This guide describes in brief how you can lose weight and lose weight and fat through exercise and exercise. Reaching and then maintaining the desired body weight is a problem for many. Much has already been reported about it and even more has been advertised. So far, however, no secret recipe has been discovered that conjures up the extra pounds.
Causes of Obesity
In some cases of fullness, the genetic make-up play a major role. Likewise, of course, there are people with good metabolism and with bad ones.
If the amount of food and its composition, the value of which was designated by calories, is only as large as the body consumes daily, then one is in equilibrium and constantly receives one's own weight.
But calories or not, if you add more to the body, especially fats, carbohydrates and alcohol (a schnapps has as many calories as a sandwich), the body stores the unused calories as a reserve in the body. These reserves can then be perceived as fat pads on the body.
This is particularly evident in areas that are least stressed by physical activity. In men, these fat reserves are primarily stored in the form of an abdominal belly, while in women the fat collects on the hips and thighs.
Ways to lose weight
If you notice a disproportion between body size, constitution and body weight, possibly with a poor proportional distribution, there are only two options for normalization in a natural and unhealthy way:
1. Consume more energy through physical activity than one takes in through eating, or
2. Consume fewer calories from food than you consume during the day.
Let us now consider the first option, as it is healthier. This form of losing weight is not easy and certainly not effortless. The best way to reduce body weight is through exercise. Many boxers will be able to confirm this, for whom short-term weight reduction is part of everyday life. However, taking a leisurely stroll does not cause a great deal of loss of energy. Fast hiking through nature, cycling, sporty swimming over a longer period of time and longer distances is recommended.
No significant weight loss is to be expected with indolence and idleness.
When bathing in summer, which is close to splashing in the water, you only use a few calories, as the buoyancy of the water cancels out most of your weight. The high water temperatures that are common today in swimming pools also reduce the consumption of calories by removing heat, which is much more effective with cold water.
On the other hand, jumping rope, jogging, cross-country skiing and intensive gymnastics promise good weight loss. Walking upstairs also has a very positive effect on weight loss. In principle, all dynamic exercises are advisable, but not pure strength exercises with expanders, weights and gym equipment, unless you also want to define your body.
Health-oriented strength training can be very useful and supportive. Pure bodybuilding only brings stronger muscles, which are usually not needed in everyday life, and then only increases the body weight uselessly.
Especially the muscle groups in the area where fat has accumulated should be trained here. This is because it is stimulated and processed by exercising the neighboring muscles and then finally disappears. However, this process can take a while.
Have patience in these efforts, check your weight regularly and measure the extent of the critical areas with the tape measure, which then objectively confirm the value of your performance. Pay attention to your diet and drinking. You will then be able to look forward to the real success of losing weight that steam bath, sauna and massages cannot bring you.