In which Acid-base balance it is a matter of the body's own regulation. This ensures that the pH value in the blood remains constant.
What is the acid-base balance?
Due to the acid-base balance, the pH value in the blood is 7.4. Acids are balanced primarily through the buffer properties of various elements, such as blood, tissue, gas exchange and the work of the kidneys. Overall, the household can be controlled by emitting carbon dioxide. Without such self-regulation, there would be over- or under-acidification. In acute cases, serious complaints cannot be ruled out. Overacidification is also called acidosis, and underacidification is called alkalosis.
In case of doubt, the acid-base balance can be measured with the help of a blood count. There are various measures that can balance out an imbalance.
Function & task
The human body is dependent on energy. He needs them for each of his movements and for the work of all cells. Adequate food intake is important for organs and muscles to function properly.
With the help of the cellular metabolism, the energy that is found in all foods is used. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are particularly important. However, the body cannot process all elements. That is why metabolic end products are excreted in various ways, for example via the kidneys, skin or lungs. Most of these metabolic end products are acidic and must be neutralized before they can be eliminated. Otherwise, various symptoms can manifest themselves, such as pain and muscle cramps.
Overall, the organism has three control mechanisms to maintain the acid-base balance. Excess acid can be expelled from the body through the urine. The pH buffers in human blood help ensure that all processes remain intact in the event of unexpected fluctuations in the acid-base balance. Finally, breathing plays an important role. It significantly regulates the pH value as the carbon dioxide penetrates the organism through the gas exchange via the lungs.
The respiratory center is able to regularly check the pH of the blood and to change it by adjusting the speed and depth of the breaths. The more you breathe, the more the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood drops. The blood becomes basic.
Both acids and bases are found in the human organism. They differ mainly in their chemical components. While acids have more positive, free hydrogen ions, bases have negatively charged hydrogen and oxygen atoms. In order to determine the acid-base balance, the hydrogen ions present are examined.
Ultimately, acids develop whenever proteins are digested. Energy processes always lead to the release of carbon dioxide. A lack of exercise is responsible for the fact that the acids are not broken down, but get into the connective tissue. The acid-base balance is accordingly significantly influenced by diet and physical activity. If enough fruit and vegetables are consumed, acidification is unlikely. It is different when many animal products such as meat, milk and eggs are on the menu.
The acid-base balance prevents over-acidification. The mechanisms focus on regulating the pH value in the blood. If this deviates, organ damage can become noticeable.
Illnesses & ailments
Various complaints can result from over-acidification of the body. This includes gout, for example. Gout is a matter of uric acid crystals that have managed to become lodged in the joints. The joints become inflamed and cause pain. Gout is often referred to as an affluence disease. It arises due to a high consumption of animal proteins. The disease does not usually occur in vegetarians / vegans.
Acidification can lead to general symptoms that cause general malaise. These include, for example, muscle tension and back and neck pain. The symptoms arise from the accumulation of acids in the connective tissue. In this way, blood flow is reduced. If the acids are no longer able to infiltrate the connective tissue, joints are attacked.
Heartburn, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, sleep disorders and the feeling of constant exhaustion are also indications that can point to over-acidification of the body.
Overacidification can lead to osteoporosis as people get older. The acids increase the likelihood that minerals will be released from the bones. The fact that cells are active in building and breaking down depends largely on the pH value. Even a minor acidosis leads to an increased breakdown of bone density. Many other complaints arise from osteoporosis.
Overall, animal products favor acidification, which increases the risk of various diseases at the same time.Therefore, it makes sense to adapt the menu and switch to vegetable proteins. For example, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, still mineral water and herbs are considered base suppliers. You can avoid over-acidification. Meat, fish, quark and meat broth, on the other hand, cause an excess of acids.
In addition, the acid-base balance can be unbalanced by stress and lack of exercise. Stress puts the body on alert. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are released, heartbeat and blood pressure rise, breathing rate increases, while the depth of breath decreases. In this way, less oxygen gets into the organism. Because of the shallow breathing, the body can break down less carbon dioxide, which means that the carbonic acid remains in the blood. In addition, when the stress hormones are broken down, other acids are formed, which also have a negative effect on the acid-base balance.