Pain can seriously affect our everyday life and prevent us from doing our job. However, no one has to endure pain, because there are means that can eliminate painful conditions quickly and effectively. Home remedies for pain are good alternatives to pharmaceutical pain relievers without side effects.
What home remedies are there for pain?
Now what helps against pain? Of course, there is no general answer to this question. The pain in itself is not a disease, but a warning signal from the body. It signals that something is wrong with us.
Excruciating, long-lasting pain can indicate a serious illness that urgently requires a doctor's visit. Most of the time, however, pain is harmless and easy to relieve with simple home remedies. We do not need to "pump ourselves full" with chemical painkillers from the pharmacy, but can rely on the help of Mother Nature.
It is not uncommon for positive changes in our lifestyle to minimize the appearance of certain painful conditions. Sufficient sleep, plenty of exercise in the fresh air, and reducing stress through relaxation exercises can, for example, prevent headaches from occurring. Daily physical therapy exercises are effective against back pain. Unbearable toothache can be avoided through regular dentist visits, and a healthy, balanced, low-fat diet often prevents excruciating abdominal pain.
But what to do if you still experience pain? Which home remedies help? In many cases, cold or warmth is effective in painful conditions. For a pounding headache, an ice pack on the forehead often helps, or a hot water bottle on the stomach for colicky abdominal pain. Inhaling a saline solution is helpful for cold-related pain, and a cup of chamomile tea is antispasmodic and analgesic.
Painful leg cramps can be quickly resolved with a magnesium tablet, and even a painful bloated stomach will disappear with a glass of water with a pinch of baking soda. The unbearable pain of a migraine attack can at least be alleviated somewhat by a darkened, cool room.
Quick home remedies
- A headache: A pack of crushed ice cubes under the neck often relieves excruciating headaches. Peppermint oil dabbed on the temples and forehead can also make the pain go away quickly. Often a glass of water is also useful, because headaches often occur with a lack of fluids. Often times, a walk in the fresh air can bring quick relief.
- Toothache: Chewing cloves can quickly relieve the boring or throbbing pain from the lightly numbing essential oils. Even rinsing with chamomile tea sometimes works wonders. However, these short-term measures against toothache are no substitute for a visit to the dentist.
- Earache: Acute ear pain, which children especially suffer from, can be alleviated with warm oil. A few drops of virgin olive oil dripped into the ear canal will make the worst pain disappear. Treatment with disinfecting and pain relieving chamomile tea is also effective.
- Stomach pain: A hot water bottle often helps with acute abdominal cramps. The soothing warmth relaxes the abdominal muscles, the pain disappears after a short time. A cup of warm caraway tea is also a first aid against stomach ache.
- Sore throat: Douching with chamomile tea can quickly relieve a sore throat. Inhalation with a saline solution is also often successful.
- Back pain: Heat is a proven remedy for back pain. Rapid pain relief can be achieved with a hot water bottle in the back region. An infrared lamp or a warm bath also have a pain-relieving and relaxing effect.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for painAlternative remedies
Pain can be unbearable, so reaching for the pain pill seems like the only solution. However, getting used to chemical painkillers can have the opposite effect: The pain is often exacerbated by the abuse of painkillers.
Severe kidney, liver and stomach damage can also result. There is certainly a wealth of alternative remedies that relieve pain but are free of side effects. In addition to pain-relieving, relaxing and relaxing herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, caraway, lemon balm or fennel, acupuncture and acupressure, which everyone can perform on themselves, has proven itself as a remedy for painful conditions.
Heat and cold treatments can quickly relieve pain. Chronic pain should not be taken lightly, however. The doctor is definitely in demand here.