational institutions in a given country through the application of techniques, instruments and knowledge. It is a kind of educational administration, in the sense that it tries to think the process educational as an organized, systemic whole.

In this way, educational management can be understood at the same time as a discipline, a process and a strategy, which intervenes in the educational system to improve its various stages. Promotes the integration of the different elements that make up the educational act (students, teachers and community).

Thus, a community educational organization that exchanges information, feed back and that overcomes the impediments traditionally associated with education, as the school dropout, low educational performance, etc.

Educational management areas

Pedagogical management defines the forms of teaching and evaluation.

Educational management usually comprises the following four areas of school management:

  • Executive management. Endowed with a mission to guide and promote the improvement of a institution educational, is dedicated to coordinating the needs of the establishment to integrate its own educational culture. This means that it is in charge of exercising the leadership and administrative control of the campus, as well as updating and reviewing the recreational, social and psychological dynamics that accompany the educational act.
  • Pedagogical and academic management. She is properly in charge of the learning, that is, of what happens inside the classroom. This implies developing, updating and rethinking the academic curriculum, taking into account the specialized knowledge in the matter and the suggestions of the academic community, as well as the agreements with the other members of the educational community, especially regarding the forms of evaluation.
  • Financial and administrative management.In this case, it refers to everything concerning the registration and information systems of the students, the provision of complementary services and, above all, guaranteeing that the educational establishment can continue to exist in the weather, managing in the best possible way their human Resources Y capitals. This also includes regulations, inventory of assets, etc.
  • Community management. This fourth aspect concerns the social side of the educational act, through the promotion of citizen participation, exchange plans, stimulation of the researcher, the promotion of professional growth and other aspects concerning the educational community as individuals who make their lives in around learning, and aspire to a coexistence peaceful and mutually enriching.
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