human relations



We explain what human relationships are, their types, objectives and other characteristics. Also, human relationships at work.

Human relationships can be spontaneous interactions or permanent bonds.

What are human relationships?

Human relationships are the links that are generated between persons and they can be spontaneous interactions or permanent bonds. The various abilities interpersonal, such as communication verbal and non verbal, the empathy and the ability to listen to others determine the behaviors necessary to guarantee these human relationships.

It is inevitable to interact with other people and, if the individual does not adequately develop the different abilities To relate, he will have difficulties to function in his environment.

Humans are social beings by nature who need to live in community and relate to each other. Sometimes an individual can feel very lonely despite being surrounded by many people. On the contrary, a person can live alone and feel that his life is surrounded by company.

What determines that feeling is the type of relationship that an individual has with other people. The nature of the "social being" is linked to the relationships that it is capable of generating, it is not enough to live grouped in greater or lesser physical proximity.

Types of human relationships

Primary human relationships are based on affection.

Human relationships are divided into two large groups:

  • The primary relationships. They are the intimate or close bonds of the individual, in which there is no previous interest or need that has given rise to that relationship, but they are united by love, affection or appreciation for their human quality. For example, love relationships, family relationships, or friendships.
  • Secondary relationships. They are links in which affective emotions do not intervene, but are linked by a relationship of convenience or utility. For example, the relationship between a manager and an employee, a teacher and a student, a doctor and a patient.

Both types of relationships are necessary and complementary for the development of the individual's life in society. It can happen that both types of relationships exist simultaneously, for example, when a relationship begins as a secondary type and becomes primary (while still sharing the environment where the primary link develops).

Importance of human relationships

Human relationships are so important to the development of the life that can condition their own existence of the individual. For this reason, the quality of the links that are established is very important, and not just the quantity.

A person who surrounds himself with an environment of I respect, tolerance, honesty Y peace you will be able to develop better qualities of your personality that a person who surrounds himself with an aggressive environment, violence, lie and scandal.

Both the values as the skills that the individual can develop will help him to function according to the environment in which he finds himself. For example, in the workplace, specific skills such as stress management and problem solving are usually developed. conflicts, which make it possible to overcome moments of tension or crisis.

It is important to understand that human relationships are links that imply the presence or absence of values. Faced with any type of relationship and despite the differences, the individual will always be able to develop skills that will allow them to interact.

Goals of human relations

In human relationships there may be conflicts but it is possible to overcome them.

Human relationships are aimed at the development of the individual so that he can achieve a better quality of life in society. A good social environment is not one where there is no conflict but, despite the differences, the individual manages to function.

It is possible to overcome conflicts with the development of interpersonal skills that allow reaching a higher level of understanding and a sincere interest in other people.

Characteristics of human relationships

Human relationships are characterized by their complexity, which makes it necessary to analyze them from various fields of study. The basis of any human relationship is that the individual needs to socialize and belong to a circle that is healthy for him in order to maintain a physical and emotional balance.

However, depending on the environment (work, religious, family, etc.) the same individual can develop different interpersonal skills.

Social psychology studies the interrelation between the individual and the social, and how that interrelation is crossed by the history, the culture, the politics, the language and other aspects.

Is science analyzes individual and social behaviors, the formation of groups, mass phenomena and other contemporary problems. Study human relationships individually and in groups, and how those links impact on a broader level in the social relationships.

The sociology It also deals with the study of social human relations, only that it analyzes different types of environments as conditioning factors for human actions.

It studies the social and cultural structures in which individuals are educated and trained (such as the religion, the family, the division of social classes, cultural beliefs) to understand the different behaviors of the human being.

According to UNESCO, "There is no human being that does not contain at the same time a social element." The human being is an individual in society and his rights are determined based on the political relations of the individual and the society to which he belongs.

The rules that regulate the rights of the human being establish a type of relationship between the individual, the nation and the world community.

In the workplace, professional, personal, political relationships, among others, interact. Therefore, organizations they are increasingly dedicated to improving the working environment within them. This type of relationship should not be confused with the “public relations”, A term that corresponds to the communication carried out by an organization in front of society or the public.

Human relations at work

A stable and enjoyable work culture attracts better-qualified employees.

Human relationships at work correspond to the process of formation of the human Resources that attends to their needs, assists in conflict resolution and fosters a stable and pleasant work culture. Employees often work together on certain Projects, to communicate ideas or simply share the day to day work.

Those human relationships affect costs, the competitiveness and business sustainability. Therefore, they are an important part of the success of the organization. Also, when the work culture stable and enjoyable, the organization often retains and attracts better-qualified employees.

School of human relations

The school of human relations analyzes the behavior of the individual at work and establishes the importance of the social environment in which the work takes place. employee, as a determining factor of performance and productivity rather than just seeing it as an independent productive element.

The school of human relations is an administrative current created in the 1930s by the sociologist and psychologist Elton Mayo, whose ideas were opposed to the theories of classical administration (Henry Fayol) and scientific (Frederick W. Taylor).

Mayo argued that the administration should focus on human Resources and in the relationships that were generated between them, for which it was necessary to approach it from fields such as communication, management, the psychology and sociology.

The school of human relations analyzes issues such as:

  • The social integration of workers through communication.
  • The vision of organization as a group of valuable people.
  • The conditions of the work environment to maintain unity and avoid conflict.
  • The appreciation and recognition of employees, not only for the fulfillment of their tasks.
  • The emphasis on human relations between employees.
  • The autonomy of the worker that fosters trust in people.
  • Rotation of jobs in order to incentivize employees to incorporate new knowledge.
  • The non-economic incentive that impacts on any task that the worker can perform within the organization.
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