how to do a project?



We explain how to do a project and how to carry out business projects. Also, what are the elements of a project.

Projects usually have a social claim.

What is a project?

A project is carried out with the objective to present a Organization chart schematic about the resolution or treatment of certain relevant issues, for reasons considered by the author, before a body of authority, which may be a faculty, a municipality, a school, a ministry, etc.

The Projects They usually have a social claim, but this definition is very broad since it can be cultural, economic, environmental, about public space, House Rules, that is, on various specific issues in the social field.

Business projects

It is necessary to carry out a deep specification on the subject.

In cases where the project is carried out within the Business field, in general, it is used in order to convince a client or to the authority on the convenience of carrying out a certain plan of investment or purchase, etc.

Every project is a drafting which must specify the current characteristics, and mainly those that refer to the issue that is being analyzed and wants to be overcome, developed or perfected.

It is necessary here to carry out a deep specification on the subject, which distinguishes its functions, consequences and all its constituent parts. In addition, it must carry out a primary evaluation of the conditions in which it is presented and make it clear what the objectives are.

Elements that make up a project

As for the different elements that a project must have, we can distinguish:

  • Title. All projects must have a title that represents the topic at hand. This should be a heading located on the first page or title page of the same.
  • The index. It is a list organized according to the titles that appear in the chapters or according to their theme. Its purpose is to facilitate access to the main content. And it can also be located at the end of the project.
  • Introduction. It is a short presentation, of no more than one page, that details the main guidelines of the project. It is an introduction to the issues that will later be covered throughout the project. Sketches of the consequences or details of the causes of the problems treaties.
  • Rationale. It is an instance of specification of the contextual framework and foundations of the project. It helps to present what is the relevance of the project, its possible achievements, emphasizing the sustenance that make its realization significant.
  • Site and location. It is the determination of the physical space to which the project refers and where it will be carried out. Also, if possible at this stage of the project, the period that will include its completion can be indicated.
  • goals. It is the most complete and profound expression about the purpose of the project. What are their contributions, their relevance and their consequences. There are two types of objectives:
    • General. If they are aimed at a non-specific, generic, group of people, such as students, immigrants, residents, tenants, etc. They generally apply methodologies from quantitative research to extract from the total number the main features about social behavior and the objectives to be achieved.
    • Individuals. They pursue a specific purpose, they are characterized by being specific in terms of their claims. They mainly cover a short period of time and qualitative methodological techniques are used, such as personalized interviews, life history, observations, etc.
  • Evaluation and realization. It is the stage in which, based on the evaluation, survey and accountingFrom the available resources, we will go on to the data collection activity about the problem.
  • Presentation. It is the final drafting stage where a conclusion main of this stage. Where you specify what you want to find in the data, and what is your convenience.
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