


We explain what a reserve is in its general sense and also what are nature reserves, a company and rights.

A reservation is something that is saved for someone or for a specific occasion.

What is a reservation?

In general, when we talk about a reservation we mean, in a way literal or figurative, to something that is kept or retained, as a measure of prevention in the face of a future need. In other words, what is saved today to be able to use it tomorrow, that is, something that is reserved for tomorrow.

It is a term that we have inherited from Latin (the verb I will reserve), composed by "re-”(“ Backwards ”) and I will serve ("To have" or "to keep"), and that it was used in the same sense.

What we normally call reservation, that is, what we keep or the very action of saving something, applies to a myriad of contexts and referents in a different way, which is why this word has very many meanings in the dictionary.

To cite just a few, we can speak of reserve as a synonym for restraint, caution, distrust or discretion, since in a figurative sense someone "keeps" a little of his enthusiasm or frankness because he fears being wrong or depositing it where it should not (for example: "Miguel signed the contract, but with many reservations").

The term reservation can also be used to refer to the action of saving a place, a quota or the right to use a thing for someone who will arrive later, such as someone who precisely reserves tickets for a theatrical function, or for the cinema.

In the same way, it is called a reserve to the military garrison that remains behind in a combat, in case they become needed, or in peacetime to the citizens who have already completed their military service and are doing civilian life, but in case of war they can be summoned to the front (they are called "reservists").

The same occurs with international reserves, which are the savings of a country in foreign currency, usually located in banks of great international prestige, and controlled by the banks central and other formal political institutions of the nation. The more savings of this type owns a country, the more solvent its economy, since instead of going into debt, you can have your money.

As you will see, there are many possible uses of the word, all related to what is saved for later.

Natural reserves

A nature reserve can protect local flora and fauna or unique geological features.

It is known as a natural reserve or ecological reserve to an area of ​​the territory of a country that is considered ecologically important and worth preserving, given its biotic wealth (in Flora and fauna wild) or unique geological features.

These spaces are state property and are normally used for economic purposes very different from the exploitation industrial: the education, the sightseeing or research, and they are a way of preventing human greed from destroying environmental beauty. For this reason, hunting, fishing, logging and construction are often prohibited at such sites.

The first nature reserve in history was a nature sanctuary in Sri Lanka, ordered by King Devanmpiya Tissa in the 3rd century BC. In the modern era, the first nature reserve was that of Drachenfels, a 312 meter high mountain near Bonn in Germany.

Reservations of a company

In the business field, reserves are understood to be the economic benefits that a company business reports and that it has not distributed among its partners and owners, but rather constitutes a remnant of its own funds to be disposed of. These reserves can be of very different types:

  • Legal reserves, those required by the law that every company withholds from its capital social, in order to meet eventual obligations in a responsible manner.
  • Voluntary reserves, when they are the result of a deliberate plan of the management of the company to accumulate undistributed business dividends, with which to reinvest in the company or face growth situations.
  • Special reserves, also governed by law, but managed in a specific way according to the case to which it refers: reserves for goodwill, for amortized capital, etc.

Reservation of rights

Finally, in the legal and legal sphere, we speak of reservation of rights to refer to a type of legal protection of intellectual property, which in many countries operates differently from traditional copyright.

When the phrase "all rights reserved" appears, it refers to the fact that the authors of a book, film, etc., have not renounced any type of domain or authorship over their piece, so the prohibitions must be fully respected reproduction, alteration, copying, etc.

In general, we must understand that a "reserved" right is one that you want to fully exercise, that is, that has not been assigned in any way or that is in the hands of those who exercise it.

For example, a "retention of title" is a pact between sellers and buyers that, included in the contracts of purchase-sale with deferred payment (that is, in which the seller does not receive the money automatically and immediately), in which it is made explicit that the seller still owns the domain of the negotiated good until finally receiving his money.

If this never happens, the seller can claim ownership of the negotiated good, and if it is fulfilled, the reservation of title will be rendered ineffective and may be destroyed.

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