A low blood pressure (hypotension) is usually harmless and not an expression of serious illnesses. Typical complaints here are mostly cold feet and hands, dizziness and tiredness. Sometimes it can also lead to fainting or impaired consciousness. Nevertheless, you should consult a doctor to clarify all eventualities. In addition, the doctor can give valuable advice on what you can do yourself against the low blood pressure. To be differentiated into a low blood pressure from a low pulse.
What is low blood pressure (hypotension)?
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A low blood pressure (medical hypotension) is defined as systolic arterial blood pressure below 100 mmHg, which is determined by measuring blood pressure on the upper arm. The lower value (i.e. the diastolic) is not important for the diagnosis. In Germany, significantly more women are affected than men. Young and slim women in particular suffer from so-called essential or idiopathic hypotension.
There is no organic or other understandable cause. However, any low blood pressure should be clarified, as it can also hide dangerous diseases. A thorough questioning (anamnesis) is often important, and long-term blood pressure measurements over 24 hours, orthostatic tests (reaction of the blood pressure to standing up quickly, e.g. tilting table or schellong test) and blood tests (e.g. representatives of the adrenal cortex function, blood salts and certain hormones) are also helpful ) carried out.
Usually the cause is low blood pressure idiopathic, so not concretely tangible. A genetic and constitutional cause (tall stature, slim habit, weak vascular system) is suspected. Athletes also have a physiologically reduced blood pressure due to the adaptation processes of the heart. Disturbances in the fluid balance (e.g. due to insufficient intake, diarrhea, vomiting or medication, including "water tablets" and blood pressure reducers) or a low-salt diet (because salt binds water) also have a beneficial effect.
Secondary hypotension (i.e. low blood pressure due to another disease) occurs e.g. if you have severe heart failure (heart failure), as the blood can no longer be pumped as effectively. There are, in turn, various causes of heart failure, the most common being coronary artery disease (disturbance of the blood flow to the heart up to a heart attack), cardiac arrhythmias and pulmonary embolism. Metabolic diseases (e.g. hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus) can also lead to low blood pressure.
Likewise, any kind of shock causes threatening hypotension (e.g. in the case of allergies, bleeding or blood poisoning), usually because the vessels are opened wide and the blood literally sinks. The (mostly autoimmune) adrenal insufficiency (also Addison's disease) and neurological diseases (especially Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis) are less common.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A very common symptom of low blood pressure is dizziness. The brain is not adequately supplied with blood and this can also lead to ringing in the ears, tiredness and visual disturbances. That means it turns black in front of the eyes, or you can see “asterisks”. In the case of impaired consciousness or fainting, it becomes dangerous if there is a risk of falling or if the person drives a car while their blood pressure is much too low. The body tries to fight against the insufficient blood flow, which increases the pulse.
Even when changing position quickly from lying down to standing, low blood pressure can occur. The blood sinks in the legs and the body takes some time to equalize the blood pressure. Headaches can have many causes, but they can also be another sign of hypotension, the cause here is insufficient blood flow in the head.
Cold hands and feet or tightness in the chest are also mentioned in the case of low blood pressure, as the blood is directed to the heart or brain and so other parts of the body are less supplied. Even people who do not normally have problems with low blood pressure can be affected on hot days as the body sweats and loses a lot of fluids. Here, of course, it helps to drink a lot to rebalance the fluid balance.
Course of disease
Often is one Hypotension completely symptom-free. If the low blood pressure is noticed, it is usually in the form of weakness, coldness, paleness and dizziness or "turning black" in front of the eyes with a tendency to faint (syncope). These complaints are usually annoying but harmless.
The only critical thing is the consequences of possible falls, which can lead to serious injuries (especially for older people).
To the advantage of people with low blood pressure, many studies have shown that hypotension is more beneficial to health and can even increase life expectancy.
As such, low blood pressure is usually not dangerous, although symptoms can be dramatic. Usually hypotension is inherited and harmless. However, it is often a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Most of the complications in connection with hypotension are not the result of low blood pressure, but result from the course of the underlying disease.
For example, hypotension occurs with heart disease, weak veins, hormonal disorders or severe fluid loss in various diseases. The low blood pressure causes symptoms such as dizziness, ringing in the ears, flickering eyes or even shortness of breath, but these are usually without complications. However, severe dizziness can sometimes lead to falls, which in unfavorable cases can lead to injuries.
In addition to the dizziness, chronic low blood pressure is also accompanied by permanent fatigue. Fatigue and poor concentration are often the cause of general poor performance. In the long term, depression can then occur. The frequent sleep disorders that can cause chronic organic or mental illnesses in the long term are also dangerous.
Although there are generally no immediate complications with low blood pressure, the risk of the heart and brain becoming undersupplied with blood increases in elderly and previously ill patients. The risk of falls and injuries when falling (broken bones) also increases with age.
