interpersonal intelligence



We explain what interpersonal intelligence is according to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, its characteristics and examples.

Interpersonal intelligence facilitates relationships with others.

What is interpersonal intelligence?

According to Theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983, personal intelligence is that which allows individuals to successfully manage their relationships with others. It involves quickly understanding their intentions, connecting with their desires, making distinctions and any other type of approach to social contact with other people.

Let us remember that Gardner's theory distinguishes between the different types of analytical capacity of the human being. It explains their ability to successfully and fluently face certain everyday situations, putting into practice a set of biological, cultural, historical and personal factors.

In this way, interpersonal intelligence is distinguished in its specific characteristics from other types of intelligence, such as linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, spatial or visual, musical, corporal-kinesthetic, naturalistic and intrapersonal. Thus, interpersonal intelligence occurs strongly in certain types of people, such as those we usually find in positions of leadership, on the politics, in the role of teachers, therapists or even religious figures.

Characteristics of interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence is not necessarily of a verbal type, that is, it does not always require the use of the word, although this is the instrument of communication most effective and usual of human beings. It is about a certain facility for understanding and understanding the inner world of others, which involves certain levels of empathy.

Recognizing other people's feelings, providing the appropriate response, leading groups or even discovering hidden intentions, are part of the capacities that this type of intelligence entails.

According to neurological studies on the matter, this type of intelligence resides in the frontal lobes of the brain. It often involves talents of our own species, which values ​​the cohesion of group, organization and solidarity, as a consequence of the need for group survival.

Individuals with this highly developed type of intelligence can guide others toward identifying and resolving their problems, as well as towards the efficient taking of decisions social.

Examples of interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence can be found in political leaders.

Good examples of this type of intelligence are:

  • The entrepreneurs, business leaders, and other individuals who inspire an array of workers to carry out an organized work together.
  • The leaders social workers, social workers, political actors and others capable of serving as representatives of the will of others.
  • Psychologists, therapeutic assistants, counselors, and individuals in positions that involve understanding the deep dilemmas of the other.

How to develop interpersonal intelligence

To improve this type of intelligence, different tips can be put into practice:

  • Learn to listen. Make aware of our attitude As we listen to another, it can shed light on how much attention we are paying to them and how much we can connect with what they are trying to express. Interruptions, withdrawals of attention, restless gestures ... are evidence that we are not paying attention but waiting for the turn to speak.
  • Putting yourself in "the shoes of others." Exercising empathy is a good way to improve interpersonal intelligence. Analyzing certain situations really assuming the perspective of the other, instead of going to the "should be", can help us to sensitize the gaze and connect with the emotions of the other.
  • Identify emotions. The work of identifying and understanding our own emotions and our reactions to them can shed light on the emotions of others. After all, our bodies are constantly communicating our inner world, and if we learn to read their signals, we can also read the signals of others.

Other types of intelligence

Other types of intelligence within the Multiple intelligence theory Gardner's are:

  • Linguistic intelligence. That which links individuals with the language verbal, and that facilitates the acquisition and practice of new languages.
  • Musical intelligence. That which links individuals with rhythmic patterns and with the music.
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence. That related to the management of formal languages ​​based on the logic and abstract reasoning, such as math.
  • Kinesthetic-body intelligence. That which has to do with the body and touch, with sensations and movement of the body.
  • Spatial intelligence. That which is related to spaces, that is, with the perception of the size, proportions and physical relationships of things.
  • Intrapersonal intelligence. That which, contrary to the previous one, allows the individual a deep understanding of his to be, his interiority and his own world.
  • Naturalistic intelligence. It is related to the ability to recognize, classify and use elements of the environment. People who develop this type of intelligence are often biologists, conservationists, gardeners, and farmers.
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