how to make a report?



We explain how to make a report and what its characteristics are. In addition, the parts of which it is composed and how it is classified.

A report can present relevant results or analysis.

What is a report?

The report is a text that can be written for scientific, technical or commercial purposes, with the objective to communicate relevant information to the body or persons in charge of directing and take decisions.

The report is mainly used to present results obtained, or analysis relevant, verified by the maker of said report. In addition, on occasion, it may contain proposed solutions to problems, the methods, stages and processes through which we have obtained the data to find that solution or recommendations to achieve it.

Characteristics of a report

A report is addressed to a person or a group with the obligation to evaluate it.

It is drawn up primarily to inform, so it should be written with a structure enunciative, and although it also composes data To transmit the results, the author produces an interpretation based on these that he details in the conclusion.

It is important that the author make a firm argumentative foundation that supports his conclusive statements and also his recommendations and that they are also demonstrated with the analysis of the statistical data presented.

The main characteristics of a report are:

  • It is the result of a request or request from a superior or client. It is aimed at a person or group of people who have the obligation to read and evaluate it.
  • It is carried out in order to be the specific basis that provides relevant information when making decisions.
  • They generally contain statistical tables, charts, graphs, and other forms for classifying, organizing, and presenting data.

Report types

There are mainly three types of reports:

  • Expository. It focuses on narrating the facts or sequence of events but without personal analysis or interpretation, therefore it does not contain conclusions. It also specializes in containing antecedents about the event, which contribute to understanding the reason for its event. Rather, it is an objective presentation of the facts.
  • Interpretative. Specialized in the analysis and interpretation of the facts. They are usually used to evaluate the implementation and results about implemented innovative techniques or procedures, serve to evaluate the viability of new implementations.
  • Demonstrative. Which predominates in the scientific field. Focuses on presenting thesis made by the author of the report. Each of the steps performed and the conclusions about the results obtained are described. They are made from a research exhaustive of the facts.

Parts of a report

In the development, the procedures to achieve the objectives are presented.

The general structure of the reports consists of three fundamental parts:

  • Introduction. It serves as a presentation and where the desired objectives for which the report is made are detailed.
  • Developing. The procedures and the methodology to achieve these objectives.
  • conclusion. The results obtained, the presentation of data and their link with the objectives are presented.

Stages of preparing a report

Different stages can be distinguished for the realization of the reports: The beginning is given with the determination of which is the information which is needed as the fundamental basis of the report.

Then, the definition of the different activities to be carried out is given, here the viable sources of information are determined, the evaluation of the material resources available and the management of the human Resources.

Third is the data collection stage and obtaining the necessary information. Fourth, the data analysis is carried out, its selection and discarding of data that do not serve the question, its organization and comparison. Its evaluation and verification continues.

In fifth place is the synthesis as a product of the analysis, here we seek to consolidate the results and integrate them according to the selected theme. At this stage, the different graphs that represent the results obtained are also made.

Finally, the organization and preparation of the written report is given, incorporating the elements that we consider pertinent for their demonstration.

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