


We explain what anabolism is and its differences with catabolism. Also, importance, types of anabolism and examples.

Anabolism creates complex structures, like the fibers of the muscles.

What is anabolism?

Anabolism is the phase of metabolism in which complex biochemical structures are generated from simpler substances. In other words, it is reversed chemical energy of the organism to compose biomolecules complex from simple ones, using reducing power. Is a process opposite and complementary to catabolism.

The name of the term comes from the Greek ana ("up") and ballein ("throw"), since it implies the synthesis of compounds more complex from simpler ones, going "up" from the basic to the complicated. To be able to do this, however, it requires an addition of Energy additional (endergonic reactions).

Like catabolism, it occurs within the cells and is driven by the action of enzymes (protein catalysts).

Differences between anabolism and catabolism

Catabolism converts complex molecules into simpler molecules.

Catabolism and anabolism are complementary, although opposite, processes. While catabolism breaks down macromolecules in simpler forms by releasing the chemical energy contained in their chemical links, anabolism consumes that released energy to form new bonds and new molecules complex, going in the opposite direction.

Thus, one consumes energy and the other releases it; one goes from basic to complex and the other vice versa. When both catabolism and anabolism are in balance, the cell remains stable. But when it is necessary to grow or reproduce, they are dominated by the anabolism, to manufacture the additional biochemical pieces needed to increase in size or complexity.

Importance of anabolism

The growth of children is an example of anabolism.

Anabolism is a vital metabolic stage, not only to provide inputs to catabolism with the objective to break down and release chemical energy, but also to:

  • Energy storage in chemical links complex molecules (such as starch in plants, or glycogen and triglycerides from animals).
  • The elaboration of components of cells and tissues, thus allowing the increase of muscle mass and the growth of the organism.
  • The manufacture of new cells to replace old ones and replenish damaged tissues.

Autotrophic Anabolism

In beings autotrophs (those capable of synthesizing on their own the nutrients necessary to sustain their existence) anabolism, in general, involves the transit of inorganic molecules (such as Water, the carbon dioxide, etc.) towards more complex and useful organic molecules biochemistry. This process can occur in two different ways:

  • Photosynthesis. It is the metabolic process of plants and organisms endowed with chlorophyll, in which carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are consumed to compose starch (sugar) molecules. This process gets its necessary energy from the sunlight.
  • Chemosynthesis. This process occurs mainly in microscopic organisms such as bacteria and arches, in which habitat there is no usable sunlight, but there is another type of chemical substances in constant reaction, which are used to synthesize organic molecules from, for example, ammonia (NH3).

Heterotrophic anabolism

Heterotroph anabolism transforms organic matter into parts of cells.

In beings heterotrophs (that require consuming the organic material of others living beings to feed), anabolism differs from autotroph in that its simple compounds are organic in nature, that is, they are the result of digestion and decomposition of food. The energy required for this is obtained from ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) produced during catabolism.

Examples of anabolism

Anabolism can be exemplified in the growth phases of living beings: children who grow in weight and height, plants that put on new stems, animals that increase in size.

For an anabolic process to occur, new cells are required to make new tissue. This is obtained by increasing the amount of biochemical material and biochemical energy available to the body. In that case, the plants require sunlight, carbon dioxide in the air and water, while animals and Humans we need of food and oxygen.

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