When should you go to the doctor?
Basically, low blood pressure is not a condition of concern. With this blood pressure, the person concerned can normally live their life independently and without serious complications. By consuming caffeine-containing products and regularly participating in sporting activities, it is possible to stimulate blood circulation. Particularly after waking up, targeted training has a stimulating effect on blood pressure. Spicy meals are also helpful.
A doctor's visit is necessary if the known self-help measures do not work and the low blood pressure becomes life-threatening. Consultation with a doctor can be sought in the event of high levels of suffering or discomfort. If there is severe fatigue, rapid exhaustion or an attention deficit, action is required. If the day-to-day obligations cannot be adequately fulfilled or the general quality of life decreases, a doctor should be discussed about the inconvenience.
If interpersonal conflict situations or professional quarrels arise due to the reduced drive, a doctor may be able to provide a remedy with his options. If the person concerned becomes increasingly dizzy or if the risk of accidents increases in everyday life, a doctor should be consulted. In the event of falls, unsteady gait and poor physical or mental resilience, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor.
Treatment & Therapy
Usually the low blood pressure handled by general measures. Regular sport (to a moderate extent, e.g. swimming or gymnastics), compression treatment (e.g. with stockings, because the pressure on the veins provides more volume for the arterial blood system) or alternating showers (always stop with cold water) are easy and to integrate effectively into everyday life.
Since salt retains more water in the body and can thus also increase the volume, a salty diet is recommended. Either the food can be enriched with salt or e.g. Broth to be drunk. If these measures are unsuccessful, drugs (so-called sympathomimetics) can also be used. However, these should come last in treatment, as the lifestyle changes are highly effective and the drugs have not inconsiderable side effects.
In contrast to hypertension, hypotension does not cause any damage to health. However, many people find the symptoms of low blood pressure stressful. That is why aftercare is important to restore the feeling of life.
To improve well-being, it is advisable to carefully start each mobilization to a different level. This means that when you get up from a sitting position, first activate the muscle pump in your calves and then slowly straighten yourself up. Especially when getting up from lying down, we recommend gradually straightening up over a short sitting episode.
Since most activities today are performed sitting or standing, those affected should wear class two orthopedic compression stockings. At night it is helpful for many people to keep their legs slightly elevated. As a result, more blood comes back from the lower extremities and regulates blood pressure to the normal range. As a result, many people can not only sleep better, but also get up faster.
Targeted exercise units of around 30 to 60 minutes on around three days a week can strengthen the blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. A minimum intake of two liters of fluid a day also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
Many of those affected also report a benefit from cardiovascular training. Alternating showers, massages and climatic stimuli such as soft saunas and ice pools strengthen the veins and can permanently raise the blood pressure to a comfortable level.
Outlook & forecast
The low blood pressure is usually associated with a good prognosis for the patient. There are two reasons for this. On the one hand, that hypertension is in many cases harmless and has no disease value. Adolescents and young women in particular often have low blood pressure, which often even resolves spontaneously.
Often there are reasons for the low blood pressure during puberty or menopause that are hormonal and do not last long. Even if the hypotension occurs in people who are very sensitive to the weather in this context, the appearance often normalizes on its own without the affected person having to take any special measures.
The second reason for the good prognosis with regard to low blood pressure is that the patient can often significantly influence his hypotension by changing behavior in everyday life. This includes exercise and sufficient amounts of water to drink, which are often enough on their own to bring the low blood pressure back to a normal level.
With regard to possible consequences, hypotension is usually associated with an exceptionally good prognosis. While high blood pressure can be associated with a number of complications for the cardiovascular system, the risk of injury to the hypotensive person is almost only in the event of a fainting. Otherwise, however, the outlook for patients with low blood pressure is usually very good.
You can do that yourself
Various measures can be taken to stimulate blood pressure without further medical attention. Sports activities and targeted training to stimulate the circulation are particularly helpful. Moving the fingers, hands and feet leads to better blood circulation and an increase in blood pressure. Several times a day, the affected person can easily perform short exercise sequences in which he alternately tenses and loosens the muscles of the fingers and toes.
In addition, regular sporting activities should always be carried out. This improves general well-being and promotes the activity of the circulatory system. Overloading and excessive physical activity should be avoided. Running, swimming, cycling or various ball sports increase blood pressure. The frequency and intensity of the selected sports must be based on the current physical conditions so that no further illnesses occur.
In addition, there is the possibility of stimulating the cycle by consuming food and beverages. Products containing caffeine or meals with hot spices stimulate heart activity. The existing eating habits can be changed according to taste and gusto. In particular, at the beginning of the day or during the rest of the day, we recommend consuming foods that contain caffeine. Before going to sleep, however, it should be stopped in good time. If you have spicy food, you should ensure that you drink enough fluids.