Of the Throat cancer is also called in medical terminology Pharyngeal cancer refers to and affects the pharynx. This is a malignant tumor, but in most cases it can be removed by surgery.
What is throat cancer?
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As Throat cancer are malignant tumors that can affect any part of the human throat. If the cancer affects the upper part of the throat, i.e. the nasopharynx, it is also known as nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
If the oral cavity is affected, one speaks of oropharyngeal carcinoma and cancer in the lower part of the throat is also called hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
The tumors all originate from the mucous membrane of the throat. Throat cancer is a rather rare cancer that usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 60. Men are affected more frequently than women.
The causes of the disease Throat cancer are still largely unexplored. However, it is believed that excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption can promote throat cancer.
In addition, poor nutrition can cause throat cancer, as can certain environmental factors. Experts also assume that the disease can also be hereditary. Certain viral infections are also known to cause throat cancer.
The first thing to be mentioned here is the human papilloma virus, which is also responsible for the development of cervical cancer.
Patients who frequently suffer from gastrointestinal disorders such as heartburn are also more susceptible to throat cancer.
Typical symptoms
- Swelling of the lymph nodes
- Sore throat
- hoarseness
- Shortness of breath
Diagnosis & course
Of the Throat cancer runs in many patients without clear symptoms. The cervical lymph nodes may be swollen, but this usually does not cause pain. These swollen lymph nodes are usually the first sign of throat cancer, but most patients go unnoticed.
If throat cancer affects the nasal cavity, nasal breathing can be impeded and nosebleeds are not uncommon in these patients. If the throat area is affected, a sore throat can occur. If swallowing and breathing disorders occur, the cancer has usually already metastasized and spread to neighboring organs.
The diagnosis of throat cancer is usually made with the help of endoscopy. During this examination, the attending physician takes tissue samples from the throat and examines them in the laboratory. Some of the tumors are already visible to the naked eye. In order to rule out metastases in the lungs, this is usually X-rayed.
The course of throat cancer can be fraught with complications. Problems with swallowing and breathing are not uncommon. This of course leads to problems with food intake and in some cases severely limits the patient's quality of life. Regular follow-up checks are particularly important for patients who have successfully overcome throat cancer. This is the only way to quickly determine if the cancer reappears.
Difficulty breathing and swallowing disorders can occur as serious complications in throat cancer. This results in problems with food intake and often leads to deficiency symptoms and dehydration. If the symptoms persist, the quality of life is also significantly reduced. Middle ear infections, headaches and nosebleeds can also occur.
If these complaints arise, the cancer has usually already metastasized in neighboring organs. In the further course there are usually further complications that require independent treatment. Chemotherapy is always a great burden for the body. Typically, side effects such as nausea, hair loss, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and anemia occur.
Blood coagulation disorders and organ disorders can also occur. In general, there is an increased risk of infections and secondary diseases. The same applies to radiation therapy, which is also associated with a very low risk of developing further cancer. During an operation, bleeding, secondary bleeding, infections and injuries to nerve cords and important organs can occur. After the procedure, wound healing disorders and inflammation in the area of the procedure can occur. If scars form, it can cause permanent problems with chewing and swallowing.
When should you go to the doctor?
In the event of general malaise, reduced physical performance or internal weakness, a doctor is required. If there is a gradual loss of wellbeing, weight loss or a feeling of illness over a long period of time, a doctor should be consulted. Hoarseness, impaired breathing, sore throat or swelling of the lymph are characteristic of throat cancer. If these symptoms occur, a doctor's visit is necessary.
Nosebleeds, swelling of the throat, discoloration of the skin of the throat or loss of appetite are cause for concern. If it comes to apathy, an undersupply of the organism or the taste perception changes, a doctor should be visited. Dehydration is a life-threatening condition. The person concerned needs adequate medical care as soon as possible. In severe cases, an ambulance service should be alerted.
Disturbances in the act of swallowing, a feeling of tightness in the throat or particular features of the voice should be clarified. In addition, special attention is required for complaints such as headaches, inflammatory diseases or pain perception in the ears or throat. A doctor should be consulted to investigate the cause. If there are irregularities in a chewing movement, swelling in the area of the jaw or neck and abnormalities in the back teeth, the observations should also be discussed with a doctor.
Treatment & Therapy
Treatment of Throat cancer usually depends on how far this has progressed. Basically, the primary goal will be to remove it during surgery. If this is not possible, radiation and / or chemotherapy can also be considered. Of course, the earlier treatment is started, the better the chances of recovery.
In the case of throat cancer in the larynx area in particular, treatment should primarily aim to maintain all important functions. Of course, this is especially true for maintaining the vote. Doctors now have a variety of surgical options available to preserve the larynx.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for smoking cessationprevention
As the main causes of the Throat cancer If you are familiar with alcohol and cigarettes, you should try to limit your intake of both stimulants or, if possible, give them up altogether. You don't have to do without coffee, because experts assume that regular coffee consumption can even lower the risk of throat cancer. In general, you should pay attention to a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be treated in good time, because they are also considered to be the trigger for throat cancer.
For throat cancer, regular follow-up examinations are required after the treatment is complete. The first step for the patient is to clarify which doctor will be the contact person for the follow-up period. Then an aftercare plan is individually planned and designed and depends on the extent of the illness.
The therapies are then so far completed and the patient is on the mend. The examinations are initially carried out closely. If there are no problems and there are no signs of relapse, the intervals can be gradually increased. Patients suffering from anxiety due to the disease and concerns about the recurrence of throat cancer receive psychological support as part of the follow-up care.
If necessary, it is also advisable to talk to other patients as part of a self-help group. At every follow-up examination, there is a detailed discussion between the patient and the doctor. It is therefore advisable that the patient make notes in advance for the previous period, which should be clarified in this conversation.
An examination of the mouth and throat was then carried out. In particular, the mouth, throat, larynx, nose, sinuses, ears, throat and the skin in the head and neck area are examined. Blood is drawn regularly. In addition, imaging tests may be performed to establish a diagnosis.
You can do that yourself
After a tumor in the throat (pharyngeal cancer) has been removed, the affected patient may experience various restrictions. Maybe he can no longer chew, swallow, taste or speak as usual. Its appearance may also be affected.
This massive change in life can hardly be coped with on its own, therefore accompanying psychotherapeutic treatment is advisable.Joining a self-help group can also help. In Germany, for example, there is a network for people with head, neck and mouth cancer (www.kopf-hals-mund-krebs.de), but the cancer information service also helps with addresses, information and links (www. krebsinformationsdienst.de). Most people with throat cancer have smoked or drank a lot of alcohol before. These risk factors should be avoided now at the latest.
In order to be able to recover physically from cancer and its treatments, those affected should eat a healthy and varied diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. It is also advisable to consume two to three liters of liquid, preferably tea or water. Coffee is also allowed, however, because the latest research suggests that coffee consumption tends to reduce the risk of developing throat cancer. Good oral hygiene is now also important: the teeth and the spaces between the teeth should be thoroughly brushed at least twice a day.