


We explain what integrity is, the types and subtypes that exist. Also, examples of integrity and lack of integrity.

The integrity of a person is seen in his honesty and firmness.

What is integrity?

Integrity, a word derived from Latin integer which means "whole", does reference to the name given to an entity that is complete, that has all its parts intact, and that performs correctly.

This reaches the human quality, since integrity is the state of an individual who has total physical, mental and spiritual integrity when what he thinks, what he says and what he does have the same meaning and are coherent with each other. An individual is considered upright when he is honest, has firmness in his actions and acts correctly.

Integrity is understood as a basic right of all person and it must be guaranteed on a physical, mental and moral level. In other words, no one should be tortured or receive cruel or degrading treatment.

Even when an individual is deprived of his Liberty as a consequence of a crime before the law, you must be treated with I respect Y dignity. The right to humane treatment was enshrined in 1948 in the Universal Declaration of the Human rights.

Integrity types

The types of integrity can be:

  • Physical integrity. It has to do with the human body as a whole and the preservation of all parts, which leads to a state of Health.
  • Psychic integrity. It has to do with mental health and the preservation of all abilities motor, emotional and intellectual.
  • Moral integrity. It has to do with the right of each human being, to develop your life according to their convictions, as long as they do not harm others with their actions.

In turn, integrity is addressed by different disciplines which give rise to the following variants or subtypes:

  • Personal integrity. In the legal field, it refers to the totality of aptitudes that they have an individual and that they stand out as a person of integrity.
  • Data integrity. In the computer field, it refers to the manipulation and updating of information which is compiled in a database, by state or private entities.
  • Religious integrity In the field of faith, it refers to the fact that each doctrine has a series of rules and rules to follow. The person who adopts and fulfills the mandates of God is considered upright.
  • Work integrity. In the field of business refers to moral judgment, honesty and values ​​of leadership of an organization, both towards its employees and towards its customers and suppliers.

Examples of integrity

An entrepreneur with integrity respects the rights of his employees.

Some examples of integrity are:

  • A textile company that has personnel working in the manufacture of garments, generates transparency and honesty by hiring its employees under correct working conditions (8-hour days, living wages, etc.).
  • A person who recognizes his own mistakes and assumes the consequences of such facts to reverse them (either by a specific action or by a bad habit incorporated from childhood) performs an act of honesty.

Some examples of a lack of integrity are:

  • An instagramer or a youtuber have influence on a certain group of people because they generate credibility on a particular topic. When they act with a strategy of marketing behind, the influence is no longer honest or transparent.
  • A producer who sells his inputs cheaper than usual because they are very close to the expiration date but announces the sale as a special offer for a limited time, is a misleading promotion and is a dishonest act (because it does not state the real reason for the offer).
  • A means of communication that shares a News so little objective and it recounts the events in an altered or implausible way, in order to attract attention and sell more of its copies, it becomes a press considered "tabloid" and dishonest, which manipulates the news for its own convenience.
  • A person who expresses a complaint about the amount of garbage that abounds in the town, but that does not act from any aspect of their daily life to reduce, reuse or recycle his own residues, he is manifesting a dishonest act, where his thoughts are not congruent with his actions.

Related values

Integrity is a quality that is acquired through honesty and by doing the right thing in the face of various situations that arise during life. However, the sense of integrity varies according to the type of culture: there are different views in which what is right for some is wrong for others.

One of the main causes of loss of values (including integrity) is the lack of opportunity in today's societies. Therefore, one way to counteract dishonest behavior is to improve the quality of life of the persons.

Despite the different appreciations according to each culture, the concept of integrity has related values ​​that define it. Some of them are:

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