social equality



We explain what social equality is, its characteristics and examples. In addition, gender equality and equal opportunities.

Generalized access to education is essential to achieve social equality.

What is social equality?

Social equality is a right that promotes the recognition of parity before the law, that is, the equal opportunities and before any personal condition for all individuals.

The concept "social" presents different conceptions according to the culture and the country. Beyond these differences, social equality pursues the concept of social justice which holds that all people should have the same political rights, civilians and access to social welfare (education, Health and work).

In 1948 the Universal Declaration of the Human rights of the United Nations (UN), which was developed by representatives of all regions of the world, as a common ideal for all peoples and nations.

It is a document that served as the basis for the creation of international conventions and pacts, even to be part of the constitution of several countries that aspire to achieve social equality.

Characteristics of social equality

Social equality as a concept of the right of all Humans, arises in the eighteenth century along with the values ​​of freedom and fraternity. The concept was transformed over time, along with the evolution of human mentality and culture.

Thus, the Declaration of Human Rights was constituted, the basis on which the democracy modern.

Social equality, such as LibertyIt is a human being's own right, although it does not mean that everyone should be the same but quite the opposite. Social equality states that the differences or characteristics that distinguish people from each other are not a reason for them to be deprived of their rights.

For this reason, political and legal equality is one of the core values to which social systems aspire today.

Examples of social equality

People with disabilities have the right to work commensurate with their abilities.

Some examples of social equality are:

  • Right to education. It corresponds to a fundamental right that is inextricably linked to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is the vital right for the economic development, social and cultural of all societies. However, it continues to be inaccessible to millions of children around the world.
  • The women's suffrage law. It corresponds to the recognition of the universal human right to vote, also for women. It is a right that accompanies the women's liberation movement (a process of struggle that continues even today) that supports the freedom of women and proclaims equality of economic and social status.
  • The abolition of slavery. Corresponds to the cancellation of laws, precepts and customs that violate ethical and moral principles, which reduce people to the condition of slaves. Despite the abolition of the slaveryCurrently, there are landowners who have slaves illegally, as in the case of Brazil, where in 2003 the government freed more than ten thousand slaves.
  • Rights for people with disabilities. It corresponds to equal opportunities and freedoms, without discriminating against people with disabilities. For example, the right to work according to their disability and to receive equal wages with other persons.
  • The freedom of expression. It corresponds to the right of all persons, groups Y organizations, to communicate and express themselves freely, not to be bothered by their opinions and to express themselves in all its forms and means of dissemination, as well as the widest and existence of media independent.
  • Access to the Justice. It corresponds to a basic principle of a democratic state, in which people can make their voices heard and go to court to demand that their rights be protected regardless of their economic, social, political, racial, sexual status, etc.
  • Right to health. It corresponds to the right to enjoy, without distinction of race, religion, ideology or social condition, of the highest level of health that allows each person to live with dignity. The right achieves the guarantee of full availability, access, quality and acceptability of facilities, goods, services and conditions.

Gender equality

Gender equality is a constitutional principle that implies that women and men should receive the same benefits, the same sentences and be treated with the same respect. In other words, all people (regardless of their sexual condition) have the same rights and duties in relation to the Condition and to society.

For the law to be effective, equality must translate into real and effective opportunities, such as going to school, accessing a job, accessing health and social security services, running for positions of popular representation, and participating in public affairs. of the communities, organizations and political parties.

Equality between genders it is a fundamental right, necessary to achieve a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. However, more than 100 countries still do not have laws that protect women from violence, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, among others.

In those countries, women do not enjoy the same rights as men, they have restrictions to access jobs and educational institutions, they cannot choose who to marry or file for divorce.

Equal opportunities

The equality of opportunities that allows us to achieve a fairer society is calculated using different statistical indicators, that is, tools that make it possible to demonstrate the extent to which women and men participate in the same situation.

Indicators can offer two types of answers:

  • Quantitative They are numerical results.
  • Qualitative. Is information that facilitates the understanding of the analyzed situation.

The systematic collection of data statistics on the discrimination and the lack of equal opportunities is decisive for them to become visible and, consequently, effective measures are taken to reverse them.

To carry out an analysis of statistical data, it is necessary to use a good indicator, which has to meet the following characteristics:

  • Accessible. The process of collecting and analysis of the information necessary to measure, it has to be technically possible, simple and that it does not imply too high a cost. For example, group interviews, questionnaires and surveys, direct observation, databases, etc.
  • Understandable. The definition of the indicator does not have to leave room for ambiguity, that is, it has to have a single and simple interpretation. An example of a comprehensible indicator could be: Is there equal pay for women and men, who occupy the same position? The answer would be YES or NO.
  • Consistent and specific. The indicator has to present a direct and specific relationship with the aspect that it intends to evaluate. For example, to find out the presence of women in hierarchical positions, the indicator could be: How many director positions are there in the company? Of the total number of people interviewed for these positions, how many were women?
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