enjoyment of life Feel, just be happy in the here and now, that's what most people want. But many raise their wishes and expectations too high and experience the opposite. However, the joy of life can be influenced.
What is joie de vivre?
The term joie de vivre describes an irrepressible inner feeling of joy in one's own life. People describe it differently. For some it is a pleasant feeling of inner relaxation, others have the feeling of being able to uproot trees, some experience it as exuberant energy.
Everyone experiences joie de vivre in their own way. It can arise from within ourselves without something special having happened, but it can just as well be a reaction to external events that we rate positively. The feeling of joie de vivre is therefore also dependent on the thoughts we have.
Although everyone experiences and achieves joy in life differently, it can be increased through active involvement. Here, two interacting aspects are primarily important. On the one hand on certain conditions that enable a carefree life (these in turn are individually different) and on the other hand on the right degree of stress caused by these conditions.
For example, if someone enjoys playing tennis, the person should occasionally practice this condition of exercise. In order for joy of life to grow out of it, it is also crucial that the activity is optimally demanding. For example, your tennis partner should play at a level that is not too boring (because bad) or too strenuous (because very good).
Function & task
Joy of life is an important source of strength and energy in life. Children are still able to enjoy the little things in life. In adults, the feeling of joie de vivre is much more closely linked to inner attitudes towards and evaluation of situations.
Fears, worries or depressive moods can cloud the joy of life. It is thus i.a. head-controlled and can therefore also be influenced by thoughts in a positive way. B. Reevaluate situations. Those who do not only focus on negative things contribute a lot to emotional well-being.
In addition to the inner attitude, there are a number of activities that have a positive influence on the joy of life, for example:
- Take time for yourself
- Finding out what is important to you and what is fun. Like singing, dancing and listening to music.
- Physical activity
- Read a book
- Getting involved with other people
There are numerous other options such as taking photos, playing games, keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances and the like. v. m., because everyone has to find out for themselves what gives them pleasure. It also helps to be aware of the beautiful moments of a day in the evening and to review them again.
It is also important to accept yourself in your own individual way and to appreciate yourself. However, joy of life cannot be permanent. Whoever seeks it will be disappointed. Feelings are always subject to a lively ups and downs. You cannot be forced. It is also part of life to walk through a valley from which we can then set off to new shores again strengthened.
Illnesses & ailments
When people are lost through separation, divorce or death, it is normal to temporarily no longer feel the joy of life because the pain has to be dealt with first. This can take a while, for some it can take several years.
Chronic or prolonged illnesses also have a massive impact on the lives of those affected, so that they can lose the fun of life. Here a balance would be important, which gives them something positive and strengthening beyond the illness, in order to be able to endure the limitations that the illness brings with it more easily.
The general loss of zest for life is usually a sign of depression if it has no external reasons. When the mood is permanently clouded and inner emptiness and sadness take up most of the space, everyone comes to a point at some point where nothing gives them any more pleasure. Everything doesn't seem to matter anymore, neither contact with other people nor a hobby that was always fun.
The loss of joie de vivre is not without risk, because a life in which joy is no longer felt is felt more and more gray on gray and meaningless. Many people then get into a tangible crisis of meaning and think of suicide in such situations because they can no longer see a way out of the downward spiral.
Those who have reached this point usually cannot make it out of the gloomy valley on their own, but need help and understanding from family members and friends. The support of a psychologist is also very advisable and helpful in such cases.
Burnout can seriously affect the joy of life. Anyone who is forced to constantly go beyond their physical or emotional limit, is bullied professionally or privately, will at some point be exhausted and will no longer enjoy anything. Everything that was fun before becomes a burden.
Most of the time, physical and mental exhaustion merge and those affected only feel drained and no longer have the strength to tackle things of their own accord. Often it is only with professional help that they manage to divide their forces so that they pay more attention to their energy reserves in the future and no longer override themselves.
Just like overstrain, too little demand can cause physical and emotional symptoms and rob you of the joy of life.