skin rash is not just a visual problem for the people concerned. The rash is usually associated with annoying itching and can cause severe pain. Therefore, many affected people wonder how they can treat this rash with well-known home remedies. Most of these people want quick help and are increasingly turning to alternative remedies.
What home remedies help against rashes?
Time and again, well-known home remedies are used to treat a rash. Basically, affected people should only wash themselves with a pH-neutral soap that is particularly gentle on the skin and works perfectly with it. In addition, it should be ensured that the clothing fits very loosely so that undesirable friction cannot occur. This is to ensure that the affected skin areas are not further irritated.
Affected people also report that treating the areas with the rash can be treated very well with oil. Sunflower oil or lavender oil are often used here. The oil is absorbed with a cotton ball and dabbed onto the affected areas of the skin. By wearing old clothes, the oil can develop its effect overnight and relieve annoying itching.
Placing fresh coriander leaves on top is also said to work wonders. With the help of a poultice, these can remain on the affected skin areas for several hours.
A warm bath can also alleviate the symptoms. Wheat bran can be added to the water here very well. Bathing in salt water is also particularly effective. For this purpose, about one kilo of extra salt is added to the bath water. You should stay here for about 30 minutes. Drying the skin afterwards is particularly important when taking a bath in salt water. Under no circumstances should you dry yourself off with a towel or shower off beforehand. On the other hand, only air drying on the skin can bring about an ideal improvement.
Quick help
Which home remedy works quickly for you can usually only be found out by simple testing. The same home remedy does not work equally well for everyone and in some cases it may not bring any improvement at all. For some affected people, washing them daily with a pH-neutral soap is sufficient to relieve and treat the symptoms. An improvement can already be noticed after the first application.
This is often not enough for other affected persons. Other home remedies are also used here and are often used in parallel in order to be able to achieve success. If after a few days no improvement has been achieved through the use of different home remedies, a doctor of Health for Love must be consulted.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for rash & eczemaAlternative remedies
Alternative remedies are increasingly used to treat rashes. There are a number of homeopathic remedies here that specifically target a rash. Particularly good success is achieved with the homeopathic remedies Antimonium crudum, Apsis mellifica, Petroleum, Selenium, Antimonium tartaricum, Sepia officinalis, Rhus toxicodendron, Staphisagria and Berberis sodium chloratum.
Many affected people also rave about acupuncture treatment, which is carried out in several sessions. Significant relief can be achieved after the first treatment. Often special Chinese herbs are also consumed in order to achieve better healing.
Schüssler salts are also very popular today. For internal use, tablets are mostly offered here. For example, Schüssler salt No. 4 Kalium Chloratum, No. 8 Sodium Chloratum, No. 9 Sodium Phosphoricum, No. 11 Silicea, No. 22 Calcium carbonicum and No. 24 Arsenum iodatum are used to treat skin rashes. When used externally in the form of ointments and creams, the Schüssler salts are also used for internal use and have already helped many affected people.