Tread particularly often Body aches as a result of a cold. Any movement can be difficult for the affected person and also be associated with severe pain. To get rid of this feeling, many people like to use home remedies.
What helps against body aches?
There are many home remedies that will work against Body aches help. These can be used particularly well for body aches that are caused by a cold. In the case of chronic diseases, these can provide slight relief with regular use.
A lot of rest and relaxation is particularly helpful with aching limbs from a cold. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that enough fluids are consumed. This can be done through water or tea. Ginger is particularly recommended as a tea. Ginger has a disinfectant effect and can treat body aches very well.
A chicken soup can also provide quick relief. The ingredients of this soup have an antibacterial effect and also inhibit infections of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the body temperature increases with a chicken soup, which has a particularly good effect on the pain in the limbs.
Furthermore, many affected people report that horseradish can help. For this it is necessary to grate two tablespoons of horseradish. This is refined with onion juice and honey and consumed every hour. One spoon is enough. The horseradish has an expectorant effect and is helpful in combating viruses.
A chopped onion can also help. To do this, it is wrapped in a linen cloth and placed on the painful areas. In addition, heat can accelerate healing. A hot water bottle or a spelled pillow that is placed on the head or on the neck is particularly suitable for this.
In addition, cold baths are often used again and again. A bath additive made from menthol, eucalyptus, thyme or spruce needle oil is ideal. These promote blood circulation and increase body temperature. This relieves the pain in the limbs. However, such a soothing bath should be avoided if you have a fever. This would only put additional strain on the body.
Quick help
Which home remedy helps particularly quickly with aching limbs usually depends on the cause of the aching limbs. These are not always the result of a cold and can be treated quickly with soothing teas and baths.
In athletes, the limb pain can also be a stress fracture or a stress fracture. Here the painful limb should definitely be immobilized and can also be treated with special creams and ointments.
In addition, aching limbs can also be the result of a serious illness. These are, for example, osteoarthritis, gout or rheumatism. Here the home remedies can only provide relief. A complete cure is fundamentally impossible and a doctor should be consulted.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for body aches and coldsAlternative remedies
Alternative remedies are often used in the treatment of body aches. Homeopathic remedies are particularly often used here if the pain in the limbs is due to a cold. But also the use for the treatment of body aches as a result of osteoarthritis, rheumatism or gout can work small miracles here. The homeopathic remedies Bryonia alba, Gelsemium sempervirens and Rhus toxicodendron have proven to be particularly effective for joint pain caused by the flu.
In contrast, the remedies Acidum formicicum, Calcium fluoratum, Calcium hypophosphoricum or Ledum palustre are used especially for gout or osteoarthritis. In the case of pain in the limbs due to rheumatism, the homeopathic remedies Abrotanum, Ammonium chloratum, Ginseng, Kalium iodatum or Rhododendron can also be used to achieve success.
Furthermore, many affected people rave about acupuncture being performed at the same time, which provides relief very quickly. With acupressure performed independently, those affected can also treat their pain themselves.